CPOD2006 - (other cpod conferences)
July 3-6 2006
Florence, Italy
published May 24, 2007

The 3rd edition of the conference Critical Point and the Onset of Deconfinement was held in Florence, at the Galileo Galilei Institute for theoretical physics from July 3rd to 6th 2006. The goal of the conference was to get together experimental and theoretical physicists active in the field to discuss most relevant theoretical and phenomenological issues in the physics of ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions.

conference main image
Plenary session
F. Becattini
Plenary session
QCD critical point: a historical perspective
R. Casalbuoni
QCD thermodynamics at zero and non-zero density
C. Schmidt
Lattice at finite baryon density: imaginary chemical potential
M.P. Lombardo
Quasi-particle perspective on critical end-point
M. Bluhm and B. Kaempfer
Critical Opalescence in Baryonic QCD Matter
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N. Antoniou
The critical behavior of hadronic matter: a comparison of lattice and bootstrap model calculations
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L. Turko
Search for critical points by measuring spatial correlation lenghts via multiplicity density fluctuations
K. Homma
Effects & Signals of a first-order deconfinement phase transition
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J. Randrup
Nonequilibrium dynamics of the chiral phase transition in heavy ion collisions
K. Paech
Searching for the QCD critical point in nuclear collisions
F.K. Diakonos, N.G. Antoniou and G. Mavromanolakis
Review of the signals of deconfinement
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G. Roland
Dilepton production and the onset of deconfinement
E. Scomparin
Prospects for an energy scan program at RHIC
H.G. Ritter
A new SPS programme
M.J. Costa, N. Antoniou, P. Christakoglou, F. Diakonos, A.D. Panagiotou, A. Petridis, M. Vassiliou, F. Cafagna, M.G. Catanesi, T. Montaruli, E. Radicioni, D. Röhrich, L. Boldizsar, Z. Fodor, A. Laszlo, G. Palla, I. Szentpetery, G. Vesztergombi, J. Cleymans, J. Brzychczyk, N. Katrynska, R. Karabowicz, Z. Majka, R. Planeta, P. Staszel, B. Baatar, V.I. Kolesnikov, A.I. Malakhov, G.L. Melkumov, A.N. Sissakian, A.S. Sorin, W. Rauch, M. Gazdzicki, B. Lungwitz, M. Mitrovski, R. Renfordt, T. Schuster, C. Strabel, H. Strobele, A. Blondel, A. Bravar, M. Di Marco, J. Blumer, R. Engel, A. Haungs, C. Meurer, M. Roth, R. Korus, S. Mrowczynsk, M. Rybczynski, P. Seyboth, G. Stefanek, Z. Wlodarczyk, A. Wojtaszek, F. Guber, A. Kurepin, A.P. Ivashkin, A. Maevskaya, B. Andrieu, J. Dumarchez, K.U. Choi, J.H. Kim, J.G. Yi, I.K. Yoo, D. Kolev, R. Tsenov, A.G. Asryan, D.A. Derkach, G.A. Feofilov, S. Igolkin, A.S. Ivanov, R.S. Kolevatov, V.P. Kondratiev, P.A. Naumenko, V.V. Vechernin, P. Chung, R. Lacey, A. Taranenko, T. Kobayashi, T. Nakadaira, K. Sakashita, T. Sekiguchi, K. Grebieszkow, D. Kikola, W. Peryt, J. Pluta, M. Slodkowski, M. Szuba, T. Anticic, K. Kadija, V. Nikolic and T. Susa
Towards Reliable Calculations of the Correlation Function
P. Senger, T. Galatyuk, A. Kiseleva, D. Kresan and E. Kryshen
The PHENIX Potential in the Search for the QCD Critical Point
J. Mitchell
STAR potential for seach for the critical point
P. Sorensen
Review of structures in the energy dependence of hadronic observables
C. Blume
The K/pi ratio and the lifespan of the fireball
B. Tomasik and E.E. Kolomeitsev
Evidence for pion-pion scattering interactions in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 200 GeV
P. Fachini, R.S. Longacre, Z. Xu and H. Zhang
Longitudinal flow and onset of deconfinement
H. Petersen and M. Bleicher
Some thoughts on critical and tricritical points and deconfinement
E.V. Shuryak
Inhomogeneous freeze-out in relativistic heavy ion collisions
D. Zschiesche
Energy dependence of anisotropic flow
R. Snellings
Hydrodynamic flow and jet induced Mach shocks at RHIC and LHC
H. Stoecker, B. Betz and P. Rau
Anisotropic flow of strange particles at SPS
G. Stefanek, C. Alt, T. Anticic, B. Baatar, D. Barna, J. Bartke, L. Betev, H. Bialkowska, C. Blume, B. Boimska, M. Botje, J. Bracinik, R. Bramm, P. Buncic, V. Cerny, P. Christakoglou, P. Chung, O. Chvala, J.G. Cramer, P. Csato, P. Dinkelaker, V. Eckardt, D. Flierl, Z. Fodor, P. Foka, V. Friese, J. Gal, M. Gazdzicki, V. Genchev, G. Georgopoulos, E. Gladysz, K. Grebieszkow, S. Hegyi, C. Hohne, K. Kadija, A. Karev, D. Kikola, M. Kliemant, S. Kniege, V.I. Kolesnikov, E. Kornas, R. Korus, M. Kowalski, I. Kraus, M. Kreps, A. Laszlo, R. Lacey, M. Van Leeuwen, P. Levai, L. Litov, B. Lungwitz, M. Makariev, A.I. Malakhov, M. Mateev, G.L. Melkumov, A. Mischke, M. Mitrovski, J. Molnar, S. Mrowczynski, V. Nicolic, G. Palla, A.D. Panagiotou, D. Panayotov, A. Petridis, W. Peryt, M. Pikna, J. Pluta, D. Prindle, F. Puhlhofer, R. Renfordt, C. Roland, G. Roland, M. Rybczynski, A. Rybicki, A. Sandoval, N. Schmitz, T. Schuster, P. Seyboth, F. Siklér, B. Sitar, E. Skrzypczak, M. Slodkowski, R. Stock, C. Strabel, H. Strobele, T. Susa, I. Szentpetery, J. Sziklai, M. Szuba, P. Szymanski, V. Trubnikov, D. Varga, M. Vassiliou, G.I. Veres, G. Vesztergombi, D. Vranic, A. Wetzler, Z. Wlodarczyk, A. Wojtaszek, I.K. Yoo and J. Zimanyi
Bjorken hydrodynamics and gradual freeze out
V. Magas, L. Csernai and E. Molnár
Energy dependence of hadron production in EPOS
K. Werner
Remarks on statistical model fits
F. Becattini
Statistical hadronization model description for rapidity densities at RHIC
J. Manninen
Comparison of chemical freeze-out criteria in heavy-ion collisions
J. Cleymans, H. Oeschler, K. Redlich and S. Wheaton
Entropy production at high energy and baryon-chemical potential
P.A. Steinberg
The Hagedorn thermostat
L. Moretto, L. Phair, K. Bugaev and J.B. Elliott
Universal chemical freeze-out as a signature of a phase transition
U. Heinz and G. Kestin
Thermal hadron production by QCD Hawking radiation
Hadronization revisited: the dynamics behind hadro-chemical equilibrium
R. Stock
A test of statistical hadronization with exclusive rates
L. Ferroni and F. Becattini
Early stage thermalization via instabilities
S. Mrowczynski
Multiplicity fluctuations in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions
M. Gorenstein