DIS 2010 - (other dis conferences)
April 19 -23, 2010
Convitto della Calza, Firenze, Italy
published October 04, 2010
DIS 2010 is the 18th in the series of annual workshops on Deep-Inelastic Scattering (DIS) and Related Subjects. The aim of these workshops is to review the progress in the field of DIS and Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and to lay the groundwork for future experiments. DIS 2010 will cover the most recent results from HERA, JLab, RHIC, Tevatron and fixed-target experiments and from related theoretical topics, as well as the first results from the LHC experiments. Special emphasis will be put this year on the unity of the field from DIS to hadron colliders and notably on the crucial role played by the results from HERA and Tevatron towards understanding the new data coming from the LHC.
conference main image
Plenary session
Working Goups Summaries
WG1: Parton Densities from DIS and hadron colliders to LHC
WG2: Small-x, diffraction and vector mesons in DIS and hadron colliders
WG3: QCD final states in DIS and hadron colliders
WG4: Heavy Flavours in DIS and hadron colliders
WG5: Electroweak and searches in DIS and hadron colliders
WG6: Spin physics
WG7: Future of DIS
Plenary session
Recent results from the ZEUS experiment
M. Turcato
Recent results from the H1 experiment
K. Krueger
Review of Spin Physics in DIS
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H. Fischer
Status of QCD
T. Gehrmann
From deep-inelastic scattering to first LHC measurements
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S. Forte
Highlights from CMS
F. Siklér
Highlights from ATLAS
T. Wengler
Results from D0
Recent results in DIS from Jefferson Lab
D.J. Gaskell
Latest highlights from CDF
M. Casarsa
RHIC Heavy Ion Physics Summary
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W.B. Christie
LHC status and plans
M. Lamont
Working Goups Summaries
Parton densities from DIS and hadron colliders to LHC: WG summary
R. Placakyte, S. Alekhin, D. Colferai and J.W. Huston
Low-x and diffraction: WG summary
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K. Golec-Biernat, R. Ciesielski and K. Piotrzkowski
QCD and final states in DIS and hadron colliders: WG summary
C. Glasman, D. De Florian and S. Tapprogge
Heavy flavours in DIS and hadron colliders: WG summary
K. Lipka and G. Corcella
Electroweak and searches: WG summary
A. Parenti and S. Moretti
Spin Physics: session summary
C. Riedl, C.A. Aidala and S. Liuti
Future of DIS: WG summary
P. Laycock, A. Stasto and C. Marquet
Workshop summary and outlook
H. Abramowicz
WG1: Parton Densities from DIS and hadron colliders to LHC
Update of the NNLO PDFs in the 3- and 5-flavour scheme
S. Alekhin
Deviations from NLO DGLAP at small-x within the combined HERA-I dataset
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F. Caola, S. Forte and J. Rojo
PDF fits incuding HERA combined F_2(charm) data
A. Cooper-Sarkar
Studies of the Z\rightarrow ee differential cross section as a function of the Z rapidity in CMS
B. Dahmes
Investigations of hadronization process in DIS at CLAS
A. Daniel and K. Hicks
PDF sensitivity studies using electroweak processes at LHCb
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F. De Lorenzi
High energy resummation of direct photon production and collider data
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G. Diana
Requirements for the initial parton densities following from factorization
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B. Ermolaev
New measurements of the EMC effect in very light nuclei and at large x
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D.J. Gaskell
The GS09 double parton distribution functions
J.R. Gaunt
Measurement of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Section at Low Q2 and x at H1
A. Glazov
Diffractive and inclusive W boson production asymmetry at the LHC
K. Golec-Biernat
Combined measurement of the inclusive ep scattering cross sections at HERA for reduced proton beam energy runs and determination of FL
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J. Grebenyuk
CTEQ TEA PDF analysis:new experimental data and constraints on new physics
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M. Guzzi
Combined measurement and QCD analysis of the inclusive ep scattering cross sections at HERA
S. Habib
PDFs for the LHC
J.W. Huston
NC (e-p) at high x
R. Ingbir
Dynamical parton distributions and weak-gauge and Higgs boson production at hadron colliders at NNLO of QCD
P. Jimenez-Delgado and E. Reya
N* transition form factors with CLAS
Studies of EW boson production in the forward region with LHCb
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J. Keaveney
Precision measurement of F_2 with H1
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M. Klein
