DIS2018 - (other dis conferences)
16-20 April 2018
Kobe, Japan
published November 23, 2018
Entries on ADS

Welcome to DIS2018. This is the 26th in an annual series of International Workshops covering an eclectic mixture of material related to Quantum Chromodynamics and DIS as well as a general survey of the hottest current topics in high energy physics. Much of the program is devoted to the most recent results from experiments at BNL, CERN, DESY, FNAL, JLab, and KEK. Relevant theoretical advances are also covered in detail.

Editorial Board

  • Yuji Goto
  • Masahiro Kuze
    Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Itaru Nakagawa
  • Kiyoshi Tanida
    Japan Atomic Energy Agency J-PARC
  • Koji Terashi
  • Makoto Tomoto
    Nagoya University
  • Yuji Yamazaki
    Kobe University (JP)
conference main image
WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities
WG2: Small-x and Diffraction
WG3: Higgs and BSM Physics in Hadron Collisions
WG4: Hadronic and Electroweak Observables
WG5: Physics with Heavy Flavours
WG6: Spin and 3D structure
WG7: Future of DIS
WG1-WG5 Joint Session
WG1-WG6 Joint Session
WG3-WG5 Joint Session
WG4-WG5 Joint Session
WG6-WG7 Joint Session
Plenary Session
WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities
Determination of the strong coupling constant $\alpha_s(M_Z)$ in next-to-next-to-leading order QCD using H1 jet cross section measurements
R. Zlebcik
Impact of CMS measurements on Proton Structure and QCD parameters
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S.K. Pflitsch
Measurement of photon production cross sections with the ATLAS detector
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B. Lenzi
Studies of photon production in association with jets at the ATLAS detector
M. Stockton and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Differential measurements of the Drell-Yan cross-sections
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U. Blumenschein
Jet Correlation Measurements at ATLAS and the determination of the strong coupling constant
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M. Wobisch
Gluon shadowing and LHC heavy-flavour data
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A. Kagan
Strange and non-strange distributions from the collider data
S. Alekhin, J. Bluemlein, S. Kulagin, S.O. Moch and R. Petti
PDF Flavor Determination and the nCTEQ15 PDFs: W ± / Z vector boson production in heavy ion collisions
 The nCTEQ Collaboration, E. Godat, D.B. Clark, T.J. Hobbs, T. Jezo, J. Kent, C. Keppel, K. Kovarik, A. Kusina, F. Lyonnet, J.G. Morfin, F. Olness, J.F. Owens, I. Schienbein and J.Y. Yu
Charged Kaon multiplicities of Semi-inclusive DIS off the deuteron target
C.W. Kao, D.J. Yang and W.C. Chang
Determination of electroweak parameters using H1 inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering data
Z. Zhang and  on behalf of the H1 Collaboration
Hadronization in Semi-Inclusive DIS from CLAS at Jefferson Lab
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T. Mineeva
Determination and application of TMD parton densities using the Parton Branching method
A. Bermudez Martinez, P.L.S. Connor, F. Hautmann, H. Jung, A. Lelek, V. Radescu and R. Zlebcik
Impact of CMS 5.02 TeV dijet measurements on gluon PDFs– a preliminary view
K. Eskola, P. Paakkinen and H. Paukkunen
xFitter 2.0.0: Heavy quark matching scales: Unifying the FFNS and VFNS
 on behalf of the xFitter Team, V. Bertone, D. Britzger, S. Camarda, A. Cooper-Sarkar, A. Geiser, F. Giuli, A. Glazov, E. Godat, A. Kusina, A. Luszczak, F. Lyonnet, F. Olness, R. Placakyte, V. Radescu, I. Schienbein and O. Zenaiev
Impact of low-x resummation on QCD analysis of HERA data
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A. Glazov
W, Z and top production measurements at LHCb
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P. Robbe
K- over K+ multiplicity ratio for kaons produced in DIS with a large fraction of the virtual-photon energy
A.S. Nunes and  on behalf of the COMPASS Collaboration
TeV-PeV neutrino-nucleon cross section measurement with 5 years of IceCube data
Y. Xu and  on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration
QCD analysis of the ATLAS and CMS W and Z cross-section measurements and implications for the strange sea density
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K. Wichmann
MC tuning using the HHT PDF set with the low-x higer-twist term.
