INTEGRAL2016 - (other integral conferences)
10-14 October 2016
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
published August 23, 2017
Entries on ADS

SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research and the Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy of the University of Amsterdam have organised the 11th INTEGRAL Conference. The meeting focused on the astrophysics of highly energetic phenomena that are observed with INTEGRAL, taking into account advanced modelling and observational constraints from all wavelengths (and other cosmic messengers). The programme provided a broad perspective of the findings of INTEGRAL in synergy with other space observatories (XMM-Newton, Chandra, NuStar, Swift, ASTROSAT, Hitomi, Fermi, etc.) and ground-based facilities (LOFAR, H.E.S.S., Veritas, MAGIC, etc.). It addressed key open questions in the field and novel ideas to resolve them.

conference main image
Gamma-Ray Bursts
Gravitational wave detection and EM follow-up
V404 Cygni
X-ray binaries
Isolated neutron stars
Super-massive black holes in AGN
Nucleosynthesis and gamma-ray lines
Gamma-Ray Bursts
Searching the INTEGRAL WEAK alert population for Gamma-ray Bursts and other high energy transients
A. Higgins, R. Starling, D. Gotz and S. Mereghetti
Gravitational wave detection and EM follow-up
The astrophysics of LIGO gravitational-wave observations
Fast radio bursts: recent discoveries and future prospects
INTEGRAL @ INAF-IASF Milano: from Archives to Science
A. Paizis, M. Fiorini, P. Franzetti, S. Mereghetti, R. Regni Ponzeveroni, L. Sidoli and M. Gaber
V404 Cygni
V404 Cyg: an INTEGRAL and Swift X-ray view of an obscured microquasar
S.E. Motta, C. Sanchez-Fernandez and J. Kajava
INTEGRAL/IBIS observations of V404 Cygni polarimetric properties during its 2015 giant flares
P. Laurent, C. Gouiffes, J. Rodriguez and V. Chambouleyron
Soft gamma-ray emission from the V404 Cygni outburst observed with INTEGRAL/PICsIT
P. Lubinski, A. Bazzano, L. Natalucci, P. Ubertini, M. Sobolewska and P. Zycki
X-ray binaries
Low-luminosity stellar wind accretion onto neutron stars in HMXBs
K. Postnov, L. Oskinova and J.M. Torrejon
Isolated neutron stars
Gamma-ray pulsars with Fermi
D. Smith, L. Guillemot, M. Kerr, C. Ng and E. Barr
The state of magnetars
New hard X-rays and optical polarimetric observations of the Crab nebula and pulsar
C. Gouiffes, P. Laurent, A. Shearer, E. O'Connor and P. Moran
Super-massive black holes in AGN
Hard X-ray surveys and the local AGN population
Multiwavelength observations of blazars
The nature of the coronae of accreting black holes
A.M. Lohfink
Nucleosynthesis and gamma-ray lines
Insights on the physics of SNIa obtained from their gamma-ray emission
J. Isern, E. Bravo, P. Jean and J. Knödlseder
The synthesis of 44Ti and 56Ni as a function of the initial rotational velocity, metallicity and mass
A. Chieffi and M. Limongi
Positron annihilation in the Milky Way and beyond
Optical and X-ray activity of the Be/X-ray binary H 1145–619 detected with INTEGRAL
J. Alfonso-Garzon, J. Fabregat, C. Sanchez-Fernandez, P. Reig, J. Kajava, L. Townsend, J.M. Mas Hesse and P. Kretschmar
AGNJET v2.0: Towards self-consistent MHD+RT jet models for XRBs and AGN
C. Ceccobello, S. Markoff and R. Connors
The timing noise of Magnetars
D. Cerri, M.M. Serim, D. Yucalan, S. Sahiner, S.C. Inam and A. Baykal
Using a joint spectral fitting technique to explore the outflow geometry of GX 339-4 during the hard state
R. Connors, D. van Eijnatten, C. Ceccobello and S. Markoff
The 2016 Super Pressure Balloon flight of the Compton Spectrometer and Imager
C. Kierans, S. Boggs, J.L. Chiu, A. Lowell, C. Sleator, J. Tomsick, A. Zoglauer, M. Amman, H.K. Chang, C.H. Tseng, C.Y. Yang, C.H. Lin, P. Jean and P. von Ballmoos
EXO 2030+375 Restarts in Reverse
P. Kretschmar, F. Fuerst, C.A. Wilson-Hodge, P. Blay, J. Kajava, J. Alfonso-Garzón, M. Kühnel, I. Kreykenbohm, J. Wilms, P.A. Jenke and K. Pottschmidt
NuSTAR observation of the Arches cluster: X-ray spectrum extraction from a 2D image
R. Krivonos
Laue-telescope construction - a new approach
Time resolved X-ray spectroscopy of V404 Cyg during the June 2015 outburst
C. Sanchez-Fernandez, J. Kajava, S. Motta and E. Kuulkers
Episodic Torque-Luminosity Correlations and Anticorrelations of GX 1+4
M.M. Serim, S. Sahiner, D. Cerri Serim, S.C. Inam and A. Baykal
Benchmarking COSI's detector effects engine
C. Sleator, S. Boggs, J.L. Chiu, C. Kierans, A. Lowell, J. Tomsick, A. Zoglauer, M. Amman, H.K. Chang, C.H. Tseng, C.Y. Yang, C.H. Lin, P. Jean and P. vonBallmoos
Chandra spectroscopy of Rapid Burster type-I X-ray bursts
J. in 't Zand, T. Bagnoli, C. D'Angelo, A. Patruno, D.K. Galloway, A.L. Watts, H.L. Marshall and M.B.M.V. der Klis