ICHEP 2010 - (other ichep conferences)
July 22-28, 2010
Paris, France
published March 23, 2011
The French particle physics community is particularly proud to have been selected to host the 35th ICHEP conference in 2010 in Paris. This conference is the focal point of all our field since more than fifty years and is the reference event where all important results in particle physics cosmology and astroparticles are presented and discussed. This alone suffices to make this event very important. But in 2010, a coincidence of exceptional events will make this conference even more attractive! What is then so special about ICHEP 2010 conference? It will be the first ICHEP conference where physics results obtained at the LHC will be presented! New results about the elusive Higgs boson, or signals of physics beyond the standard model might therefore be announced at this conference! Major discoveries in other domains such as gravitational waves, neutrino telescopes, neutrino oscillations, dark matter or in the flavour sector are also possible, just to name a few. In addition , 2010 will be an important date to shape up the future of our field. Several major projects will present the status of their Conceptual or Engineering Design Reports during the conference. The International Linear Collider (ILC) Global Design Effort team will present the report corresponding to the end of their Technical Design Phase 1. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) will also report on its Conceptual Design Report. Other major projects such as Super B factories will also be presented. These reports together with LHC physics results will form the basis for key political decisions needed to be taken in the years to come. In summary, there can be no doubt that Paris is the place to be in summer 2010 for anyone interested in High Energy Physics and we will make every effort to make your stay as interesting and enjoyable as possible.
conference main image
Plenary Session
Session 01 - Early Experience and Results from LHC
Session 02 - The Standard Model and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
Session 03 - Perturbative QCD, Jets and Diffractive Physics
Session 04 - Hadronic Structure, Parton Distributions, soft QCD, Spectroscopy
Session 05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Session 06 - CP violation, CKM and Rare Decays
Session 07 - Neutrinos
Session 08 - Heavy Ion Collisions and Soft Physics at Hadron Colliders
Session 09 - Progress in Lattice Techniques and New Results
Session 10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Session 11 - Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
Session 12 - Beyond Quantum Field Theory Approaches (including String Theories)
Session 13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Session 14 - Future Machines and Projects
Plenary Session
ATLAS status and highlights
F. Gianotti
CMS status and highlights
G. Tonelli
ALICE status and highlights
J. Schukraft
LHCb status and highlights
A. Golutvin
Warped Views on the Large Hadron Collider (IUPAP C11 Young Scientist Prize)
J. Santiago
Recent results on structure functions
Exclusive hard Reactions and QCD
D. Mueller
Higgs searches at the Tevatron
B. Kilminster
The physics of top, W and Z from LHC, Tevatron and HERA.
E. Shabalina
A (critical) review of electroweak symmetry breaking
ICFA Report
A. Suzuki
Experimental QCD results and impact on LHC physics
E. Sauvan
Perturbative QCD for the LHC
Progress in Lattice QCD
Y. Kuramashi
Review on low and high mass spectroscopy
From many body wee partons dynamics to perfect fluid: a standard model for heavy ion collisions
R. Venugopalan
The Challenges of Flavor Physics
G. Isidori
Beyond the Standard Model searches through B physics at the Tevatron
G. Borissov
Rare B decays at B factories
K. Trabelsi
Rare lepton and K-meson decays
A. Baldini
CP Violation and the Determination of the CKM Matrix
F. Porter
Progress in Beyond the Standard Model theories
Neutrinos: theory review
New results on solar neutrinos
A. Bellerive
Long-baseline accelerator neutrino experiments
T. Nakaya
Reactor neutrinos, double beta and beta decays experimental review
F. Piquemal
Dark Matter direct detection searches
J. Gascon
Looking at the Universe with PLANCK
F. Bouchet
The violent Universe
N. Omodei
String Theory: Basic Facts and Recent Developments
Beyond the Standard Model Searches
Detector R & D
Progress in computing
Summary Talk
Session 01 - Early Experience and Results from LHC
Performance of the ATLAS Trigger with Proton Collisions at the LHC
J. Baines
Performance of the particle flow algorithm in CMS
F. Beaudette
First Physics Results from ALICE
I. Belikov
First Results from CMS on QCD, Quarkonia, and Heavy-Flavour Physics in proton-proton Collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
S. Bolognesi
Performance of the Tracking System at the LHCb Experiment
S. Borghi
Optimisation of LHC beam conditions
H. Burkhardt
First Data from the TOTEM experiment at LHC
F. Cafagna
Performance of the CMS High-Level Trigger
E.F. Carrera Jarrin
W and Z boson production at CMS in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV
M. Cepeda
Determination of the Luminosity by the LHC Experiments
M. Ferro-Luzzi
Performance of Track and Vertex Reconstruction and b-Tagging Studies with ATLAS in pp Collisions at √s = 7 TeV
J.E. Fleckner
Commissioning and Performance of the CMS Calorimeter Systems with proton-proton Collisions at the LHC
First Results from ATLAS on QCD, Quarkonia, and Heavy-Flavour Physics in proton-proton collisions at \sqrt s=7 TeV.
