Gregorio Bernardi (LPNHE-Paris CNRS/IN2P3),
Guenakh Mitselmakher (University of Florida (US)),
Leif Lönnblad (Lund University (SE)),
Torsten Akesson (Lund University (SE))
Editorial Board
Johan Bijnens (Lund University)
Andreas Hoecker (CERN)
Jim Olsen (Princeton University)
Plenary I: Opening session |
Introduction to the conference
LHC: status, prospects and future challenges
Status and recent highlights from ATLAS
Status and recent highlights from LHCb
Status and recent highlights from CMS
Status and recent highlights from ALICE
Status and developments of event generators
Plenary II: Higgs physics in the Standard Model and beyond |
Theory overview of SM and BSM Higgs Physics
Higgs boson results from the LHC Run-2
Higgs boson results from the LHC Run-1
Beyond the SM Higgs searches
Plenary III: QCD physics at hadron colliders |
Theory overview of QCD physics at hadron colliders
Soft QCD physics in pp collisions at the LHC
Jet and photon physics in pp collisions at the LHC
Vector boson (plus jets) physics in pp collisions at the LHC
Plenary IV: Physics of Heavy Ion collision |
Theory overview of Heavy Ion collisions
Soft probes in heavy ion collisions
Hard probes in heavy ion collisions
Results from proton–lead collisions
Plenary V: Electroweak physics at hadron colliders |
Theory overview of electroweak physics at hadron colliders
Precision electroweak physics at hadron colliders
Diboson production at the LHC
Multi-boson production, vector boson fusion & scattering processes at the LHC
Plenary VI: Searches for Supersymmetry |
Theory overview of searches for Supersymmetry
Inclusive searches for gluinos and squarks at the LHC
SUSY searches in lepton and photon final states at the LHC
Third generation SUSY searches at the LHC
Plenary VII: New Exotic phenomena and Dark Matter searches |
Theory overview of new phenomena (non-SUSY)
Search for Dark Matter in X+MET signatures at the LHC
Search for new physics in fermionic final states at the LHC
Search for new physics in bosonic final states at the LHC
Plenary VIII: Heavy Flavour physics |
Theory overview of heavy flavour physics
Heavy flavour production and spectroscopy at the LHC
CP violation, mixing and semileptonic decays in beauty and charm at the LHC
Rare decays of flavoured mesons at the LHC
Plenary IX: Top Quark physics |
Theory overview of top physics
Top-quark production at hadron colliders
Top-quark properties
Single top production and properties at hadron colliders
Plenary X: Upgrade plans and future colliders |
ALICE upgrade plans & potential
LHCb upgrade plans & potential
ATLAS upgrade plans & potential
CMS upgrade plans & potential
Plenary XI: Closing session |
CERN, status and outlook
What do we know from astronomy about Dark Matter in the Universe?
Experimental summary
Theory vision
Parallel: Electroweak physics at hadron colliders. Conveners: A. Glazov, J. Lindert, K. Mueller, K. Theofilatos |
Diboson and multiboson results with ATLAS
Diboson and multiboson results with CMS
Fully-differential NNLO predictions for vector-boson pair production with MATRIX
Vector boson scattering and fusion results from ATLAS and CMS
Effective Field Theory and Unitarity in Vector Boson Scattering
Challenges in or results from $W$ mass measurements with ATLAS and CMS
Drell-Yan production at NNLO+NNLL order
Vector Boson studies in LHCb (including AFB results from all experiments)
Vector Boson studies with ATLAS
Vector Boson studies with CMS
NLO QCD+EW for V+jets
Parallel: Heavy Flavour physics. Conveners: P. Gambino, V. Gligorov, N. Leonardo, F. Prino |
Production of open heavy flavours and quarkonia in pp collisions with ALICE
Heavy Flavour production results with ATLAS at $\sqrt{s} = 7,8$ and 13 TeV
HF production results at 13 TeV with CMS
New results in semileptonic beauty decays with LHCb
New results in LU/LFV tests with LHCb
New physics facing LFU and LFV tests in B physics
HF Production results at 13 TeV with LHCb
New results in beauty and charm spectroscopy with LHCb
HF spectroscopy and exotica with ATLAS
Heavy Flavour spectroscopy and exotica with CMS
Interpretation of recent results on spectroscopy
Heavy flavour decay properties with ATLAS
HF decay properties with CMS
Predictions for $B\to K^* l^+l^-$: problems and prospects