Comparison of the hadronic structures in stucture function measurements of the proton, photon and diffractive exchange
D. van Asseldonk, M. Erdmann, T. Klimkovich and M. Nienhaus
Determination of the unintegrated gluon density using HERA data
A. Knutsson
PDFs for nuclear targets
K. Kovarik
Latest developments in the CTEQ-TEA PDF analysis
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P. Nadolsky
Recent results on nuclear structure functions
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R. Petti
Combined H1 and ZEUS fits using low energy data
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V.A.M. Radescu
PDF study at low x using Chebyshev polynomials
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V.A.M. Radescu
W asymmetries at CDF and D0
H. Sabelli
Charged current interactions in e^{+-}p scattering at H1 with longitudinally polarized lepton beams
S. Shushkevich
A posteriori inclusion of parton density functions in NLO QCD final-state calculations at hadron colliders: The APPLGRID Project
M. Sutton
The effect of new data sets on MSTW pdfs
R. Thorne, A. Martin, W.J. Stirling and G. Watt
Variation in variable flavour number schemes.
R. Thorne
Inclusive and diffractive DIS at low x from HERA to the EIC
K. Tywoniuk
Reweighting techniques for fitting W lepton asymmetry with NNPDF 2.0
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M. Ubiali
Combined electroweak and QCD fits including NC and CC data with polarized electron beam at HERA-2
Z. Zhang
WG2: Small-x, diffraction and vector mesons in DIS and hadron colliders
DGLAP versus perturbative Pomeron in hard diffractive processes large momentum transfer at HERA and LHC
ATLAS Forward Detectors
A.G. Brandt
Measurement of the elastic ppbar differential cross section in the range 0.25<|t|<1.2 at \sqrt s = 1.96 TeV
A.G. Brandt
Search for the onset of color transparency using rho electroproduction
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W. Brooks
Measurement of the J/psi photoproduction at large momentum transfer at HERA
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A. Bruni
Measurement of leading neutron production in DIS at HERA
A. Buniatyan
High-energy amplitudes and impact factors at next-to-leading order
G.A. Chirilli
Probing the theoretical description of central exclusive production
T.D. Coughlin and J. Forshaw
Forward energy and jet flows in high energy factorisation
In-medium hadron modification and meson spectroscopy
C. Djalali
Deeply virtual compton scattering and its beam charge asymmetry in e^{+-} p collisions at HERA
L. Favart
Measurement of inclusive diffractive deep inelastic scattering using VFPS at H1
T. Hreus
Evidence for high mass exclusive dijet production in the D0 experiment
Z. Hubacek
Diffraction results from CDF
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J.W. Huston
Diffractive electroproduction of rho and phi mesons at H1
X. Janssen
Diffractive DIS with a leading proton at HERA-2
M. Kapishin
NLO QCD analysis of single-diffractive dijet production at the Tevatron
M. Klasen
From LHC to LheC and back: the issue of forward jets
K.M. Kutak
The diffractive structure functions from large rapidity gap data at H1
P. Laycock
Diffractive physics program with tagged forward protons at STAR/RHIC
J.H. Lee
Quarkonia in dAu and vector mesons at forward rapidity at Phenix
On the coherent inelastic binary and multiparticle processes in the ultrarelativistic hadron-nucleus, photon-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions
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V.V. Lyuboshitz
Direct extraction of helicity amplitude ratios on exclusive rho^0 electroproduction
S. Manaenkov
The status and preliminary results of the LHC forward experiment: LHCf
H. Menjo
Searching for gluon saturation in d+Au collisions at PHENIX
B.A. Meredith
Luminosity measurements at LHCb
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D. Moran
Correlations in impact-parameter space in saturation models
S. Munier
Deep exclusive reactions at Jefferson Lab Hall A
C. Munoz camacho
Soft gluon rescattering in diffractive DIS
R. Pasechnik
Diffractive jets at H1
R. Polifka
Exclusive diffractive Higgs and jet production at the LHC
C. Royon and R. Staszewski
The ATLAS physics program
C. Royon
Anomalous WW gamma, WW gamma gamma and ZZ gamma gamma couplings in gamma-induced processes
C. Royon
Generalized geometric scaling
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D. Salek
Associated forward photon-jet production as a probe of the nuclear unintegrated glue
W. Schaefer
Exclusive production at LHC
N. Schul
Diffractive photoproduction of lepton pairs at high energy
G. Slipek
Diffractive exclusive production of heavy quark pairs at high energy proton-proton collisions.
