GOLDEN2023 - (other golden conferences)
4-9 September 2023
Palermo - (Mondello), Italy
published November 20, 2024
Entries on ADS

In 2011 we organized the first workshop about "The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects"
because we were under the impression that the time for a comprehensive view had arrived.
We were right and surprised, mainly by the ongoing vigorous research and future coming prospects.
Thus we reached the conclusion that the state of the field, namely high activity and many observational results, calls for organizing follow-up workshops in a series of "The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects".
After the long interruption of the Palermo Workshop series due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we are finally able to restart this series in complete safety. This is the sixth edition of such series.
One of the main field drivers were the results from the INTEGRAL experiment: detections of hard X-ray emission from a large sample of CVs, mainly intermediate polars. Undoubtedly, non-magnetic CVs, intermediate polars and polars constitute the most powerful
probe to test our theories of the various modes of accretion. The long term evolution of CV systems accreting at a prohibitive rate has become a hot topic both in terms of the fate of such systems (all sorts of supernovae) and the microphysics of Eddington and super Eddington mass accretion and mass loss flows. In particular we stress one of the hottest topics in present day astrophysics, namely the
progenitors of SN-Ia. This problem is connected with fundamental issues in cosmology. Novae and recurrent novae are the most promising progenitor candidates but so far could not be nailed down.
Our goal is to discuss what is missing in our knowledge of CVs that will allow a unique determination and observational confirmation.
Indeed the sub-class of CVs, named Classical Novae, which are the third most powerful stellar explosions in a galaxy, have been observed as close as a kpc and as far as galaxies in the Fornax cluster. The time to report on the recent renaissance in CNe studies thanks to observations with 8-10m class telescopes, high resolution spectroscopy, in synergy with observations from space
carried out with Swift, XMM, Chandra, HST, and Spitzer, and JWST coupled with recent advances in the theory of the outburst, seems now in order. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together about *80 invited researchers* from world wide to discuss the experimental updated panorama and theories of CVs and Related Objects.

The following topics have been discussed:

Opening Remarks (the Importance of Multifrequency Observations)

Cataclysmic Variables (non-magnetic, intermediate polars, polars)

Fundamental parameters
Accretion physics
Outburst physics
Magnetic phenomena
Interconnection among classes
Long term secular evolution
The fate of CVs

Classical and Recurrent Novae
Nova-like Stars
Symbiotic stars
The Astrophysics of CVs and related Objects with the Ongoing and Future Space-Based and Ground-Based Experiments.