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K. Wichmann
An analysis of fragmentation functions of charged hadrons including proton-(anti)proton data from the Tevatron and the LHC
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V. Bertone
Progress on CTEQ-TEA PDFs
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T.J. Hou
PDFS ENSE : ∗ Mapping the sensitivity of hadronic experiments to nucleon structure
B.T. Wang, T.J. Hobbs, S. Doyle, J. Gao, T.J. Hou, P. Nadolsky and F. Olness
Progress on fast grid techniques for NNLO with APPLfast-NNLO
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C. Gwenlan
Universal fit of parton distributions and fragmentation functions
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N. Sato
Bayesian perspective on QCD global analysis
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N. Sato
ePump, the Error PDF Updating Method Package
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T.J. Hou
Ad Lucem: The photon in the MMHT PDFs
R. Nathvani, R. Thorne, L. Harland-Lang and A. Martin
MMHT Updates, LHC jets and α S
R. Thorne, L. Harland-Lang and A. Martin
Illuminating the photon content of the proton within a global PDF analysis
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N. Hartland
NNPDF3.1: Parton distributions from high-precision collider data
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N. Hartland
Measurements of Nucleon Structure via Proton-Induced Drell-Yan Process at FNAL SeaQuest
K. Nagai and  on behalf of the SeaQuest Collaboration
Towards the ${\mathrm{N^3LO}}$ evolution of parton distributions
T. Ueda
WG2: Small-x and Diffraction
Double parton scattering measurements at CMS Experiment
G. Veres and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Minimum Bias and UE measurements at CMS
G. Veres
Forward energy flow and jet measurements with CMS
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A. Geiser
Exclusive measurements with CMS
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M. Ruspa
QCD Monte-Carlo model tuning studies with CMS data at 13 TeV
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D. Dominguez Damiani
The CMS-TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer and first physics results
E. Robutti and  on behalf of the CMS and TOTEM collaborations
Exclusive vector meson photoproduction at Run 2 LHC energies: Color dipole predictions
V.P. Goncalves, M. Machado, B.D. Moreira, F.S. Navarra and G. Santos
Particle production at LHCb
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O. Steinkamp
Study of hard double parton scattering in four-jet events with the ATLAS detector
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M. Vetterli
Measurements of the underlying-event properties and hadron production with the ATLAS detector
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M. Campanelli
Status and Prospects of measurements of exclusive and diffractive processes with the ATLAS detector
A. Foster and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Exclusive Photoproduction of $2\pi^+2\pi^-$ Final State at HERA
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S. Schmitt
Dipion photoproduction and the $Q^2$ evolution of the shape of gold nuclei
S. Klein and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Multi particle production in proton-nucleus collisions
Y. Mulian
Energy dependence of exclusive J/Psi photoproduction in p-Pb interactions at ALICE
J.G. Contreras Nuno and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Measurement of the Total Cross-Section and the rho-Parameter at 13 TeV by TOTEM
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E. Robutti
Results for Heavy Flavor and Quarkonium production in high multiplicity p+p and p+A collisions in the CGC framework
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K. Watanabe
Pgg TMD splitting function in kT factorization
A. Kusina, M. Hentschinski, K. Kutak and M. Serino
Progress in higher order computations of prompt photon production in e + A DIS at small x
R. Venugopalan and K. Roy
Subnuclear fluctuations in vector meson photoproduction: a window to saturation
J.G. Contreras Nuno, J. Cepila, M. Krelina and J.D. Tapia Takaki
Forward di-jets in p+A collisions in the ITMD framework
M. Matas and C. Marquet
Electron-photon deep inelastic scattering at small x in holographic QCD
A. Watanabe and H.n. Li
Recent PHENIX results probing gluon dynamics in proton-proton and highly asymmetric nuclear collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 and 510 GeV
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J. Huang
Factorization of the soft gluon divergence from the dipole picture deep inelastic scattering cross sections at next-to-leading order
B. Ducloué, H. Hänninen, T. Lappi and Y. Zhu
NNLO QCD predictions for dijet production in diffractive DIS
R. Zlebcik, D. Britzger, J. Currie, T. Gehrmann, A. Huss and J. Niehues
Exploring gluon saturation with photons in high energy hadron-hadron collisions
S. Benic, K. Fukushima, O. Garcia Montero and R. Venugopalan
Bose Enhancement in the dilute-dense limit
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D. Wertepny
$\gamma \to \rho^0$ impact factor in QCD: light-cone sum rule calculation
K. Tanaka
WG3: Higgs and BSM Physics in Hadron Collisions
Double Higgs searches with Run 2 data at CMS
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G. Ortona