A. Szczurek
Mueller Navelet jets at LHC - complete NLL BFKL calculation
D. Colferai, F. Schwennsen, L. Szymanowski and S. Wallon
QCD factorization of exclusive processes beyond leading twist: gammaT to rhoT impact factor with twist three accuracy
I. Anikin, D.Y. Ivanov, B. Pire, L. Szymanowski and S. Wallon
A QCD analysis of ZEUS diffractive data
Scaling properties in deep inelastic scattering
C. Royon
Saturation and linear transport equation
K.M. Kutak
WG3: QCD final states in DIS and hadron colliders
Hadron production from e+e- ISR, two-photons, Upsilon states at Belle and Babar
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F. Anulli
Event shapes at hadron colliders
A. Banfi
Threshold resummation for Drell-Yan production: theory and phenomenology
M. Bonvini
Antenna subtraction for two hadronic initial states at NNLO
R. Boughezal
Parton showers with medium-modified splitting functions
G. Corcella
Investigations of hadronization process in DIS at CLAS
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A. Daniel
High p_T jet shapes, non-global logarithms and jet algorithms
M. Dasgupta
W boson production at hadron colliders: the lepton charge asymmetry in NNLO QCD
G. Ferrera
Cosine modulations of pion unpolarized cross section at HERMES
F. Giordano
Jet cross sections in NC DIS at ZEUS and determination of alphas
C. Glasman
QCD results from ATLAS
H.M. Gray
Transverse momentum of charged particles at low Q2 at H1
A. Grebenyuk
Threshold resummation beyond leading eikonal level
G. Grunberg
Fluctuationa and Saturation in Diffractive Excitation
G. Gustafson
Hadronic final states in DIS with Sherpa
T. Gehrmann, T. Carli and S. Hoeche
Results from D0: dijet angular distributions, dijet mass cross section and dijet azimuthal decorrelations
Z. Hubacek
On the dynamical determination of strange parton distributions
P. Jimenez-Delgado
Two-loop resummation for QCD hard scattering
N. Kidonakis
Jet Production at low and high Q2 and determination of the strong coupling at H1
R. Kogler
QCD Physics from CMS
K. Krajczar
Heavy quarkonium and quarkonium-like states at Belle and BaBar
A. Kuzmin
Nuclear attenuation - 2 dimensional dependences at HERMES
I. Lehmann
Jet cross sections in photoproduction at ZEUS
D. Lontkovskyi
Determining alpha_s at NNLO from event-shape data
G. Luisoni
NNLO antenna subtraction with one hadronic initial state
G. Luisoni
Results on charged particle production from the ALICE experiment at LHC
S. Masciocchi
Thrust distribution at N^3LL with power corrections and precision determination of alpha_s
V. Mateu
Measurement of W+charm production cross section at CDF
Minimum bias and underlying event studies at CDF
N. Moggi
Jet fragmentation in medium and vacuum with the PHENIX detector
M. Nguyen
Scaled momentum spectra in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
K. Olkiewicz
Soft gluon resummation in the infrared region and the Froissart bound
G. Pancheri, A. Grau, R.M. Godbole and Y. Srivastava
Limitations on the predictions for pT-balance in events with a Z-boson and jets
A. Paramonov
Nuclear medium dependence of transverse Lambda polarisation in quasi-real photoproduction
Yield of heavy hyperons and antihyperons in DIS
N. Rossiyskaya
Strangeness production at high Q2 at H1
J. Ruiz Tabasco
D0 results on diphoton direct production and photon + 3 jet double parton interactions
H.L. Sawyer
D0 results on three-jet production, multijet cross-section ratios, and minimum bias angular correlations
H.L. Sawyer
Prompt photon production at HERA
D.H. Saxon
Results from LHCb: prompt V0 production
M. Schiller
Measurement of the energy flow in a large &eta; range and forward jets at LHC at \sqrt s = 0.9 TeV, 2.36 TeV and 7 TeV
Higher-order predictions for large-x splitting functions and coefficient functions
G. Soar, A. Vogt, S.O. Moch and J.A.M. Vermaseren
Determination of the strong coupling constant from the inclusive jet cross section in ppbar collisions at \sqrt s = 1.96 TeV (D0)
L. Sonnenschein
Three-subjet distributions in NC DIS
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J. Terron
Observation of the hadronic final state charge asymmetry in high Q2 deep-inelastic scattering at HERA
