Plenary Session 1 |
Accelerator technology and SPECT developments for BNCT
Status report on the detection of illicit materials in cargo containers by using neutron beams
Plenary Session 2 |
Quantum Dosimetry and Directional Visualization of Space Radiation with Miniaturized Timepix Payloads Onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and ESA Proba-V Satellite
Dynamical exploration of complex states of matter in neutron stars crusts
Nuclear astrophysics with radioactive beams
Astroparticles in Latin America: current status and outlook
Plenary Session 3 |
Precision measurements of beta-decay correlation parameters from trapped atoms and ions
Isobar separation and precision mass spectrometry of short-lived nuclides with a multi- reflection time-of-flight analyzer
Using cosmic muons to search for cavities in the Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan: preliminary results
Plenary Session 4 |
Collinear Structure Functions of the Nucleon: Status and Future
Meson Spectroscopy at GlueX
The emergence of hadrons from color charge in QCD
Plenary Session 5 |
Experiments with the double solenoid system RIBRAS
Rainbow-like scattering in absorptive nuclear systems
The ISOLDE Facility: recent highlights and the HIE-ISOLDE project
Fusion reactions induced by halo and weakly bound nuclei around the Coulomb barrier: results and experimental problems
Plenary Session 6 |
Nuclear structure aspects via g-factor measurements: pushing the frontiers
Parallel Session 1 - Nuclear Structure |
Self-Consistent Quantal Cranking Model for Monopole Excitations in Light Nuclei
Parallel Session 2 - Applications |
The 9Be(d n)10B reaction as a neutron source for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
High-sensitivity radiation detector for low dose levels radiological applications
Parallel Session 3 - Fundamental Interactions |
The nuclear matrix elements of double beta decay in Pseudo-SU(4) model
Spin physics at COSY and beyond
Lorentz invariance violation in weak interaction: search for effects in beta decay of polarized neutrons
Parallel Session 4 - Applications |
Evaluation of high resolution detectors for table-top phase contrast enhanced Microradiography
Investigation of Ca and Mg in blood of dystrophic animal model using NAA
Dosimetry Optimization System and Integrated Software (DOSIS): a comparison against FLUKA code results over a standard phantom
Compton scattering spectroscopy for determining filtration of a clinical Computed Tomography system
Parallel Session 5 - Nuclear Structure |
Nuclei at the proton drip-line and their relevance to nuclear astrophysics
Mirror (a)symmetry far from stability
Structural changes observed in neutron rich A=108-122 nuclei
Coulomb Breakup as a novel spectroscopic tool to probe directly the quantum numbers of valence nucleon of the exotic nuclei
Parallel Session 7 - Hadron Structure and Interactions |
Cascade-minus Polarization in Photoproduction with CLAS
Parallel Session 8 - Instrumentation and Facilities |
Development of a mobile modular system for the detection of Special Nuclear Material (MODES_SNM)
Research and Development in HPGe Detectors at LNL
Position-Sensitive Coincidence Detection of Nuclear Reaction Products with Configurable Array of Timepix Detectors
Parallel Session 9 - Nuclear Reactions |
J/ψ measurements with the ALICE experiment at the LHC
Coexisting single-particle solutions in low-density symmetric nuclear matter
Nuclear matter and ν properties from π induced reactions and decay
Recent developments in Multi-Channel Algebraic Scattering calculations
Parallel Session 10 - Instrumentation and Facilities |
Novel dual single sided silicon strip detector chip for radiotherapy verification
Design and development of an integral high-resolution radiation dosimetry system for medical applications
Supersonic gas Jet target for nuclear physics experiments
Parallel Session 11 - Nuclear Reactions |
Continuum Discretized Coupled Channels Calculations for reactions of 6Li with several targets. Effect of resonances of 6Li on elastic scattering Angular Distributions
Complete fusion of weakly bound nuclei
Coulomb effects in cold fission from 233U(nth, f), 235U(nth, f) and 239PU(nth, f)
Parallel Session 12 - Nuclear Structure |
Experimental study of the Neutron-rich Nuclei near the N=82 Closed Shell using the Reaction96Zr + 124Sn at 530 MeV with GASP and PRISMA-CLARA arrays
Spectroscopy and GEANT4 Simulations of Element 115 Decay Chains
Parallel Session 13 - Applications |
Technical applications of an imaging Gamma-ray Compton Backscattering device and simulation using GEANT4
CAB Models for Water: new models for the interaction of thermal neutrons in water
Parallel Session 14 - Nuclear Reactions |
Study of binary fragmentation and compound nucleus fission in the fusion reaction 50Ti + 208Pb
Pre-equilibrium α-particle emission as a probe to study α-clustering in nuclei
α-clustering effects in 12C+ 12C and 14N+ 10B reactions at 2.6 A.MeV excitation energy
Parallel Session 15 - Hadron Structure and Interactions |
Strongly interacting matter under intense magnetic fields
On the couplings in ELA for eta-meson photoproduction
Shell Effects in Duflo-Zuker inspired mass formulas: a status report
Compound nucleus decay of 47V: comparison between saddle point and scission point barriers for the 35Cl+12C and 23Na+24Mg reactions
Estimate of Photoneutrons Generated by 6-18 MV X-Ray Beams for Radiotherapy Techniques
Modeling moderated proportional neutron counters using the Geant4 toolkit and the application to detection of fast neutron burst
Using the Bayes’ theorem of conditional probabilities to obtain the neutron flux of the RECH-1 experimental nuclear reactor at CCHEN
The use of portable X-rays Fluorescence Spectrometry (PXRFS) for clinical practices
Titanium Extraction from Waste NORM
Radiation Effect Mechanisms in Electronic Devices
Monitor unit calculation for radiotherapy tretments using the Monte Carlo Method
Calculation of minor actinides transmutation in ADS reactors
Characterization of a polymer gel dosimetry system based on N-isopropylacrylamide and N-N* methylenebisacrylamide
Near threshold 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
Application of the spatial efficiency epsilon(r-1) of a HpGe detector to determine the specific activity of radiative material in cylindrical extended sources
Dose Point Kernel calculation and modeling with nuclear medicine dosimetry purposes
Internal dosimetry for alpha emitters radiopharmaceuticals in biological tissue studied with the FLUKA code