Measurements of Higgs differential cross-sections at CMS
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G. Ortona
Searches for ttH production at CMS
A.K. Nayak and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Searches for additional scalars at CMS with Run 2 data
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J. Brandstetter
Search for heavy resonances in diboson final states at CMS
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A. Santocchia
Search for heavy BSM particles coupling to third generation quarks at CMS
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D.R. Berry
Search for rare and exotic Higgs boson decays with CMS
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C.M. Kuo
Searches for strong production of supersymmetry at CMS
N.K. Rad and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Searches for supersymmetry in final states with photons at CMS
M. Bartók
Measurement of cross sections and properties of the Higgs boson in decays to bosons using the ATLAS detector
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M. Trovatelli
Measurements and searches of Higgs boson decays to two fermions
C. Schiavi and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Evidence for Higgs boson production in association with a ttbar pair
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A. Chomont
Searches for high-mass resonances
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F. De Almeida Dias
Searches for non-Standard Model decays of the Higgs boson
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X. Sun
Search for di-Higgs production
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Y. Fang
Inclusive searches for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector
M. LeBlanc and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Searches for direct pair production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector
J. Mitrevski and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric gauginos and sleptons with the ATLAS detector
J.M. Lorenz and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Searches for supersymmetry in resonance production, R-parity violating signatures and events with long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector
C. Sandoval and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Reconstruction techniques in supersymmetry searches in the ATLAS experiment
E. Gramstad and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Measurements of the Higgs properties with Run2 data in the bosonic channels
E. Gallo and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Standard Model Higgs boson decays into fermions
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Y. Wen
Dark Matter searches with the ATLAS Detector
W.C. Kalderon and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Searches for additional Higgs bosons in the MSSM
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A. Lopez Solis
The SHiP experiment at CERN
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M. Campanelli
Search for exotic particle at NA62
R. Lollini and  on behalf of the NA62 Collaboration
NLO matching for t ̄ t b ̄ b production with massive b -quarks
T. Jezo
Probing BSM physics with electron-proton colliders
D. Curtin, K. Deshpande, O. Fischer and J.F. Zurita
WG4: Hadronic and Electroweak Observables
Differential jet cross sections at the CMS experiment
A. Kaur and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Vector Boson production in association with jets at CMS
A. Grebenyuk and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Jet properties and correlations in multi-jet topologies in CMS
A. Bermudez Martinez and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Top modelling and tuning in CMS
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M. Seidel
Further studies of isolated photon production with a jet in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
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K. Wichmann
Measurement of the inclusive jet and dijet production with the ATLAS detector
Z. Hubacek
Muon identification and performance in the ATLAS experiment
S. Rettie and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Jet Substructure Measurements Sensitive to Soft QCD effects with the ATLAS Detector
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T. Farooque
Electroweak Precision Measurements with the ATLAS Detector
Z. Zhang and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Measurement of the diboson production cross section at 8TeV and 13TeV and limits on anomalous triple gauge couplings with the ATLAS detector
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B. Zhou
Vector boson scattering, triple gauge-boson final states and limits on anomalous quartic gauge couplings with the ATLAS detector
T. Nitta
Measurements of Vector boson fusion with the ATLAS detector
P. Calfayan and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Measurements of the production of jets in association with a W or Z boson with the ATLAS detector
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N. Kondrashova
Identification of boosted hadronically decaying particles with jet substructure in ATLAS Run-2
J. Veatch and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
ColoRea: Colour Rearrangement for Dipole Showers
J. Bellm
NNLO predictions for jets and V+jet at the LHC
C. James, G.D.R. Aude, G. Thomas, G. Nigel, A. Huss, J.R. Pires and W. Duncan