First Results from ATLAS on W and Z Boson Production in proton-proton Collisions at \sqrt s=7 TeV
J. Kretzschmar
Commissioning and Performance of the ATLAS Inner Detector with proton-proton Collisions at the LHC
A. Limosani
Operation, calibration and performance of the CMS silicon tracker
S. Lowette
Material Studies with Photon Conversions and Energy Flow at the ATLAS Experiment
A. Morley
Particle ID in LHCb
A. Powell
Commissioning and Performance of the ATLAS Calorimeter Systems with proton-proton Collisions at the LHC
P. Pralavorio
Electron and Photon reconstruction and identification with the CMS detector in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
R. Salerno
Performance of Jet, Missing Transverse Energy and Tau Reconstruction with ATLAS in pp Collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
A.G. Schwartzman
Electron and Photon Performance and Electron pT Spectrum Measurement with ATLAS in pp Collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
S. Snyder
First Physics Results from LHCb
Early Physics with the LHCf detector at LHC
A. Tricomi
LHCb trigger system
E. Van Herwijnen
Performance of Jet and Missing Transverse Energy Reconstruction with CMS in pp Collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
Performance of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer and of Muon Identification at the LHC
M. Woudstra
First Results from the LHCb Vertex Locator
S. Borghi
Electron and Photon Trigger Commissioning and Performance on 7 TeV data
C. Broutin, P. Paganini and A. Zabi
A Study of the Production of Vector Bosons and Jets at 7 TeV
J. Damgov
Reconstruction of known particle decays in proton-proton collisions at energies of 900 GeV and 7 TeV with the ATLAS Inner Detector
R. Di Nardo
Performance of jet reconstruction and calibration in first ATLAS data at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV
S. Eckweiler
Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry in Z/gamma*\rightarrow mumu events in CMS at 7 TeV
E. Yazgan
Inclusive b-jet production measurement on early CMS data
S.M. Honc
Minimum Bias Trigger in ATLAS
The performance of the CMS ECAL Preshower detector at LHC
Evidence for Z\rightarrow tau+ tau- Production in 7 TeV proton-proton Collisions
L. Lusito
Performance of Etmiss reconstruction in first ATLAS data at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV
A. Olariu
Performance of the ATLAS tau trigger with 7 TeV collision data at the LHC
M.R. Robinson
Alignment and detection efficiency of CMS Preshower detector
Y.M. Tzeng
Single isolated hadron response measurements in proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV and determination of the jet energy scale uncertainty with the ATLAS detector
I. Vivarelli
Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector tracking system
Commissioning, Performance and Calibration of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of CMS
Measurement of Jet Cross Section and Fragmentation of Jets Using Tracks with the ATLAS Detector
Session 02 - The Standard Model and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
Higgs production at the Tevatron: theoretical predictions and uncertainties
J. Baglio
Studies of WW and WZ production at CDF
V. Cavaliere
Studies of polarized ep collisions and combined EW and QCD fits at HERA
V. Chekelian
Top quark study at CMS
T. Christiansen
Associated b Quark-Higgs Boson Production at the LHC
S. Dawson, C. Jackson and P. Jaiswal
Status of the global fit to electroweak precisions data, and constraints on the Higgs boson
M. Goebel
Precision measurement of the top quark mass and width with the DZero detector
A.J. Grohsjean
V+jet production at the LHC: Electroweak radiative corrections
T. Kasprzik
Top quark pair and single top production at Tevatron and LHC energies
N. Kidonakis
Measurement of the top quark mass and width with CDF detector
Standard Model high mass Higgs search at CDF
D. Lucchesi
W and Z boson production at CMS in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
Measurement of the top quark pairs production cross sections and differential distributions of top quarks at the Tevatron
F. Margaroli
ATLAS Higgs Sensitivity for 1/fb of data at the LHC running at 7 TeV
T. Masubuchi
Combination of Standard Model and beyond Standard model Higgs searches at DZero
M. Mulhearn
Standard Model low mass Higgs search at CDF
Higgs production at the Tevatron and LHC
G. Passarino
Beyond Standard Model Higgs bosons searches at the Tevatron
Search for Standard Model Higgs boson in gamma gamma final state at the Tevatron
K. Peters
Di-boson production and limits on triple gauge boson couplings at the Tevatron
T. Phillips
Combination of Standard Model Higgs searches at CDF
K.J. Potamianos
Studies of single top quark production at the Tevatron
Electroweak non-resonant corrections to top pair production close to threshold
M. Beneke, B. Jantzen and P. Ruiz-Femenía
Measurement of W and Z boson production in pp at \sqrt s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Studies of top quark properties at the DZero experiment
V.V. Sharyy
Study of multi-lepton events at HERA
Search for Standard Model Higgs boson in di-tau final state at the Tevatron
P. Totaro
Standard Model high mass Higgs search at DZero
B. Tuchming
Top-quark production at the Tevatron and LHC
Precision Theory for Precision Measurements: Tests of the Standard Model via Parity-Violating Electron-Proton and Møller Scattering
S. Barkanova
Prospects for Higgs boson measurements at the LHC in the H \rightarrow \tau \tau decay mode
On 2D and 3D solitons in SU(2) gluodynamics
A. Bogolubskaya and I.L.v. Bogolubsky
Electroweak physics at HERA
T. Trong Hieu
Is it possible to reach \Delta MW \leq 10 MeV at the LHC?
