CORFU2011 - (other corfu conferences)
September 4-18, 2011
Corfu, Greece
published August 14, 2012
The Corfu Summer Institute meetings consist of a series of events aiming in the training of young researchers as well as the exchange of knowledge and the collaboration between experienced researchers in the research area of Elementary Particle Physics.
1st Summer School of ITN: Unification in the LHC Era
Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity
Workshop on Fields and Strings: Theory-Cosmology-Phenomenology
G. Zoupanos
1st Summer School of ITN: Unification in the LHC Era
Status of experimental searches (CMS)
A. De Roeck
One-loop adjoint masses for non-supersymmetric intersecting branes
P. Anastasopoulos, I. Antoniadis, K. Benakli, M.D. Goodsell and A. Vichi
Some aspects on the correlation between the K-symmetric and the pure spinor versions of the supermembrane in D=11
E.M. Babalic
Soft masses in SUSY SO(10) GUTs with low intermediate scales
V. De Romeri
Flavor corrections in the static potential in holographic QCD
D. Giataganas
Higgs pair production in the composite Higgs model
R. Groeber and M. Muehlleitner
The basis of dimension-six operators in the Standard Model
M. Iskrzynski
CMSSM with Yukawa quasi-unification
N. Karagiannakis, G. Lazarides and C. Pallis
Direct stau production at the LHC
J. Lindert, F.D. Steffen and M.K. Trenkel
String cosmology at finite temperature
Constraints on minimal Z'models from SO(10) GUTs
P. Pacholek
Top quark forward-backward asymmetry at the Tevatron: the electroweak contribution
D. Pagani
Combining F-Term hybrid inflation with a Peccei-Quinn phase transition
C. Pallis
Light string states and their potential observation at LHC
R. Richter, P. Anastasopoulos and M. Bianchi
In SUSY with a U(2)3 flavour symmetry
Strong triple Higgs production at CLIC
An isosinglet W'at the early LHC
The effective action of branes and mirror symmetry
D. Vieira Lopes
A Holographic Approach to non-relativistic logarithmic CFT's
W. Merbis
Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity
Renormalization of the Yang-Mills spectral action
W. van Suijlekom
Minimal length in quantum space and integration of the line element in noncommutative geometry
P. Martinetti and L. Tomassini
Quantum Nambu bracket in string theory
Classical and Quantum Lagrangian Field Theories with Boundary
A. Cattaneo, P. Minaev and N. Reshetikhin
Nambu sigma model
P. Schupp and B. Jurco
Quantization of 2-plectic manifolds
C. Saemann and R.J. Szabo
Orbifold matrix models and fuzzy extra dimensions
A. Chatzistavrakidis, G. Zoupanos and H. Steinacker
Gauge fixing in (2+1)-gravity with vanishing cosmological constant
C. Meusburger and T. Schönfeld
State sum models, induced gravity and the spectral action
J. Barrett
Noncommutative spectral geometry: A guided tour for theoretical physicists
M. Sakellariadou
From the Ehlers-Pirani-Schild analysis on the foundations of gravitational theories to extended theories of gravity and dark matter
M. Francaviglia and L. Fatibene
Bundles over quantum projective spaces
T. Brzezinski
Twist deformations of module homomorphisms and connections
A. Schenkel
The construction of 2-d Grosse-Wulkenhaar model
Phase structures in fuzzy geometries
T. Govindarajan
Fuzzy spaces from tensor models, cyclicity condition, and n-ary algebras
N. Sasakura
Quantization of the symplectic groupoid
F. Bonechi, N. Ciccoli and M. Tarlini
Non-geometric fluxes and non-associative geometry
E. Plauschinn
The noncommutative Ward metric
M. Goffeng and O. Lechtenfeld
Riemannian Manifolds and Gauge Theory
H.S. Yang
Nahm transformation and boundary state in T^2
S. Watamura, T. Asakawa, U. Carow-Watamura and Y. Teshima
Workshop on Fields and Strings: Theory-Cosmology-Phenomenology
BPS saturated string amplitudes K3 elliptic genus and Igusa cusp form chi_{10}
S. Hohenegger
Sigma models and complex geometry
U. Lindstrom
New superconformal theories in six dimensions
H. Samtleben, E. Sezgin, R. Wimmer and L. Wulff
On stability and transport of holographic matter
S. Lin, M. Ammon, J. Erdmenger, S. Muller, A. O'Bannon and J. Shock
Vorticity in holographic fluids
M. Caldarelli, R.G. Leigh, A.C. Petkou, M. Petropoulos, V. Pozzoli and K. Siampos
Holographic superconductors at low temperatures
G. Siopsis
Towards brane-antibrane inflation in type II_A holographic MQCD model
J. Sonnenschein
Correlation function of null polygonal Wilson loop with local operator
A. Tseytlin
Anomalies, instantons and chiral symmetry breaking at a Lifshitz point
Twisted Poisson structures and non-commutative/non-associative closed string geometry
Mass hierarchies in string theory, holography and experimental signatures
I. Antoniadis
Green-Schwarz mechanism in heterotic 2,0 gauged linear sigma models
S. Groot Nibbelink
Vacuum selection in the hidden sector and gauge mediation
Aspects of F-theory model building
G.K. Leontaris
Heterotic Standard Models from smooth Calabi-Yau three-folds
A. Lukas, L. Anderson, J. Gray and E. Palti
T-duality of massive excited string states
J. Maharana
A ten-dimensional action for non-geometric fluxes
P. Patalong
Asymptotic safety and Higgsless scenario
R. Percacci and L. Rachwal
Top mass and classification of heterotic superstring vacua
Thermal duality & non-singular superstring cosmology
H. Partouche
Dimensional Reduction of N=1, E_8 SYM over SU(3)/U(1) x U(1) x Z_3 and its four-dimensional effective action.
N. Irges, G. Zoupanos and G. Orfanidis
Higher Spins and Current Exchanges
A. Sagnotti