Editorial Board

  • Franco Giovannelli
    INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali
  • René Hudec
    CTU in Prague FEE
  • Paul Mason
    New Mexico State University
  • Joanna Mikolajewska
    N. Copernicus Astronomical Center, PAN, Warsaw, Poland
  • Giora Shaviv
    Technion, Haifa, Israel
  • Edward Sion
    Villanova University, Villanova, PA, USA
conference main image
Opening Remarks
Cataclysmic Variables
Classical Novae, Recurrent Novae and Nova-like Stars
Gravitational Waves
Ongoimg Experiments
Special Night Session
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Address
Opening Remarks
Brian Warner – the Great Man of the Golden Age of CVs
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J. Mikolajewska
The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects (An Updated Review)
F. Giovannelli
The period gap – revisited
Y. Hillman
Properties of the Galactic population of Cataclysmic Variables: new constraints from Gaia
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A.F. Pala
The fastest stars in the Galaxy
Review of Type Ia supernovae
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M. Tucker
Accretion disk winds in semidetached binaries, from CVs to black holes
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N. Castro Segura
Primordial black holes in the Galaxy dark matter halo
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M. Abramowicz
Cataclysmic Variables
White dwarfs and metallicity: lights and shadows
The Physical Properties of White Dwarfs in Cataclysmic Variables
E. Sion and P. Godon
MASTER OT J030227.28+191754.5: a dwarf nova at a massive oxygen-neon
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M. Kimura
Accretion States in Magnetic CVs: TESS and ground-based photometry
Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables and AM CVn Systems Discovered using the X-ray Main Sequence Applied to SRG/eROSITA Data
A. Rodriguez and  Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) Variable Star Group
A review on the intermediate polar GKPer
J.M. Corral-Santana, A. Alvarez-Hernandez, M.A.P. Torres and P. Rodriguez-Gil
Gravitational Redshift Detection from the Magnetic White Dwarf Harbored in RX J1712.6−2414
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T. Hayashi
One model to rule them all: magnetic braking from CVs to low-mass stars
A. Sarkar, H. Ge, L. Yungelson and C.A. Tout
SRGeJ045359.9+622444: A 55-min Period Eclipsing AM CVn Discovered from a Joint SRG/eROSITA + ZTF Search
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A. Rodriguez
Advective hot flows in CVs and spectral-timing studies in the high accretion rate regime
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S. Balman
Multi-band observations of CVs with OPTICam
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N. Castro Segura
The period gap dwarf nova CzeV404 Her: A possible link between SU UMa and SW Sex systems
Cataclysmic Variables in Narrow Band Wide Field Surveys
A. Ederoclite and A. Ortega
The Eclipsing Dwarf Nova EX Dra – A short review
I. Voloshina and T. Khruzina
Investigating the low amplitude outbursts of long-orbital period CVs
H. Szegedi, P.A. Charles, P.J. Meintjes, P. Mroz and D. Buckley
The 2021 anomalous event and its precursor of the dwarf nova SS Cyg
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M. Kimura
T Pyx as seen by MUSE
Spectroscopic observations of V455 Andromedae superoutburst in 2007: The most exotic spectral features in dwarf nova outbursts
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Y. Tampo
Dwarf Nova SS Cyg: New Photometric Data
I. Voloshina and T. Khruzina
On the controversial nature of the cataclysmic variable SS Cygni
F. Giovannelli, M.D. Sabau-Graziati, R.U. Claudi, S. Gaudenzi and C. Rossi
Classical Novae, Recurrent Novae and Nova-like Stars
High Energy Neutrinos from Novae
D. Guetta, Y. Hilman and M. DellaValle
Classical Novae with CUBES
The rate of Novae and their role in the chemistry of the Milky Way
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M. Della Valle
Hubble Space Telescope Surveys to Determine Extragalactic Nova Rates
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M. Shara
Absorption features observed in the early phase of classical novae
Two Nova Shells Surround a Dwarf Nova, and Two new Nova Super-Remnants
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M. Shara
A multifrequency review of Galactic and Extragalactic Novae
R. Poggiani
Association between Recurrent Novae and Nova Super-Remnants
M. Healy-Kalesh
An Updated Review of Symbiotic Systems
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J. Mikolajewska
The recurrent nova V3890 Sgr-a short review
N.M. Mumbua and J.D. Linford
Historical Novae and Supernovae
K. Tanabe
On the progenitors of type Ia supernovae
D. Liu and B. Wang
The Passage of the baton to the new generations
F. Giovannelli
Double white dwarf mergers and type Ia supernovae
A. Tanikawa
Gravitational Waves
The new world discovered with the detection of Gravitational Waves: the era of public alerts
R. Poggiani
Could cataclysmic variables be sources of gravitational waves?
R. Poggiani
Ongoimg Experiments
The XL-Calibur Mission
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F. Kislat
MCCA: A Common Astronomy Software Applications cluster
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B.L. Martino
Special Night Session
Cosmic Rays, Supernovae, Gamma-Ray Bursts, and Life
P. Mason and P. L. Biermann
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks: A Golden Age for CVs
Concluding Remarks - II
A. Tanikawa
Concluding Remarks - III
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M. Shara
Concluding Remarks - IV
R. Poggiani
Concluding Address
Palermo Workshop 2023: Concluding Address
F. Giovannelli