W. Krasny, D. Friedrich, F. Fayette, W. Placzek and A.K. Siodmok
Session 03 - Perturbative QCD, Jets and Diffractive Physics
Soft QCD results from the D0 experiment
G.A. Alves
High-energy amplitudes in the next-to-leading order
I. Balitsky
Underlying Event Studies and Forward Physics at CMS
P. Bartalini
Characteristics and Estimates of Double Parton Scattering at the Large Hadron Collider
E. Berger
Two-Loop Corrections to Top-Antitop Production at Hadron Colliders
R. Bonciani, A. Ferroglia, T. Gehrmann, A. von Manteuffel and C. Studerus
Exclusive Processes at HERA
A. Buniatyan
W/Z+Jets Results from CDF
S. Camarda
First Measurement of Inclusive Jet Production Cross Sections in Proton Proton Collisions at a Centre-of-Mass Energy of 7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector
Exclusive diffractive Higgs and jet production at the LHC
Jet results from the Tevatron
Probing the theoretical description of central exclusive production
T.D. Coughlin and J. Forshaw
NLO QCD corrections to pp\rightarrow t anti-t b anti-b
A. Bredenstein, A. Denner, S. Dittmaier and S. Pozzorini
Status of Higher Order QCD calculations
A. Gehrmann-De Ridder
Jet physics at HERA
C. Glasman
Jet correlations in forward production processes
F. Hautmann
NNLL resummation for QCD cross sections
N. Kidonakis
Monte Carlo modelling of NLO DGLAP QCD Evolution in the fully unintegrated form
A. Kusina, S. Jadach, M. Skrzypek and M. Slawinska
Isolated Photons at CMS
Soft QCD Results from CDF
C. Mesropian
Inclusive Diffraction and Related Topics at HERA
P.R. Newman
Minimum Bias and Underlying Event studies with a Monte Carlo tune for pp events with the ATLAS detector
Multi-jet merging with NLO matrix elements
F. Siegert, S. Hoeche, F. Krauss and M. Schönherr
Higgs boson production at LHC to NNLO accuracy and finite top quark mass effects
M. Steinhauser
Exclusive electroproduction of \rho T meson with twist three accuracy
L. Szymanowski
Direct Photon Results from Tevatron
C. Vellidis
Studies of QCD jet production with the CMS detector in pp Collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
M. Voutilainen
First complete NLL BFKL calculation of Mueller Navelet jets at LHC
D. Colferai, F. Schwennsen, L. Szymanowski and S. Wallon
HERWIRI1.031: New Approach to Parton Shower MC's in Precision QCD Theory
B.F.L. Ward and S.A. Yost
A study of the b-quark fragmentation function with the DELPHI detector at LEP I and an averaged distribution obtained at the Z pole
E. Ben-Haim
Analytic NLO Photon Impact Factor for Deep Inelastic Scattering
G.A. Chirilli
Dijet physics with the CMS detector at LHC
C. Dragoiu
Study of the underlying event with the CMS detector at the LHC
A. Lucaroni
Jet Transverse Structure and Momentum Distribution in pp Collisions at 7 TeV
N. Lychkovskaya
Early QCD Analyses with Photons at CMS
P. Musella
Study of hadronic event shapes with the CMS detector at LHC
M.A. Weber
Differential Reduction Techniques for the Evaluation of Feynman Diagrams
S.A. Yost, V. Bytev, M. Kalmykov, B. Kniehl and B.F.L. Ward
Hard diffractive scattering from soft color screening effects
R. Pasechnik
Session 04 - Hadronic Structure, Parton Distributions, soft QCD, Spectroscopy
Tetraquark interpretation of e+ e-\rightarrow Upsilon pi+ pi- Belle data and e+ e-\rightarrow b bbar Babar data
Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off deuteron and twist three contributions
I. Anikin
Recent Developments in Hadron Spectroscopy
T. Barnes
Charm Fragmentation and Excited Charm Meson Production
O. Behnke
Charmed Hadron Physics at Babar
J.F. Benitez
Particle Production Studies at LHCb
C. Blanks
Combination and QCD Analysis of the HERA F2^cc Results
M. Corradi
Medium Modification of Vector Mesons
C. Djalali
Recent Results on Two-photon Physics at BABAR
V.P. Druzhinin
Search for the \xi (2220) and Study of the X(3872) at BABAR
A. Gabareen Mokhtar
Hadron physics at KLOE: results and prospects
P. Gauzzi
Extraction of Compton Form Factors from DVCS data
M. Guidal
Parity violating single spin asymmetry in W production from longitudinally polarized p+p collisions at 500 GeV
J. Haggerty
TMD parton distributions and splitting functions
F. Hautmann
Dynamical Parton Distributions and Weak Gauge and Higgs Boson Production at Hadron Colliders at NNLO of QCD
P. Jimenez-Delgado and E. Reya
Charm and Beauty Production from Semileptonic Decays at HERA
M. Juengst
D* (+jets) in Deep Inelastic Scattering and Photoproduction
A.W. Jung
Rare and Radiative Kaon Decays from the NA48 Experiment
V. Kekelidze
Deeply Virtual Exclusive Reactions with CLAS
V. Kubarovsky
DVCS, TMDs and Spin Physics at COMPASS
Hard exclusive processes in the backward region
J.P. Lansberg, B. Pire and L. Szymanowski
Study of a0(980)-f0(980) mixing at BESIII and study of charged kappa at BESII
Study of light scalar mesons from heavy quark decays
C.D. Lü and W. Wang
Non-linear QCD dynamics and exclusive production in ep collisions
M. Machado, V.P. Goncalves and A. Meneses
PDF Sensitivities using Electroweak Processes
R. McNulty
Particle Production in Two-Photon Collisions at Belle
H. Nakazawa
First Results on Hadron Spectroscopy at COMPASS
F. Nerling
Two-photon exchange and elastic scattering of positrons/electrons on the proton
D. Nikolenko, J. Arrington, M. Barkov, V.F. Dmitriev, V.V. Gauzshteyn, R.A. Golovin, A.V. Gramolin, R.J. Holt, V.V. Kaminsky, B.A. Lazarenko, S.I. Mishnev, N.Y. Muchnoi, V.V. Neufeld, A.V. Osipov, I.A. Rachek, R.S. Sadykov, Y.V. Shestakov, V.N. Stibunov, D.K. Toporkov, H. de Vries, S.A. Zevakov and V.N. Zhilich
Hadronic Molecules
P. Garcia Ortega
Consistency of neutrino DIS and the present parton distribution functions.
