QFTHEP 2013 - (other qfthep conferences)
23 – 30 June, 2013
Saint Petersburg Area, Russia
published April 14, 2014
The Workshop continues a series of workshops started by the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (SINP MSU) in 1985 and conceived with the purpose of presenting topics of current interest and providing a stimulating environment for scientific discussion on new developments in theoretical and experimental high energy physics and physical programs for future colliders. Traditionally the list of workshop attendees includes a great number of active young scientists and students from Russia and other countries.

This year the Workshop is organized jointly by the SINP MSU and the SPbSU and it will take place in the holiday hotel "Baltiets" situated in a picturesque place of the Karelian Isthmus on the shore of the Gulf of Finland in the suburb of the second largest Russian city Saint Petersburg.

Scientific program, the main topics to be covered are:

* Higgs searches and other experimental results from the LHC and the Tevatron; impact of the Higgs-like boson observed

* Physics prospects at Linear Colliders and super B-factories

* Extensions of the Standard Model and their phenomenological consequences at the LHC and Linear Colliders

* Higher order corrections and resummations for collider phenomenology

* Automatic calculations and Monte Carlo simulations in high energy physics

* LHC/LC and astroparticle/cosmology connections

* Modern nuclear physics and relativistic nucleous-nucleous collisions

* Detectors for future experiments in high energy physics

The Workshop will include plenary and two parallel afternoon sessions. The plenary sessions will consist of invited lectures. The afternoon sessions will include original talks.