D. Traynor
Deep inelastic prompt photon production at HERA in the k_T-factorization approach
N.P. Zotov
WG4: Heavy Flavours in DIS and hadron colliders
Top mass measurement at CDF
J. Adelman
Open heavy flavour production in nuclear collisions
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N. Armesto Perez
Beauty in photoproduction at ZEUS
V. Aushev
Inelastic J/psi helicity distributions
A. Bertolin
New Results on the 3-Loop Heavy Flavour Wilson Coefficients for F_2(x,Q^2)
J. Bluemlein
H1 measurements of D* and F2cc at high Q2
M. Brinkmann
Measurement of the top quark cross section at D0
S. Chevalier-Théry
Top cross section measurement at CDF
G. Compostella
First heavy-flavor measurements at CMS
R. Covarelli
Combined F2c measurement at HERA
Top rediscovery at the LHC (CMS+ATLAS)
J. Donini
Modelling non-perturbative corrections to heavy-quark fragmentation
G. Ferrera
NLO QCD corrections to 4 b-quark production
N. Greiner
Complete NLO corrections to J/Psi production in NRQCD
B. Kniehl
Parton shower effects in heavy flavour production at the Tevatron
M. Kraemer
Upsilon polarization measurement at CDF
NLO QCD predictions for gluon polarization from open-charm D0 meson production at COMPASS
K. Kurek
B decays from Belle and BaBar
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Y. Kwon
Production of D^{+-} and Lambda_c in DIS and F_2^c measurement at ZEUS
M. Lisovyi
Threshold improved predictions for charm production in DIS
N.A. Lo Presti, H. Watanabe, S.O. Moch and A. Vogt
Studies of open charm and charmonium production at LHCb
R.R.P. Macedo
Charm and beauty physics at ATLAS
T. Matsushita
Charm physics at BaBar and Belle
D. Milanes
Quarkonia production in STAR
Top quark properties from CDF and D0
S.K. Park
Measurement of the top quark mass at D0
G. Petrillo
Precise measurement of charm dimuon production from neutrino interactions at NOMAD
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R. Petti
Exclusive J/psi production in photo- and electroproduction in a dual model
A. Prokudin
Single-top production with the POWHEG method
The FONLL general-mass scheme in DIS
F2b measurement at ZEUS
P. Roloff
Preparation for open heavy flavour measurements with the ALICE detector at the LHC
A. Rossi
Prompt production of loosely bound mesonic molecules at hadron colliders
B. Grinstein, C. Bignamini, F. Piccinini, A.D. Polosa and C. Sabelli
b, b\bar b and b\gamma production at Tevatron in the Regge limit of QCD
V.A. Saleev
Correlations of electrons from heavy flavor decay in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions
A.M. Sickles
Photoproduction of D* and jets at H1
Z.G. Staykova
Inelastic production of J/psi mesons in photoproduction and deep inelastic scattering at HERA
M. Steder
H1 Measurements of charm and beauty jets in DIS and F2cc, F2bb
P. Thompson
Measurement of open heavy flavor production in STAR experiment at RHIC
WG5: Electroweak and searches in DIS and hadron colliders
Search for SUSY at ATLAS
I. Borjanovic
W/Z Production at ATLAS
S. Borroni
Composite vectors in Higgless models at the LHC
A.E. Cárcamo Hernández
Direct searches for new physics at the e+e- B-factories
A. Cervelli
Neutral current interactions in ep scattering with longitudinally polarised leptons at H1
V. Chekelian
Measurement of W and Z Properties at the Tevatron
G. Chiarelli
Search for the Higgs boson at the ATLAS experiment
E.F. Coniavitis
Diboson production at CMS
F. Fabozzi
Charge asymmetry of top quarks
P. Ferrario and G. Rodrigo
New physics in top sector at the Tevatron
F. Garberson
Beyond-the-standard-model searches for Higgs bosons at the Tevatron
C.P. Hays
Search for squark production in R-parity violating supersymmetry at HERA
M.C. Herbst
Standard model Higgs searches at the Tevatron
K.R. Herner
Single top quark production cross section at hadron colliders
N. Kidonakis
Measurement of the inclusive W and Z cross sections in pp collisions with the CMS detector
P. Lenzi
Single top quark observation at the Tevatron
S. Leone
Electroweak higher twist
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S. Mantry
Search for leptoquarks and contact interactions at HERA