CPV in beauty decays with LHCb
CPV in charm decays with LHCb
Test of the Standard Model and Search for New Physics Using Unitarity Triangle Fits
Parallel: Higgs physics in the Standard Model and beyond. Conveners: C. Gwilliam, A. David, M. Zaro |
Matching uncertainties in the prediction of the Higgs boson transverse momentum in the SM and beyond
13 TeV non-BSM Higgs results from ATLAS
13 TeV non-BSM Higgs results from CMS
Charged Higgs bosons in the extended supersymmetric scenario at the LHC
BSM H125 decays, NMSSM from ATLAS and CMS
ATLAS High-mass MSSM $H/A\to\tau\tau$ search
Associated top-quark pair and Higgs boson production at CMS with 13 TeV data
Soft gluon resummation at fixed invariant mass for associated $t\bar{t}H$ production at the LHC
Charged Higgs searches from ATLAS and CMS
High Mass neutral / MSSM Higgs searches from ATLAS
High Mass neutral / MSSM Higgs searches from CMS
Heavy Higgs boson resonances and their decay into top quarks at the LHC
Parallel: LHC experiments: performance and potential. Conveners: M. Bachtis, S. Pagan Griso, B. Storaci, C. Zampolli |
Luminosity calibration and measurement at the LHC
Jet reconstruction and substructure measurements in ATLAS and CMS with first Run-2 data
Performance of tracking and b-tagging in ATLAS and CMS with first Run-2 data
The ALICE data-flow: from calibration, to QA, through reconstruction
Milano-Bicocca (IT)
Parallel: New Exotic phenomena and Dark Matter searches. Conveners: P. Azzi, F. Dettori, Y. Hochberg, K. Terashi |
Searches for diboson resonances with ATLAS (VV, VH and HH, excl. diphoton resonance)
Searches for diboson resonances with CMS (VV, VH and HH, excl. diphoton resonance)
Diphoton resonance search with ATLAS
Diphoton resonance search with CMS
Possible di-photon signals, a theorist view
First results from the MoEDAL experiment
Searches for vector-like quarks with ATLAS and CMS
Searches for heavy resonances with ATLAS (ll,jj,bb,tt, tb, LQ, ...)
Searches for Heavy Resonances with CMS
Searches for heavy neutrinos, LFV
Searches for long-lived heavy particles, HSCP, monopoles (ATLAS+CMS)
Displaced signatures and new techniques
Searches for dark matter production with ATLAS (MET+X)
Searches for dark matter production with CMS (MET+X)
Searches for exotic new physics with LHCb
Semi-visible topologies at the LHC
Parallel: Outreach. Conveners: K. Shaw, A. Alexopoulos |
Outreach in the International Context
Worldwide Outreach
ATLAS and CMS Data Release & Tools
LHC Masterclasses. Bringing Particle Physics into the Classroom: Present and Future
LHC Experiments Communication & Engagement with New Audiences
STEAM: Education and Communication with Art at ATLAS and CMS
Parallel: Physics of Heavy Ion collisions. Conveners: A. Angerami, C. Loizides, K. Tywoniuk |
Theory of pp/pA/small systems
New results related to QGP in small systems with ALICE
New results related to QGP in small systems with ATLAS
New results related to QGP in small systems with CMS
nCTEQ15 nuclear parton distributions with uncertainties
New results related to soft probes in PbPb at 5 TeV with ALICE
New results related to soft probes in PbPb at 5 TeV with ATLAS
New results related to soft probes in PbPb at 5 TeV with CMS
First LHCb Results from pA and PbPb collisions
Theory of hard probes in PbPb collisions
New results related to hard probes in PbPb at 5 TeV with ALICE
New results related to hard probes in PbPb at 5 TeV with ATLAS
New results related to hard probes in PbPb at 5 TeV with CMS
Parallel: QCD physics at hadron colliders. Conveners: S. Alioli, A. Tricoli, R. Ulrich |
Developments in QCD High Order calculations
Measurements of vector boson with associated jet production and ratios with ATLAS
Measurements of vector boson with associated jet production and ratios with CMS
Monte Carlo developments and data comparison
Measurements of particle production, underlying event and double parton Interactions at the LHC
Impact of LHC measurements on parton density functions
QCD Results from LHCb
Measurements of pp cross sections and properties of diffractive and forward physics
QCD results from Tevatron
Developments in jet algorithms and substructure techniques
Measurements of photon and jet production properties with ATLAS