Further details are given at http://qfthep.sinp.msu.ru

Collider physics
QCD and nuclear physics
QCD and scattering theory
QCD and exotic states
Nuclear physics and bound states
Gravity Theory
Quantum mechanics and field theory
Physics beyond the SM
Neutrino physics and cosmology
HEP detectors and Instrumentation
Overview of recent ATLAS results
I. Nikolic Audit
New results on Higgs-like boson from the ATLAS experiment
I. Tsukerman
Highlights of non-SUSY searches for physics beyond the SM from the CMS Detector at the LHC
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I. Gorbunov
Forward-backward multiplicity correlations in pp collisions with ALICE detector
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I. Altsybeev
LHCb overview
Rare decays (LHCb)
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N. Watson
Review of Belle results
P. Krokovny
Physics prospects and plan of SuperKEKB/Belle II
A. Sokolov
Chiral symmetry breaking, confinement and the mass generation in QCD
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L. Glozman
The rise and fall of the fourth generation.
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M. Vysotsky
General results from IceCube neutrino observatory
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P. Zarzhitsky
LHC Data and Aspects of New Physics
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S. Di Chiara
Stopping, particle production and Upsilon suppression in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC
G. Wolschin
Investigation of atoms, consisting of pi+pi-, K+pi- and pi+K- at DIRAC experiment in order to check predictions of QCD at low energies.
Recent progress of automatic computation in HEP
Combined fits of the Higgs boson signal at the LHC and the ILC by means of CompHEP
E.E. Boos, V. Bunichev and M. Dubinin
Results from ZEUS at HERA
Recent results from the H1 experiment at HERA
A. Buniatyan
An extended scalar sector
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P. Osland
High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order
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I. Balitsky
BABAR latest results, focusing on CP violation and on rare processes probing the SM and BSM models
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Y. Skovpen
Testing extra dimensions hypothesis in high energy physics
I. Volobuev
The History of the W and Z Bosons
W. von Schlippe
Collider physics
SM measurements at ATLAS
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E. Oliver Garcia
Review of ATLAS Higgs \rightarrow WW Results with 25 fb^ -1 of Data
SUSY overview at ATLAS
E.V. Khramov
Exotics at ATLAS
Study of the Drell-Yan process with CMS
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I. Gorbunov
Very rare decays at LHCb
Studies of quarkonia production at LHCb
M. Teklishyn
Bottomonia and Charmonia from B-factories
P. Krokovny
Analysis of t-channel single top quark production in CMS with Bayesian Neural Networks
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N. Tsirova
Wtb vertex anomalous operators in the production and decay of top quark for the single and pair top quark production processes
Lepton flavour universality and lepton flavour conservation tests in kaon decays at CERN.
S. Podolsky
Prospects for K\rightarrow p+ nu nubar observation at CERN
I. Polenkevich
Higgs boson decay into two photons in the NMSSM
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A. Gurskaya
AEGIS at Cern: measuring antihydrogen fall
M. Giammarchi
Higgs production in two-photon processes and transition form factor
K. Sasaki, N. Watanabe, Y. Kurihara and T. Uematsu
Prospects of a search for the heavy stop quark at LHC
CMS results on physics of top quarks
J. Keaveney
Top Physics at ATLAS
Effective Lagrangian analysis of observed Higgs-like boson
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V. Bunichev
New results from CMS experiment at LHC
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A. Ivanov
Search for Higgs bosons in CMS experiment
QCD and nuclear physics
New tests for high-energy factorization in hard hadron collisions
N.P. Zotov
Scattering amplitude and pomeron loops in the perturbative QCD with large Nc
M. Braun and A. Tarasov
QCD effective theories with external chemical potentials
X. Planells Noguera, A. Andrianov, V. Andrianov and D. Espriu
Accurate Bottom-Quark Mass from Borel QCD Sum Rules for the Decay Constants of B and Bs Mesons
W. Lucha, D. Melikhov and S. Simula
New neutron rich nuclei
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K. Gridnev
QCD and scattering theory
The observation possibility of Bc excitations at LHC
A. Berezhnoy and A.K. Likhoded
Monte Carlo model for pp, pA and AA collisions at high energy: parameters tuning and results
V. Kovalenko
Geometric properties and charged particles yields behind Glauber model in high energy pA and AA collisions
T. Drozhzhova, G.A. Feofilov, V. Kovalenko and A. Seryakov
The correlation between transverse momentum and multiplicity of charged particles in a two-component model
E. Andronov and V. Vechernin
On description of the correlation between multiplicities in windows separated in azimuth and rapidity
V. Vechernin
Lagrangian alternative to QCD string
A. Katanaeva and S. Afonin
Manifestation of quark-hadron duality via the Adler D-function
O. Solovtsova
Correlations in J/ψ pair production as SPS versus DPS discriminators
S. Baranov
Inclusive and associated with a jet prompt photon photoproduction at HERA in the kt-factorization approach
A. Lipatov, M.A. Malyshev and N.P. Zotov
Multi-pomeron exchange model for pp and ppbar collisions at ultra-high energy
E. Bodnia, D. Derkach, G.A. Feofilov, V. Kovalenko and A. Puchkov
QCD and exotic states
Reaction-diffusion approach in soft diffraction
R. Kolevatov and K. Boreskov
B\rightarrow tau nu and related results
D. Liventsev
Passing the boundary between the parity breaking medium and vacuum by vector particles
S. Kolevatov and A. Andrianov
Nuclear physics and bound states
Ab initio theory of light nuclei and NN interaction of JISP type
A. Shirokov
To the Mechanism of Particle Release in Nuclear Reactions
S. Karamian
The construction of the electromagnetic current operator for the process of decay of the rho-meson in the different form of the Poincare-invariant quantum mechanics
Gravity Theory
Reconstruction Procedure in Modified Gravity Cosmological Models
S.Y. Vernov
Hamiltonian analysis of some modified gravity models
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A. Golovnev
Heavy-ion collisions in modified AdS spaces
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E. Pozdeeva
CP violation via localization on a domain wall (brane)
O. Novikov, A. Andrianov and V. Andrianov
Quantum mechanics and field theory
Exponential decay in Quantum Mechanics, spectral meaning of resonances, quantum Zeno effect
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B. B. Pavlov
The Influence Functional approach to the quantum systems dynamics
A. A. Biryukov and M. Shleenkov
Color solitons in the extended chiral group Eχ
V. V. Novozhilov
Physics beyond the SM
Phenomenology of SU(3)_L x SU(3)_R x SU(3)_C and the Higgs Boson
Universal Landau Pole
A. Andrianov, D. Espriu, M. Kurkov and F. Lizzi
Higgs boson in NMSSM
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T. Volkova
General THDM Higgs potential extremal properties
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S. Zavodov
FCNC Penguin Operators in Models Beyond the SM
H. Tanyildizi and A.V. Bednyakov
Implications of sgoldstino-Higgs mixing
S. Demidov and K. Astapov
Embeddings of the Black Holes in a flat space
A. Sheykin, D.A. Grad and S.A. Paston
Spherically symmetric solutions in Møller gravity
E. Rakhmetov and S. Keyzerov
New options in Higgs-Dark physics: strongly interacting dark matter and a degenerate intermediate state in the cooling of the Universe
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I. Ginzburg
Neutrino physics and cosmology
Searches for GeV-scale sterile neutrinos with CERN SPS proton beam
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D. Gorbunov
Leptonic CP Violation in Neutrino Oscillations
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T. Ohlsson
Is the CMB statistically anisotropic?
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G. Rubtsov
Search for muon-neutrino to tau-neutrino oscillations with the OPERA experiment
M. Pozzato
OPERA emulsion scanning and analysis and recent results on muon-neutrino to electron-neutrino oscillations
Ç. Kamıscıoglu
HEP detectors and Instrumentation
Large Area Fast Silicon Tracking Systems forCBM expriment at FAIR, Germany and MPD setup of NICA
Future ALICE Inner Tracking System
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G.A. Feofilov
Tile Calorimeter at ATLAS
O. Bessidskaia
Long Lived Particle Searched and their future in LHC