H. Paukkunen and C. Salgado
Spin structure of the proton and Transverse Momentum Dependent distributions
A. Prokudin
Combination and QCD Analysis of the HERA Inclusive Cross Sections
V.A.M. Radescu
DVCS and TMDs Studies at HERMES
D+, D0 and \Lambda +c production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
P. Roloff
Recent STAR results and future prospects of W^-(+) boson production in polarized p+p collisions at RHIC
B. Surrow
The nucleon's transversity and the photon's distribution amplitude probed in lepton pair photoproduction
L. Szymanowski
Axial Anomaly and Transition Formfactors
O. Teryaev
Charm and Beauty Production from Secondary Vertexing at HERA
P. Thompson
Charged Particle Distributions in Deep Inelastic Scattering and Photoproduction
D. Traynor
Studies of Upsilon Decays at Belle
M. Verzetti
On chiral-odd Generalized Parton Distributions
M. El Beiyad, B. Pire, M. Segond, L. Szymanowski and S. Wallon
Charm baryon spectroscopy at CDF
New Observations on Light Hadron Spectroscopy at BESIII
Exotic J/psi Phi Structures and Search for the Z(4430)+ State at CDF
K. Yi and  CDF Collaboration
Light Mesons and Strange Particle Production at HERA
L. Zawiejski
Hadroproduction in FLUKA and Geant4: agreement with data?
A. Bolshakova
Coherent pi zero photoproduction on the deuteron
M.A. El-Zohry Aly
Hadroproduction on nuclei: inclusive cross-sections and parametrizations
M. Gostkin
Renormalization of the baryon axial vector current in large-$N_c$
M.A. Hernandez-Ruiz
Results from ISTRA+ experiment
O. Yushchenko
Session 05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Open charm via D mesons using the ALICE detector at CERN-LHC
A. Grelli
Quarkonium production at the Tevatron and the LHC
P. Artoisenet
Charm mixing in the Standard Model
M. Bobrowski and A. Lenz
Study of Jpsi production at central rapidity with the ALICE experiment at LHC.
Measurement of the inclusive b production cross section in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
L.M. Caminada
New measurement of b-hadron lifetimes at CDF
J.P. Fernãndez
Observation of B_s\rightarrow D_s^*- pi+, B_s\rightarrow D_s^(*)- rho+ and B_s\rightarrow D_s^(*)+ D_s^(*)- and Estimate of Delta Gamma_CP at Belle
Recent Quarkonium Results from BaBar
B. Fulsom
Recent results of charmonium transitions at BESIII
The b-quark mass and the heavy-strange decay constant from lattice HQET
N. Garron
New results on bottom baryons with the CDF II detector
I. Gorelov and C. Calancha
Observation and study of LambdaC decays of neutral B mesons
T. Hartmann
Perspectives for quarkonium production at the LHC
J.P. Lansberg
Measurement of J/ψ, Upsilon and b-hadron production in proton-proton collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV with the CMS experiment
N. Leonardo
Are scalar mesons visible in B+- -\rightarrow pi+ pi- pi+- decays?
L. Lesniak
Decay constants of heavy mesons from QCD sum rules
D. Melikhov
New suppressed decays of B0_s mesons
O. Norniella
Studies of D_s decays at Babar
M. Pappagallo
Prompt J/ψ and b → J/ψ X production in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
G. Passaleva
Recent results of charmonium radiative decay from BESIII
R.G. Ping
Measurement of the Branching Fractions of the Decays B\rightarrow Dbar^(*) D^(*) K
V. Poireau
Search for the decays B+\rightarrow D+ K(*)0
X. Prudent
Three-loop heavy quark potential
M. Steinhauser, A. Smirnov and V. Smirnov
Measurement of \psi (3770) parameters with KEDR detector at VEPP-4M.
K. Todyshev
Search for B0s \rightarrow J/\psi f0(980) and B0s \rightarrow hh decays at Belle
Double quarkonium production at the LHC
P. Ko, J. Lee and C. Yu
Heavy Flavor Electron in ALICE at the LHC
R. Bailhache
Measurement of Gamma_{ee}(J/Psi)*Br(J/Psi\rightarrow ee) and Gamma_{ee}(J/Psi)*Br(J/Psi\rightarrow mu mu)
E. Baldin
New Experiments with Antiprotons
D. Kaplan
Heavy quark pair production in proton-proton collisions including subdominant terms.