Measurements of photon and jet production properties with CMS
Anomalous couplings in WZ production beyond NLO QCD
An NLO+PS generator for top pair production and decay inclyuding non-resonant and interference effects
Parallel: Searches for Supersymmetry. Conveners: T. Lari, F. Moortgat, C. Petersson |
SModelS: A tool for interpreting simplified-model results from the LHC
Squark/gluino searches in hadronic channels with ATLAS
Squark/gluino searches in hadronic channels with CMS
pMSSM studies with ATLAS and CMS
Status of R-parity violating supersymmetry
Squark/gluino in leptonic channels with ATLAS
Squark/gluino searches in leptonic channels with the CMS experiment
Searches for Long-lived particles + RPV with ATLAS and CMS
Baryon number violation in supersymmetry: Neutron-antineutron oscillations as a probe beyond the LHC
Third generation SUSY searches in ATLAS
Third generation SUSY searches in CMS
Compressed and Stealth SUSY searches with ATLAS and CMS
Parallel: Top Quark physics. Conveners: M. Costa Mezquita, A. Giammanco, M. Worek |
Calibration of the top-quark Monte-Carlo mass
Top-quark mass at Tevatron and LHC
Top quark properties from top decays, including W-helicity, FCNC, Rb
Top quark pair production in association with a jet with NLO QCD off-shell effects
Top quark pair cross section measurements in ATLAS
Top quark pair cross section measurements in CMS
Study of additional radiation in top quark pair events including top-pair + jets, b-jets, gap fractions
Spin Polarisation of ttbar + gamma gamma production at NLO+PS
Top quark pair production in association with bosons ttV (V=W,Z,photon)
Top quark pair charge asymmetry and spin correlation measurements
HATHOR for single top-quark production: Updated predictions and uncertainty estimates for single top-quark production in hadronic collisions
Single top cross section and properties measurements in ATLAS
Single top cross section and properties measurements in CMS
Parallel: Upgrade plans and future colliders. Conveners: H. Abramowicz, A. Dainese, K. Einsweiler, M. Klute, G. Passaleva |
Overview of future lepton collider plans
Overview of future pp collider plans
SM and Higgs at future machines (ee and pp)
BSM physics at future machines (mainly pp)
HL-LHC machine
SM and Higgs at HL-LHC
SUSY and BSM physics prospects at the high-luminosity LHC
Flavour at HL-LHC
Heavy ions at HL-LHC
Poster: Heavy Flavour physics |
The energy dependence of the tetraquark production cross section
Heavy Flavor Production at 13TeV
Flavour tagging algorithms and performance at the ATLAS experiment
ATLAS b-tagging efficiency measurements using top-pair events
Poster: Higgs physics in the Standard Model and beyond |
Boosting Higgs Pair Production in the bbbb Final State with Multivariate Techniques
Gauge Coupling Unification in Radiative Neutrino Mass Models
Studies of Higgs boson production in the four-lepton final state at sqrt(s)=13TeV
Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in vector boson fusion and decaying to bottom quarks using the Run1 and 2015 Run2 data samples
Measurement of the transverse momentum spectrum of the Higgs boson decaying into WW at 8 TeV with the CMS detector
Search for a high-mass neutral Higgs boson using the CMS Detector
Search for ttH production in the $H\to$ Multilepton decay channels with $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV pp collisions at the CMS experiment
Search for Neutral Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model Higgs Bosons H/A $\to\tau\tau$ produced in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector
Study of the di-lepton final state with missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector
Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson decaying into $b\bar b$̄ produced in association with top quarks decaying hadronically in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV with the ATLAS detector
Poster: Upgrade plans and future colliders |
Design and Performance Tests of a Prototype Micromegas Chamber for High Rate Environments in the Forward Region of LHC Detectors
Phase1 upgrade of the CMS-HF Calorimeter
Poster: LHC experiments upgrade |
Measurements of very forward particles production spectra at LHC: the LHCf experiment
The alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector in Run-2
ATLAS LAr Calorimeter Performance in Run 1 and Run 2
Design of the ATLAS New Small Wheel Gas Distribution System for the Micromegas Detector Modules
A “system on chip” (SOC) front end ASIC for the ATLAS New Small Wheels (NSW) and future upgrades
Physics performances with the new ATLAS Level-1 Topological trigger in Run 2
Triggering on Hadronic Signatures with the ATLAS Detector
ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition Upgrades for High Luminosity LHC
The design of a fast Level-1 track trigger for the High Luminosity Upgrade of ATLAS
Performance of the ATLAS hadronic Tile calorimeter
Upgrade of the ATLAS hadronic Tile calorimeter for the High luminosity LHC
Performance of Missing Energy Reconstruction at the CMS detector with 2016 data
The High Level Trigger of the CMS experiment
The CMS Calorimeter Trigger for the LHC Run II
Rate capabilities and longevity of CMS Cathode Strip Chambers
New particle-flow based reconstruction of hadronic tau decays with the ATLAS experiment
Reconstruction and identification of hadronically decaying tau leptons with the ATLAS experiment
High-pT Jet Energy Scale Uncertainty from single hadron response with the ATLAS detector
Robustness of the ATLAS pixel clustering neural network algorithm
The Timepix3 Telescope and LHCb Upgrade R&D measurements
Poster: New Exotic phenomena and Dark Matter searches |
Electroweak top-quark pair production at the LHC with Z' bosons to NLO QCD in POWHEG
First results on Vector Bilepton production based on LHC data and predictions for Run II
Search for dark matter with jets and missing transverse energy at 13 TeV
Search for heavy resonances in the dilepton final state with the CMS detector
Search for new physics with high-mass $\tau$-lepton pairs in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the CMS detector
Mass Reconstruction for High Multiplicity Final States Using the Boundary of Phase Space
Search for $t \bar{t}$ Resonances at CMS
Search for scalar leptoquarks at $\sqrt s=13$ TeV with ATLAS
Search for exotic production of top quarks decaying into same-sign leptons
Searches for hadronically decaying Dark Matter mediator particles at ATLAS
Searches for heavy diboson resonances at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector
Search for long-lived neutral particles decaying into lepton-jets with the ATLAS Detector
Radiative origin of the Standard Model from trinification
Poster: Physics of Heavy Ion collisions |
Drell-Yan process at the LHC in p+Pb collisions
Poster: QCD physics at hadron colliders |
Vector Meson Production in Photon - induced Interactions at the LHC
Measurements of Zgamma and Zgammagamma production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=8TeV with the ATLAS detector
Poster: Searches for Supersymmetry |
SUSY searches in events with two opposite-sign same-flavor leptons, jets and MET with the CMS detector
Search for electroweak production of charginos in final states with two tau leptons in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV
A search for supersymmetry in events containing a leptonically decaying Z boson, jets and missing transverse momentum in $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Search for metastable heavy charged particles with large ionization energy loss in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Search for top squarks in final states with one isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum in sqrt s=13 TeV pp collisions using 3.2 fb$^{-1}$ of ATLAS data
A search for R-parity violating decays of the top squark in four jet final states with the ATLAS experiment at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
ATLAS searches for squarks and gluinos using leptons or multiple b-jets with 3.2 fb-1 of pp collisions at 13 TeV
Poster: Top Quark physics |
Measurement of ttZ and ttW production at ATLAS in 13 TeV data, using trilepton and same charge dimuon final states
Measurement of the ttZ cross section in the four lepton channel at 13 TeV with ATLAS
Using asymmetry observables to discover and distinguish Z' signals in top pair production with the lepton-plus-jets final state at the LHC