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I. Panagoulias
Multilepton production at HERA
Search for anomalous Top quark production at the Tevatron
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M. Perfilov
Measurement of BR(K\rightarrow enu)/BR(K\rightarrow munu) with NA62
M. Raggi
The ZEUS measurement of charged current DIS cross sections with a longitudinally polarised positron beam
A. Raval and K.R. Oliver
Searches with early data at CMS
F. Santanastasio
BSM Higgs searches in the gluon fusion process pp\rightarrow h + jet\rightarrow tau^+ tau^- + jet at the LHC
R. Santos, A. Belyaev, R. Guedes and S. Moretti
Diboson production at the Tevatron
J. Sekaric
Isolated leptons and single top at HERA
D. South
Expectations for first single-top studies in CMS in proton-proton collisions
J. Wagner-Kuhr
Higgs production via vector-boson fusion at NNLO in QCD
M. Zaro, P. Bolzoni, F. Maltoni and S.O. Moch
Supersymmetric Higgs bosons and beyond
F.J. Zurita, M. Carena and E. Ponton
WG6: Spin physics
Recent results and future projections of W+/W- production in polarized p-p collisions at RHIC
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M. Pepe
QCD analysis of polarized world data
J. Bluemlein
Transverse Lambda polarization at high energy colliders
Transversity and TMD parametrizations
S. Melis, M. Anselmino, V. Barone, M.E. Boglione, U. D'Alesio, A. Kotzinian, F. Murgia and A. Prokudin
Hard reggeon exchange and novel exclusive QCD phenomena
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S.J. Brodsky
Scale evolution of kt-distributions
F.A. Ceccopieri
First measurement of W bosons and their spin asymmetry A_L in 500 GeV polarized p+p collisions at PHENIX
Neutron single target spin asymmetries in SIDIS (at JLab Hall A)
E. Cisbani
The electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon
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K. De Jager
Transverse spin results from PHENIX
V. Dharmawardane
Multiple interactions and generalized parton distributions
M. Diehl
Deeply virtual compton scattering on helium nucleus
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H. Egiyan
New COMPASS results on the gluon polarisation using D0 production asymmetries
C.F.C. Franco
Exclusive meson leptoproduction and spin dependent generalized parton distributions
G.R. Goldstein
Exchange quantum numbers and generalized parton distributions
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G.R. Goldstein
Current status of transverse spin at STAR
A. Gordon
Quark-nucleon dynamics and DVCS
M. Gorshteyn
Prospects for a DVCS measurement at COMPASS
E.M. Kabuss
Spin asymmetries of the nucleon experiment
N. Kalantarians
Longitudinal and transverse Lambda polarization at COMPASS
Determining SUSY particle mixing with polarized hadron beams
M. Klasen
The virtual photon-proton asymmetry A_2 and the spin dependent structure function x g_2 at HERMES
V. Korotkov
Transversity in hard exclusive electroproduction of pions
P. Kroll
Single-spin asymmetries in inclusive hadrons on transversely polarized protons
Possible effect of mixed phase and deconfinement upon spin correlations in the Lambda bar{Lambda} pairs produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions
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V.V. Lyuboshitz
Target single- and double-spin asymmetries in DVCS off a longitudinal polarized hydrogen target at HERMES
D.F. Mahon
Constraining the gluon polarization, DeltaG with double helicity asymmetry measurements at PHENIX
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A.M. Manion
COMPASS results on transverse spin and transverse momentum effects
A. Martin
Review of DVCS results at HERMES
H. Marukyan
Self organizing maps: parametrization of parton distribution functions
D.Z. Perry
Moving beyond collinear, leading twist perturbative QCD
A determination of the spin content of the proton with faithful uncertainty estimation
Transverse spin physics at Hall B
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P. Rossi
Azimuthal asymmetries in production of charged hadrons by high energy muons off polarized deuterons at COMPASS.