M. Luszczak
Flavor Changing Neutral Currents Transition of the Sigma_Q to Nucleon in Full QCD and Heavy Quark Effective Theory
M. Zeyrek
Session 06 - CP violation, CKM and Rare Decays
Measuring b\rightarrow sgamma, b\rightarrow dgamma and |Vtd/Vts| at BaBar
D0-D0bar Mixing and CP Asymmetry Measurements at BABAR
M. Bellis
Towards a global fit to extract the B\rightarrow X_s gamma rate and |Vub|
F. Bernlochner
Improved Measurement of the Electroweak Penguin Process B -\rightarrow X_s l^+ l^-
C.C. Chiang
Prospects for CP violation measurements with charmless hadronic B meson decays at LHCb gamma measurements
I. De Bediaga Hickman
Measurement of the decay B\rightarrow D^* l^+ nu and determination of |V_{cb}| at Belle
W. Dungel
New Results in Radiative Electroweak Penguin Decays at Babar
Studies of Charmless Hadronic B-meson Decays at BABAR
New measurement of the B0_s mixing phase at CDF
G. Giurgiu and  CDF Collaboration
Measurement of the decay B^0\rightarrow pi^- l^+ nu in untagged events and determination of |V_ub| at Belle
Studies of charmed hadronic B decays with early LHCb data and prospects for gamma measurements
S. Haines
Quark and Lepton Evolution Invariants in the Standard Model
P. Harrison, W. Scott and R. Krishnan
Search for lepton flavour violating tau decay and lepton-number violation B decay at Belle
K. Hayasaka
Evidence for an anomalous like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry
B. Hoeneisen
A brief (p)review on a possible fourth generation world to come
G.W.S. Hou
Symmetries in the angular distribution of exclusive semileptonic B decays
Hadronic b\rightarrow c decays at Belle
N.J. Joshi
Extracting CP violation and strong phase in D decays by using quantum correlations in psi(3770)\rightarrow D0 D0bar\rightarrow (V_1V_2)(V_3V_4) and psi(3770)\rightarrow D0 D0bar\rightarrow (V_1V_2)(K pi)
X.W. Kang
CP violation and mixing in charm decays at Belle
J/psi\rightarrow mumu from 7 TeV pp collisions in ATLAS: performance with the first data
Dalitz-plot analysis of B0\rightarrow anti-D0 pi+ pi-
T. Latham
Measurements of |Vus| and Second Class Currents and Searches for Violation of Lepton Universality and CPT in Tau Decays at BABAR
A. Lusiani
Status of flavor constraints on beyond the Standard Model scenarios
F. Mahmoudi
Search for New Physics with Rare Heavy Flavour Decays at LHCb
G. Mancinelli
Measurements of the CKM angle gamma at BABAR
F. Martinez Vidal
Precision measurements of Direct CP violation and D0-D0bar mixing at CDF
M.E. Mattson
Power suppressed effects in Bbar\rightarrow Xs gamma at O(alpha_s)
J/psi\rightarrow mumu from 7 TeV pp collisions in ATLAS: physics with the first data
A. Nelson
The dimuon CP asymmetry, D0 - D \bar 0 mixing & General Minimal Flavor Violation
Search for non-standard model physics in rare decays at CDF
M. Rescigno and  CDF Collaboration
Observation of Radiative B^0 -\rightarrow phi K^0 gamma Decays and Measurements of time-dependent CP violation
Analysis of the MEG experiment to search for mu+\rightarrow e+ gamma decays
R. Sawada
Tau lifetime and CP violation in tau decay at Belle
M. Shapkin
Measurements of the Partial Branching Fraction for B \rightarrow X l \nu and the Determination of |Vub|
M. Sigamani
Search for D and B leptonic decays at Belle
M. Staric
S-waves and the measurement of beta_s in Bs decays
B\rightarrow tau nu & B\rightarrow D(*)tau nu decays at Belle
J. Stypula
CKMfitter Summer 2010 collection: The CKM Matrix Status and sensitivity to New Physics
S. T'Jampens
Unitarity Triangle Analysis within and beyond the SM
C. Tarantino, A. Bevan, M. Bona, M. Ciuchini, D. Derkach, E. Franco, V. Lubicz, G. Martinelli, F. Parodi, M. Pierini, C. Schiavi, L. Silvestrini, V. Sordini, A. Stocchi and V. Vagnoni
Measurements of Charmless B Decays at Belle
M.Z. Wang
The new KL\rightarrow pi0nunu Experiment (KOTO) at J-PARC
H. Watanabe
Quantum-correlated D-decays at CLEO-c
G. Wilkinson
Measurement of BR(K\rightarrow e nu)/BR(K\rightarrow mu nu) at NA62
A. Winhart
Measurements of Semileptonic Light Quark B-meson Decays and the Determination of the CKM element |Vub| at BABAR
H.W. Wulsin
A New Idea for an Experimental Search for $\mu$-$e$ Conversion
Precision Kaon Physics with KLOE
F. Archilli
Rare B Decay potential of SuperB
Electroweak penguins in isospin-violating Bs decays
