The latest developments on the quark and lepton flavor physics, light dark matter searches at collider are reviewed by the Italian community involved in these research fields.
Scientific Programme:
Sessions |
session CKM and CP violation |
session Dark sector |
session LFV |
session Rare Decays |
session Spectroscopy |
session CKM and CP violation |
Overview of time-integrated $C\!P$ violation in beauty-hadron decays
Overview of time-dependent $C\!P$ violation in $B$ meson decays
Overview of CKM metrology from semileptonic decays
Experimental overview of CKM metrology from kaon physics
Overview and theoretical prospects for CKM matrix and CP violation from the UTfit Collaboration
session Dark sector |
Dark Sectors - Theory review
Status and perspective of Dark Sector searches at ATLAS and CMS
Dark sector searches at Belle II
Exotic particle searches at beam-dumps – dos and don’ts
Dark sector searches at NA64-$e$
session LFV |
Theory introduction to Lepton Flavour Violation
The MEG II experiment: status and perspectives
Status and perspectives of cLFV at Mu2e
Status and perspectives of Lepton Flavor Violation at ATLAS and CMS
Lepton Flavour Universality tests at Belle II
Perspective on cLFV with high intensity muon beams at PSI and FNAL
session Rare Decays |
B rare decays: theory overview
Status and prospects for rare B decays at Belle II
Rare Charm decays at BESIII
Kaon rare decays: theory overview
Status of searches for rare kaon decays at NA62 \& HIKE
Status and prospects of rare decays at ATLAS and CMS
session Spectroscopy |
Spectroscopy at BESIII: A Selected XYZ Review
Spectroscopy at Belle II