Study of $K^0_S$ pair production in single-tag two-photon collisions at Belle
S. Uehara and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Multiboson production at CMS
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A.M. Levin
$\alpha_s$ status and perspectives (2018)
D. d’Enterria
Threshold and jet radius joint resummation for single-inclusive jet production
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F. Ringer
Bottom quark mass effects on the ptZ spectrum and the W mass determination
A. Vicini
Resummation of transverse observables in hadronic collisions
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P.F. Monni
Simulations of photo-nuclear dijets with PYTHIA 8 and their sensitivity to nuclear PDFs
I. Helenius
Exploring improvements to the fitting of the strong coupling constant through means of jet substructure techniques
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V. Theeuwes
WW production at NNLO+PS
WG5: Physics with Heavy Flavours
Top quark pair and single top t-channel differential cross sections in CMS
Y.J. Roh and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Heavy quark mass effects in associated production
D. Napoletano
First measurements of top quark properties with Run-2 data in CMS
K.F. Chen
Rare top quark production in CMS: ttW, ttZ, ttgamma, tZ, tgamma, and tttt production
S.Y. Choi
Investigating the dominant regions of the phase space associated with $c\bar{c}$ production relevant for the prompt atmospheric neutrino flux
V.P. Goncalves, R. Maciula, R. Pasechnik and A. Szczurek
Heavy flavour spectroscopy and exotic states at LHCb
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L. Zhang
Top quark pair-production cross-section measurements with the ATLAS detector
P. Bartos and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Measurements of ttbar+X using the ATLAS detector
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H. Ahmed
Top quark pair property measurements using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
S. Kluth and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Measurements of the top quark mass using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
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M. Pinamonti
Single Top quark production cross section using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
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O. Estrada Pastor
Heavy quark spectroscopy and exotic states in ATLAS
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K. Toms
Quarkonium production in pp and p-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
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M. Gagliardi
Open heavy flavour production in pp and p-Pb collisions with ALICE
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M.J. Kweon
Global description of bottomonium suppression in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at LHC energies
E. Gonzalez Ferreiro
Exotic and conventional bottomonium studies at BELLE II
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U. Tamponi
Study of the exotic charmonium-like states from lattice QCD
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L. Liu
Large transverse momentum top production at NLO+NLL accuracy
M. Cacciari
Study of Charmed Baryons at Belle
M. Sumihama and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Study of Quarkonia and Quarkonium-like States at Belle
Study of radiative decays of the $\Upsilon(1S)$ and of three-body decays of the $J/\psi$
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P. Robbe
State of the art POWHEG generators for Top Mass Measurements at the LHC
T. Jezo and S. Ferrario Ravasio
Theoretical analysis of the double parton scattering in quarkonium production in proton-proton collision at LHC
N. Yamanaka, J.P. Lansberg, H.S. Shao and Y.J. Zhang
Precision calculations for top-quark pair production at the LHC
I. Tsinikos
WG6: Spin and 3D structure
Production of transversely polarized $\Lambda$ hyperon from unpolarized quark fragmentation in the diquark model
Y. Yang, W. Mao, Z. Lu and I. Schmidt
Probing the transverse single spin asymmetry in the inelastic $J/\Psi$ photoproduction at hadronic colliders
V.P. Goncalves
Generalized distribution amplitudes and gravitational form factors for pion
Q.T. Song
Longitudinal-transverse double-spin asymmetry with a $\cos\phi_S$ modulation in SIDIS
W. Mao, X. Wang and Z. Lu
Recent STAR Measurements to Constrain the Polarized Gluon Distribution Function of the Proton
A. Quintero and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Inclusive Jet Measurements in Longitudinally Polarized Proton-Proton Collisions at STAR
Z. Chang and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Recent Transverse Spin Measurements in pp Collisions with STAR
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C. Gagliardi
Transverse Spin Transfer of Lambda and Anti-Lambda in Polarized Proton-Proton Collisions at 200 GeV at STAR
Nucleon spin structure from lattice QCD
C. Alexandrou, M. Constantinou, K. Hadjiyiannakou, K. Jansen, C. Kallidonis, G. Koutsou and A. Vaquero
Accessing generalized TMDs through double Drell-Yan and double $\eta_c$ production processes
S. Bhattacharya, A. Metz, V. Kumar Ojha, J.Y. Tsai and J. Zhou
Accessing quark helicity in $e^+e^-$ and SIDIS via dihadron correlations.
H. Matevosyan
Dihadron correlations in polarized quark hadronization.