D. Scherer, L. Hofer and L. Vernazza
Measurement of the KL yield at the KL beam line newly built at J-PARC
K. Shiomi (for the KOTO collaboration)
Determining the photon polarization of the radiative B\rightarrow K1(1270) gamma decay
A. Tayduganov
Final Results on the Rare Decay KL\rightarrow pi0 nu anti-nu from the KEK E391a Experiment
H. Watanabe
CP measurements in K+- \rightarrow pi l- l+ and KS\rightarrow pi pi e e decays at NA48
A. Winhart
Session 07 - Neutrinos
Radiative generation of neutrino masses and its experimental signals
Update to the Bodek-Yang Unified Model for Electron- and Neutrino- Nucleon Scattering Cross Sections
A. Bodek and U.k. Yang
Hadron production measurements for neutrino experiments by the NA61/SHINE experiment at CERN
A. Bravar
Physics and Astrophysics Opportunities with Supernova Neutrinos
B. Dasgupta
Leptogenesis constraints from flavour symmetry induced Lepton Mixing
I. de Medeiros Varzielas
New neutrino interactions at large colliders
F. del Aguila, J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra and J. de Blas
Experiment GEMMA: Search for the Neutrino Magnetic Moment
V. Egorov
Latest results from the MINOS experiment
Status of the EXO double beta decay search
The Double Chooz reactor neutrino experiment
M. Ishitsuka
Current Status of RENO Experiment
Status of the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Oscillation Experiment
A brief review of Leptogenesis
M. Losada
Search for neutrinoless double beta decay with NEMO-3
C. Marquet
Self interactions of Supernova neutrinos
A. Marrone, G. Fogli, E. Lisi and I. Tamborra
The OPERA experiment on the CNGS observed its first nu_tau candidate
P. Migliozzi
New Observations from the MiniBooNE Experiment
G.B. Mills
New mechanism for neutrino mass generation and triply charged Higgs bosons at the LHC
CUORICINO and CUORE: present and future of 130-Te neutrinoless double beta decay searches
A. Nucciotti
Recent results on atomospheric neutrino oscillation from Super-Kamiokande
Y. Obayashi
The ArgoNeuT Experiment
The NEXT experiment: a high-pressure xenon gas (HPGXe) TPC for the search of neutrinoless double-beta decay.
Solar neutrino and terrestrial antineutrino fluxes measured with Borexino at LNGS
S. Zavatarelli
Hadroproduction measurements for simulations of new neutrino beams
M. Bonesini
Monitoring nuclear reactors with anti-neutrino detectors: the ANGRA project
P. Chimenti and A. Barbosa
Measurements of Atmospheric Neutrinos using the MINOS Detector
L. Corwin
New results for muon neutrino to electron neutrino oscillations in the MINOS experiment
J. Evans and L. Whitehead
Status of MICE, the international Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment
Y.I. Karadzhov
Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with the COBRA Experiment
T. Koettig
Optimization of neutrino fluxes for european Super-Beams
A. Longhin
MiniBooNE Neutrino Cross Section Measurements
G.B. Mills
Status of India-based Neutrino Observatory Project
N. Mondal
Search for Muon Neutrino Disappearance in a Short-Baseline Accelerator Neutrino Beam
Y. Nakajima
Testing New TeV-scale Seesaw Mediators at the LHC
Solar neutrino results from Super-Kamiokande
H. Sekiya
Low Energy Anti-Neutrino Detection with Super-Kamiokande
The NOvA Experiment - Present and Future
Magical properties of 2540 km baseline Superbeam Experiment
S. Uma Sankar
Is there any "LSND anomaly"?
A. Zhemchugov
Session 08 - Heavy Ion Collisions and Soft Physics at Hadron Colliders
The Color Glass Condensate at NLO: Phenomenology at HERA, RHIC and the LHC.
J. Albacete
Heavy flavour and Quarkonium measurements with ALICE at the LHC
J. Castillo Castellanos
Jet-medium interactions in heavy ion collisions
O. Evdokimov
Possible splitting of deconfinement and chiral transitions in strong magnetic fields in QCD
E. Souza Fraga, A.J. Mizher and M.N. Chernodub
Identified particle production in inelastic pp events with the ATLAS detector
L. Gladilin
Heavy quarkonium production at STAR
D. Kikola
Measurements of Two-Particle Correlations in pp collisions
S. Lacaprara
Charged particle multiplicities in inelastic pp events with the ATLAS detector
A. Lister
Identified particle spectra measured by the ALICE experiment in pp collisions at 0.9 and 7 TeV at LHC.