I.A. Savin
The Sivers and other semi-inclusive single-spin asymmetries at HERMES
G. Schnell
Status of nucleon spin structure functions parametrizations
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M. Stratmann
Exploring the gluon polarization with inclusive and correlation measurements in polarized proton-proton collisions at RHIC
B. Surrow
Analyticity and end-point behaviour of GPDs
O. Teryaev
Measurement of transverse spin dependent fragmentation functions in e+e- at Belle
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A. Vossen
Photoproduction of a pi rhoT pair with a large invariant mass and transversity generalized parton distribution
M. El Beiyad, B. Pire, M. Segond, L. Szymanowski and S. Wallon
The link between TMDs and PDFs in covariant quark-parton model with orbital motion
P. Zavada
Measurement of the longitudinal spin structure of the proton at COMPASS
E. Zemlyanichkina
Single-spin azimuthal asymmetry in exclusive electroproduction of phi and omega vector mesons on transversely polarized protons
W.J. Augustyniak
Moments of GPDs and transerse-momentum dependent PDFs from the lattice
H. Meyer
Angular momentum sum rule in nuclei
S. Taneja and S. Liuti
WG7: Future of DIS
Small-x physics at the LHeC
N. Armesto Perez
Aspects of beyond standard model physics at the LHeC
G. Azuelos
QCD at the LHeC
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O. Behnke
Physics with nuclei at EIC
W. Brooks
A High-Luminosity Medium-Energy Electron-Ion Collider at CEBAF
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K. De Jager
Future COMPASS Drell-Yan experiment
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O. Denisov
An overview of the US electron ion collider project
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A. Deshpande
The PHENIX silicon vertex trackers
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A. Enokizono
Final state interactions T-odd TMDs and the transverse structure of hadrons
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L. Gamberg
Polarized Drell-Yan experiments at RHIC and J-PARC
Design status of the large hadron-electron collider (LHeC)
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J. Jowett
Challenges and opportunities at large x
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C. Keppel
Searching for a light Higgs in electron-hadron collisions at the TeV scale
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U. Klein
Detector Design for the LHeC - Some Essentials
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P. Kostka
Electroweak physics at a future EIC
K. Kumar
A study of detector options for (M)eRHIC
M.A.C. Lamont
The low-x programme at an electron-ion collider
M.A.C. Lamont
Luminosity measurement at the LHeC
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S. Levonian
Semi-inclusive DIS at small x, TMD parton distributions and saturation
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C. Marquet
The HERMES recoil detector: commissioning status and analyses prospects
A. Martínez de la Ossa
Transverse spin with high energy polarized beams at an EIC
A. Prokudin
Measuring the flavor asymmetry in the sea quarks of the proton
P. Reimer
Parity violation in deep inelastic scattering in the JLab 12 GeV era
P. Reimer
The impact of LHeC data on PDFs
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J. Rojo
The MINERvA experiment: neutrino cross sections
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H.M. Schellman
Future PHENIX calometry and trigger upgrades
A. Vossen