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H. Matevosyan
The complete twist-4 contributions to the SIDIS process $e^- N\to e^- q(jet) X$ at high energies
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Z.t. Liang
Transverse Single Spin Asymmetries of charged hadron from p+p and p+Au collisions in PHENIX
J. Bok and  On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
Study of fragmentation function at Belle
R. Seidl and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Next-to-Leading Order QCD Corrections to Inclusive Heavy-Flavor Production in Polarized Deep-Inelastic Scattering
F. Hekhorn and M. Stratmann
Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jets in $\surd$s = 510 polarized p+p
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M. Patel
Overview of GPD program from Jefferson Lab
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C. Hyde
Transversity in inclusive DIS and novel TMD sum rules
A. Accardi and A. Signori
Probing the gluon TMDs with quarkonia
J.P. Lansberg, C. Pisano, F. Scarpa and M. Schlegel
Semi-inclusive Kaon production at low scales
J.V. Guerrero
Small-x Contributions of the Quark and Gluon Helicity to the Proton Spin
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M. Sievert
Measurement of longitudinal and transverse target polarization dependent azimuthal asymmetries in muon-p SIDIS processes at COMPASS
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B. Parsamyan
Nucleon Tomography
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M. Burkardt
Suppression of gluon polarization in angular asymmetries
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Y. Zhou
Phenomenology with the PARTONS software of Generalized Parton Distribution models built from Light-Front Wave-functions
N. Chouika
Measurement of transverse-spin-dependent azimuthal asymmetries in Drell-Yan process at COMPASS
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M. Chiosso
Orbital angular momentum distributions at small-x
Y. Hatta
WG7: Future of DIS
Measuring the CKM matrix element ${\mathrm{V_{td}}}$ and ${\mathrm{V_{ts}}}$ at the electron proton colliders
Di-jets the Path to the (un)polarized Partonic Photon Structure at an EIC
X. Chu and E.C. Aschenauer
Overview of EIC physics goals
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J. Qiu
A Plan for Electron Ion Collider in China
X. Chen
Coherent vector meson production at an electron ion collider
M.R. Lomnitz
Status of the BELLE II experiment and early physics program
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T. Higuchi
A space-time analysis of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering on nuclei
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J.A. Lopez
QCD Jets in DIS
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F. Ringer
Geometry tagging for heavy ions at JLEIC
V. Morozov, A. Accardi, A. Sy, G.H. Wei, M.D. Baker, R. Dupre, M. Ehrhart, C. Fogler, C.E. Hyde, P. Nadel-Turonski, J. Stukes, T. Toll and L. Zheng
Status of JLEIC and its interaction region design
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V. Morozov
Future of 3D Imaging at Jefferson Lab
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S. Bueltmann
Medium-energy Nuclear Physics at RHIC with sPHENIX and an sPHENIX Forward Upgrade
I. Nakagawa and  on behalf of the sPHENIX Collaboration
TOPSiDE: Concept of an EIC Detector
J. Repond and  on behalf of the TOPSiDE concept group
Future of Nuclear parton densities
N. Armesto Perez
Nuclear medium studies using DIS experiments with CLAS/CLAS12 at JLab, present and future
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H. Hakobyan
Physics at the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC)
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P. Sopicki
Energy frontier DIS at CERN: the LHeC and the FCC-eh, PERLE
G. Arduini, O. Bruening, M. Klein,  on behalf of the LHeC/FCC-eh Study Group and  on behalf of the PERLE Collaboration
Electroweak physics at FCC-eh and LHeC
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M. Klein
The future DIS program in Jefferson Lab's Halls A and C
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A. Puckett
TOP Production at the electron proton colliders
H. Sun and  on behalf of the LHeC/FCC-eh Study Group
PDFs and alpha_s Measurements
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C. Gwenlan
Heavy flavor production and large-x nuclear gluons at EIC
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Y. Furletova
Next-generation neutron structure measurements with spectator tagging at EIC
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C. Hyde
BSM physics at the LHeC and the FCC-eh
J.F. Zurita, G. Azuelos, M. D’Onofrio and O. Fischer
Higgs physics at the LHeC and the FCC-eh
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U. Klein
Small-x physics and diffraction at the LHeC and the FCC-eh
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P.R. Newman
VHEeP: A very high energy electron--proton collider
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A.C. Caldwell
A Fixed-Target Program at the LHC (AFTER@LHC): where do we stand ?
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J.P. Lansberg
Polarized positron beam perspectives for DIS studies
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E. Voutier
eRHIC - an electron - Ion collider at BNL
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E.C. Aschenauer
Polarisation measurements for hadron beams in colliders.