M. Lopez Noriega
Azimuthal correlations of forward di-pions in d+Au collisions suppressed by saturation
C. Marquet and J. Albacete
The present status of the EPS nuclear PDFs
H. Paukkunen, C. Salgado and K. Eskola
Refining Geometrical Scaling
R. Peschanski
Jets and Jet-like Correlations in Heavy Ion and p+p Collisions at PHENIX
C. Pinkenburg
Inclusive Photoproduction of rho, K* and phi Mesons at HERA
A. Rostovtsev
QCD Factorization at Forward Rapidities
M. Sumbera
Measurements of Hadron Production at CMS
Magnetic knots of deconfined CP-odd matter in heavy-ion collisions
M. Chernodub
e+e- pair production in peripheral collisions of ultrarelativistic heavy ions
R. Lee and A.I. Milstein
Charged particle multiplicities at \sqrt s = 0.9, 2.36 and 7.0 TeV with the CMS detector at LHC
R. Rougny
NA61/SHINE ion program
P. Staszel
Direct Photon and Heavy Quark Jet Production at the LHC
T. Stavreva
Session 09 - Progress in Lattice Techniques and New Results
Nucleon Structure using twisted mass fermions
C. Alexandrou, M. Constantinou, T. Korzec, J. Carbonell, P.A. Harraud, M. Papinutto, K. Jansen and P. Guichon
Recent progress on nuclear potentials from lattice QCD
Recent results from heavy flavour physics on the lattice
M.D. Morte
Heavy flavour phenomenology from lattice QCD
Effects of a potential fourth fermion generation on the upper and lower Higgs boson mass bounds
P. Gerhold, K. Jansen and J. Kallarackal
Lattice studies of hadron physics with disconnected quark loops
T. Kaneko
The excited hadron spectrum in lattice QCD using a new variance reduction method
C. Morningstar
The QCD phase diagram at low baryon density from lattice simulations
O. Philipsen
Leading order hadronic contribution to g-2 from lattice QCD
D.B. Renner
Alpha_s from Lattice QCD: progresses and perspectives for a realistic full-QCD determination of the running Strong coupling
J. Rodriguez-Quintero
Light quarks on the lattice: methods and results for pion physics
S. Schaefer
Continuum limit results from 2+1 flavor Domain Wall QCD
E.E. Scholz
Accessing the properties of the elementary Higgs beyond perturbation theory
Decay constants and sigma terms from the lattice.
A. Ramos Martinez, S. Durr, Z. Fodor, J. Frison, C. Hoelbling, S.D. Katz, S. Krieg, T. Kurth, L. Lellouch, T. Lippert, A. Portelli and K. Szabo
Moving NRQCD
G. von Hippel
Session 10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Effective operators in top physics
J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra
Recent Progress in SUSY GUTs
Z' discovery potential at the LHC in the minimal B-L model
L. Basso, A. Belyaev, S. Moretti, G.M. Pruna and C.H. Shepherd-Themistocleous
Search for Color Sextet Mesons in Early LHC Experiments
E. Berger
Signature based Searches for new physics involving photons at the Tevatron
R.E. Blair
The Search for New Physics at HERA
G. Brandt
Non-universal, Non-anomalous U(1)' in a Model with Anomaly-Mediated SUSY Breaking
M.C. Chen
Early Searches with Jets with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
G. Choudalakis
Early LHC data preparations for beyond-the-standard-model searches at CMS
Search for Leptoquarks and Technicolor at the Tevatron
G. Grenier
Hidden fine tuning in the quark sector of little higgs models
B. Grinstein, R. Kelley and P. Uttayarat
Di-photon, and Di-lepton Searches at the Tevatron
Impact of squark generation mixing on the search for squarks and gluinos at LHC
K. Hidaka
Exploring Dirac neutralinos and EW adjoint scalars of N=1/N=2 hybrid SUSY at colliders
J. Kalinowski
Model independent analysis of the forward-backward asymmetry of top quark production at the Tevatron
Search for new Physics in the dijet mass spectrum and dijet ratio in pp Collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
K. Kousouris
Vanishing Dimensions and Planar Events at the LHC
G. Landsberg
Supermodels: Early new physics at the LHC?
Z. Ligeti
Search for massive t' quark decaying to W + q at the Tevatron
A. Lister
Can the Supersymmetric Flavour Problem decouple in case of a Non Standard Supersymmetric Spectrum?
P. Lodone
The global electroweak fit and constraints on new physics
D. Ludwig
Searches for Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry at the Tevatron
Search for Same Sign Charge Dilepton Events and WZ resonances at the Tevatron
Geometrical Origin of CP Violation and CKM and MNS Matrices in SU(5) x T’
K.T. Mahanthappa and M.C. Chen
Search for Nucleon Decays in Super-Kamiokande
Searches for Exotic Long-lived Particles using Early Data from the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
P.F. Salvatore
Searches for b’ and W’ at the Tevatron
L. Scodellaro
Spin determination of single-produced resonances at the LHC
N.V. Tran
Z' Signature from Muon Pair Production at LHC
J. Borges Filho
Trigger Issues for New Physics Searches in the CMS Experiment
M. Chiorboli
Search for scalar bottom quarks and third-generation leptoquarks in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 1.96 TeV
C. Deterre
Limits on the anomalous HZgamma vertex arising from the process e+e- to tau+ tau- gamma
A. Gutierrez-Rodriguez
Inclusive Searches for Supersymmetry with Leptons with the ATLAS Detector
S. Horner
Phenomenologies of exotic particles in the lepton sector
Inclusive Searches for Supersymmetry with Jets and Missing Transverse Energy with the ATLAS Detector
M. Vranjes Milosavljevic
Session 11 - Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
Antiparticle Detection in Space for Dark Matter Search: the PAMELA Experiment
O. Adriani
Gravitational wave detectors: First astrophysical results and path to next generation
F. Cavalier
The CAST experiment: status and perspectives
E. Ferrer Ribas
Detecting Astrophysical Neutrinos with the IceCube Observatory
C. Finley
Indirect Dark Matter searches with H.E.S.S.
