Sessions |
Plenary 1 |
Plenary 2 |
Parallel A1 |
Parallel B1 |
Parallel A2 |
Parallel B2 |
Plenary 3 |
Parallel A3 |
Parallel B3 |
Parallel A4 |
Parallel B4 |
Plenary 4 |
Plenary 1 |
NLO Standard model effective field theory for Higgs and EW precision data
Integrand reduction beyond one-loop calculations
Algorithms to solve coupled differential systems in terms of power series
Non-planar integrands for two-loop QCD amplitudes
Adaptive Integrand Decomposition
Multijet merging for vector boson plus jets production including electroweak corrections
Plenary 2 |
Four-loop corrections to the MSbar-OS quark mass relation and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
Multiloop Renormalization Group: new results
Computation of Heavy Quarkonium Spectrum in Perturbative QCD
Higher-order corrections in non-minimal supersymmetric models
Precision calculations for extended Higgs sectors with and without supersymmetry
SUSY Higgs-mass predictions: full model vs. effective field theory approach
Parallel A1 |
Divector Boson Production with Jets at the LHC. Updates from the BlackHat LIbrary
N(N)LO event files: applications and prospects
Electroweak corrections to gauge-boson pair production processes at the LHC including leptonic W/Z decays
New simpler methods of matching NLO corrections with parton shower Monte Carlo
Jet cross sections with CoLoRFul NNLO
Towards a numerical unitarity approach for two-loop amplitudes in QCD
Parallel B1 |
Evaluating multi-loop Feynman integrals using differential equations: automatizing the transformation to a canonical basis
Integration-by-parts reductions from unitarity cuts and algebraic geometry
Fuchsia and master integrals for splitting functions from differential equations in QCD
Progress in off-shell amplitudes
Differential equations and dispersion relations for the sunrise amplitudes
The sunrise integral and elliptic polylogarithms
Numerical integration of massive two-loop Mellin-Barnes integrals in Minkowskian regions
From elliptic iterated integrals to elliptic multiple zeta values
Parallel A2 |
Analytic Results for Higgs Production in Gluon Fusion at NNNLO
NLO corrections to Higgs boson pair production in gluon fusion
Top quark mass effects in Higgs boson pair production up to NNLO
Two-Loop integrals for precision Higgs boson phenomenology
Pseudo-scalar Higgs form factor at 3 loops and QCD N3LO threshold corrections to its production at the LHC
The Higgs boson at high pT: Finite top-mass improved results
Parallel B2 |
Cutkosky Rules from Outer Space
A planar four-loop form factor in QCD
Applications of the loop-tree duality
Renormalization group functions of $\phi^4$ theory in the MS-scheme to six loops
On a four loop form factor in N=4
On the evaluation and reduction of generalized polylogarithms
Plenary 3 |
PDFs, $\alpha_s$, and quark masses from the global fits
Differential distributions for top-quark pair production at NNLO
NLO QCD corrections to off-shell ttj production at the LHC
Parallel A3 |
$\alpha_s$ from the total cross section of electron-positron annihilation into hadrons
Light quark mass effects in Higgs boson production in gluon fusion
Electroweak corrections to top pair production near threshold
The pentabox master integrals with the simplified differential equations approach
Two-loop five-point integrals in massless QCD
Leading and next-to-leading large-$n_f$ terms in the cusp anomalous dimension and quark-antiquark potential
Gluon form factor decompositions from the worldline formalism
Parallel B3 |
Charm hadroproduction in the atmosphere, QCD and neutrino astronomy
Precision Measurement of $\sin^2 \theta_w$ at MESA
HERWIRI2.1: Electroweak Corrections for Hadron Scattering
Beta-functions in higher dimensional field theories
Conformal transformations of leading twist operators in QCD: nonsinglet operators
Calculation of 3-loop operator matrix elements with two masses
Summing logarithms and factorization for massive quark initiated jets and the Pythia top quark mass
Parallel A4 |
Completely local fully differential subtractions at NNLO
NNLO dijet production in DIS with the antenna subtraction method
Z+jet production at NNLO
Long-distance singularities in multi-leg scattering amplitudes
Parallel B4 |
Binomial Sums in the package HarmonicSums
FormCalc 9 and Extensions
Automation of 2-loop amplitude calculations
First Forcer results on deep-inelastic scattering and related quantities
Forcer: a FORM program for 4-loop massless propagators
MATRIX: A fully-differential NNLO(+NNLL) process library
Plenary 4 |
Form, diagrams and topologies
Five-loop massive tadpoles
30 years, 750 integrals, and 1 desert
Relations and representations of QCD amplitudes
Threshold logarithms at next-to-leading power
Perturbative quantum field theory informs algebraic geometry