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E.C. Aschenauer
A Summary of the EIC Detector R&D Program
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Y. Ilieva
Pion and Kaon Structure Functions at EIC
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R. Ent
COMPASS facility beyond 2020
B. Badelek and  on behalf of the COMPASS Collaboration
Particle Physics with DIS - on the European Particle Physics Strategy Update
A. Levy, C. Schwanenberger, N. Armesto Perez, A.C. Caldwell, D. d’Enterria, Y. Furletova, M. Klein, J. Qiu, B. Surrow and B.W. Xiao
Contributions, comments, and questions from audience
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A. Levy
The case for EIC
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B. Surrow
The case for LHeC
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M. Klein
The case for VHEep
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A.C. Caldwell
The case for FCC
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D. d’Enterria
QCD theory addressed in the above facilities
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J. Qiu
Heavy Ion Theory addressed in the above facilities
N. Armesto Perez
New QCD phenomenon in Spin and Saturation Physics at EIC
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A. Deshpande
WG1-WG5 Joint Session
Vector Boson production with heavy flavor quarks from CMS experiment at LHC
B. Bilin and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Heavy-flavour hadron production at LHCb
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P. Robbe
Combination and QCD analysis of beauty and charm production cross section measurements in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA
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A. Geiser
Massive charged-current DIS at NNLO and impact on strange-quark distributions
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J. Gao
PDF constraints from top-quark pair differential measurements
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J.E. Garcia Navarro
WG1-WG6 Joint Session
Recent STAR Results on the Measurement of the Unpolarized and Polarized Light Quark Flavor Structure of W-Boson Production at RHIC at BNL
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B. Surrow
W Measurement at PHENIX
C. Kim and  On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
First extraction of transversity from electron-proton and proton-proton data
M. Radici
Recent Spin Structure Function Measurements from CLAS at Jefferson Laboratory
R. Fersch and  On behalf of the CLAS Collaboration
Extraction of Transverse Momentum Distributions from semi-inclusive DIS and Drell-Yan data.
F. Delcarro, A. Bacchetta, M. Radici, C. Pisano and A. Signori
WG3-WG5 Joint Session
Search for new physics in CP violation with beauty and charm decays at LHCb
C. Dean and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
B-flavour anomalies in $b \to sll$ and $b \to cl\nu$ transitions at LHCb
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O. Steinkamp
Production and decay of HF in ATLAS
A.F. Campoverde Quezada and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Study of electroweak-penguin B decays and other rare B decays at Belle
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L. Santelj
WG4-WG5 Joint Session
Measurement of eta_c(1S), eta_c(2S) and non-resonant eta' pi+ pi- production via two-photon collisions
Q. Xu and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Recent QCD-related studies with the BaBar detector
L. Zani and  on behalf of the BABAR collaboration
K+ to pi+ nu nu first NA62 results
P. Massarotti and  on behalf of the NA62 Collaboration
Study of tau neutrino production property with measuring open-Charms at 400 GeV proton beam dump
O. Sato and  on behalf of the DsTau Collaboration
WG6-WG7 Joint Session
The STAR Cold QCD Physics Program after 2020
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E.C. Aschenauer
Measuring gluon Sivers function at a future Electron-Ion Collider
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L. Zheng
Study of Chiral Odd Generalized Parton Distributions at Jefferson Lab
The TMD Program at JLab
H. Gao, T. Liu and Z. Zhao
Plenary Session
New results on parton densities of nucleons and nuclei
S. Schmitt
New results on spin and 3D structure measurements
H. Gao, T. Liu and Z. Zhao
Studies on lepton-hadron interactions for precision neutrino physics
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Y. Hayato
Progress in QCD studies for high-sensitivity EW, Higgs and BSM measurements
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J. Kretzschmar
Collider studies on jet and heavy flavour properties
V. Candelise
Multi-leg Hadronic Final State: calculation and simulation
R. Frederix
Recent results on forward physics
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J. Nystrand
Experimental studies on fragmentation and exotic hadrons
K. Miyabayashi
Proton shape fluctuation and its relation to DIS
H. Mäntysaari
Lattice QCD and Hadron Structure
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Y. Aoki
High-energy DIS studies with nucleons
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U. Klein
High-energy DIS studies with nuclei
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T. Ullrich
Theoretical perspective for the future experiments on parton densities
S. Kumano
An ep/eA Experiment at the LHC
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M. Klein
Status of the EIC project
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B. Surrow
WG1 summary
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V. Bertone
WG2 summary
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A. Moraes
WG3 summary
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L. Carpenter
WG4 summary
WG5 summary
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M.A. Owen
WG6 summary
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Y. Hatta
Summary of Working Group 7: Future of DIS
C. Schwanenberger, Y. Furletova and B.W. Xiao
Concluding talk
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K. Tokushuku