J.F. Glicenstein
A search for weakly interacting dark matter with the LUX experiment
Recent Results From VERITAS
Inflation, Gravitino and Reheating in Modified Modular invariant Supergravity
M.J. Hayashi
Recent Results from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope
R. Johnson
Recent Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory
K.H. Kampert
Electroweak symmetry breaking and cold dark matter from strongly interacting hidden sector
Results from the Final Runs of the CDMSII Experiment
WIMPless Dark Matter: Models and Signatures
Dark Matter Searches with Germanium Detectors with sub-keV Sensitivities
Astroparticle Physics with ARGO-YBJ Experiment
G. Marsella
Cosmology with Wide Field Astronomy
M. Moniez
Dark Energy density in Split SUSY models inspired by degenerate vacua
R. Nevzorov, C. Froggatt and H.B. Nielsen
GeV to Multi-TeV Cosmic Rays: AMS-02 Status and Future Prospects
Results from the High Resolution Fly's Eye Experiment
P. Sokolsky
The ANTARES neutrino telescope
M. Spurio
The CHASE laboratory search for chameleon dark energy
J.H. Steffen
Electroweak stars: Electroweak Matter Destruction as an Exotic Stellar Engine
D. Stojkovic
Results from the Telescope Array Experiment
G. Thomson
Hadron production at fixed target energies and extensive air showers
Recent Results from Milagro and Prospects for HAWC
S. Westerhoff and J. Pretz
Dark matter signature from the sky and at colliders
Status of XMASS experiment
Very Short Gamma Ray Bursts Study and Primordial Black Holes
Cosmological constraint on the mass of Higgs boson in the Standard model
V. Kiselev
Dark Matter Detection with the DEAP/CLEAN Detectors
Determinations of flavor ratios and flavor transitions of astrophysical neutrinos
Inert Model and evolution of the Universe
D. Sokolowska
Measurement of the charge ratio of atmospheric muons with the CMS detector
L. Sonnenschein
Status of the TUS space experiment preparation
L. Tkachev
Search for novel origins of cosmic-ray antiprotons and antimatter with BESS-Polar flight over Antarctica.
K. Yoshimura
Session 12 - Beyond Quantum Field Theory Approaches (including String Theories)
Inflation and Loop Quantum Cosmology
A. Barrau
Superstring Cosmology
Towards a novel description of flavor dynamics in holographic QCD
V. Niarchos
Monodromies and the structure of gauge and gravity amplitudes
P. Vanhove
Virtual Compton Scattering off a Spinless Target in the AdS/QCD correspondence
S. Wallon, C. Marquet and C. Roiesnel
Planck Scale Cosmology and Asymptotic Safety in Resummed Quantum Gravity
B.F.L. Ward
F.T. Brandt
Search for Trapped Antihydrogen: First Candidate Events
R. Hydomako
Session 13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Online track reconstruction at hadron colliders
S. Amerio
The KLOE-2 experiment at DAFNE upgraded in luminosity.
F. Archilli
T2K near detector tracker
F.d.M. Blaszczyk
Operation of the CMS detector with first collisions at 7 TeV at the LHC
G. Cerminara
The ATLAS High Level Trigger Configuration and Steering Software; Experience with 7 TeV Collisions.
S. George
Performance of the MEG detector to search for mu+ -\rightarrow e+ gamma decays at PSI
T. Iwamoto
Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors in High Energy Physics
J. Kaminski
Experience with CMS Offline and Computing from Commissioning to Collisions
Detectors for leptonic CP violation at the Neutrino Factory
CALICE results and future plans
I. Laktineh
ATLAS Upgrade for the sLHC: meeting the challenges of a five-fold increase in collision rate
A. Loginov
Operation of the ATLAS detector with first collisions at 7 TeV at the LHC
P. Onyisi
ATLAS Computing: From Commissioning to 7TeV Data
G.A. Stewart
Processing, Calibration and Reprocessing of ATLAS Data from LHC Collisions at 7 TeV
M. Boehler
The MICE PID instrumentation system
M. Bonesini
Performance of CMOS sensors for a digital electromagnetic calorimeter
P. Dauncey
The alignment of the CMS Silicon Tracker
J. Draeger
An Optical Transition Radiation Monitor for the T2K Proton Beam
Aerogel RICH for Belle II
S. Korpar
ATLAS Tracker Upgrade: Silicon Strip Detectors and Modules for the sLHC
M. Minano
New capabilities of coordinate detectors on the basis of straws
V. Peshekhonov
Instrumentation of the very forward region at future linear colliders – design and R & D by the FCAL Collaboration
TMVA - Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis in ROOT
J. Therhaag
ATLAS Data Quality Monitoring: Experience with First Collision Data
P. Waller
Deployment and Operations of the CMS Prompt Skimming System
Session 14 - Future Machines and Projects
Governance of the International Linear Collider Project
B. Foster, B.C. Barish, J.P. Delahaye, U. Dosselli, E. Elsen, M. Harrison, J.J. Mnich, J.M. Paterson, F. Richard, S. Stapnes, A. Suzuki, G. Wormser and S. Yamada
The SuperB Project
M. Giorgi
The Research and Development Program towards an Energy-Frontier Muon Collider
G. Hanson
The SuperKEKB accelerator status
M. Iwasaki
The LHeC Conceptual Design
Status of KM3NeT
P. Kooijman
The International Design Study for the Neutrino Factory
K.R. Long
The heavy ion collider project NICA/MPD at JINR (Dubna)
G. Trubnikov
Search for Muon to Electron Conversion at J-PARC
Measurement of emittance and emittance reduction in MICE
V. Verguilov and A. Blondel