The Muon4Future workshop aims to start a discussion that, for the first time, compares the results of the muon-based experiments, involving both the experimental and theoretical communities. Such a comparison is indispensable today since many of the discrepancies between the Standard Model and the measurements are concentrated in the muon sector. The purpose of the workshop is not only limited to examining the experiments currently carried out in data taking or already approved and/or under construction, but it also aims at discussing possible future proposals. The goal is to identify the most promising physics experiments and measurements that would allow to further test the Standard Model and search for new physics, comparing new ideas, relevant issues and related challenges.
Present and Future Muon Facilities |
High intensity muon beam project at PSI
Advanced muon facility at Fermilab
J-PARC muon facility
The European Spallation Source neutrino Super Beam and muon synergies
Muon collider demonstrator project and CERN muon facility
Muon Beams Technologies |
Muon ionization cooling results and prospects
Precision muonium spectroscopy
Muon cooling at J-PARC
Towards muon cooling at the Paul Scherrer Institute
High energy muon collisions status and challenges
Physics with High Energy Muon Beams |
The broad physics case of a muon collider
$\mu$TRISTAN physics possibilities
Challenges and synergies of a detector at high energy muon collider
Muon Magnetic Moment and g-2 |
Theory overview of muon g-2 and EDM
Muon g-2 and EDM at Fermilab
Muon g-2 and EDM at J-PARC
Search for a muon EDM at the Paul Scherrer Institute
Hadronic Vacuum Polarization |
Puzzles in the hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
Hadronic Vacuum Polarization on lattice
The MUonE experiment at CERN
R Measurements: Recent Results and Perspectives for the Evaluation of the Hadronic Vacuum Polarization Contribution to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment.
Charge Lepton Flavor Violation |
Charge Lepton Flavor Violation: experimental activities
Lepton Flavor Violation in axion-like particles
Future $\mu \to e \gamma$ experiments
Future $\mu \to e$ conversion experiments
Charge Lepton Flavor Violation in muons: theory overview
Muons in Other Fields |
Muography: overview, applications and future developments
The muon ISIS facility at RAL and applications
Muons for cultural heritage
Introduction to $\mu$SR and a quick overview of the S$\mu$S facility instruments at PSI