VERTEX2023 - (other vertex conferences)
16-20 October 2023
Sestri Levante (Genova, Italy)
published June 25, 2024
Entries on ADS

The 32nd International Workshop on Vertex Detectors is organised by the INFN - Sezione di Genova in Sestri Levante, a beautiful village on the Ligurian Coast. The annual series of the International Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX) is an international forum with the aim of reviewing the recent, the ongoing, and the future activities on silicon based vertex detectors, covering a wide range of topics: existing and future detectors, new detector developments, radiation hardness, simulation, tracking and alignment performance, electronics, triggering, applications to medical and other fields.

Editorial Board

  • Paula Collins
  • Claudia Gemme
    INFN Genova
  • Enrico Robutti
    INFN Genova (IT)
  • Sally Seidel
    University of New Mexico
  • Dong Su
  • Ivan Vila Álvarez
    Institituto de Fisica de Cantabria (CSIC)
conference main image
Operational experience on current detectors
Detectors in design and construction
New developments: Timing
Future vertex detectors
New developments: Monolithic
Radiation hardness and simulations
Other applications
Posters Session
Operational experience on current detectors
Operation and performance of the current CMS Pixel Detector
G. Haza and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Operation and Performance of the Upgraded ALICE Inner Tracking System
A.S. Triolo and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Operation and performance of the NA62 Gigatracker
E. Cortina Gil, A. Kleimenova, E. Minucci, M. Perrin-Terrin, B. Velghe, S. Chiozzi, A. Cotta Ramusino, M. Fiorini, A. Gianoli, R. Malaguti, F. Petrucci, H. Wahl, R. Arcidiacono, C. Biino, F. Marchetto, E. Migliore, G. Aglieri Rinella, D. Alvarez Feito, S. Bonacini, A. Ceccucci, J. Degrange, L. Federici, E. Gamberini, J. Kaplon, A. Kluge, A. Mapelli, M. Morel, J. Noël, M. Noy, L. Perktold, P. Petagna, K. Poltorak, G. Romagnoli, G. Ruggiero and  on behalf of the GigaTracKer working group
The Belle II Pixel Vertex Detector
A. Baur, P. Ahlburg, L. Andricek, R. Ayad, V. Babu, F. Becherer, F. Bernlochner, L. Bierwirth, J. Bilk, T. Bilka, A. Bolz, A. Bozek, C. Camien, L. Cao, R. Dhayal, J. Dingfelder, Z. Doležal, R. Farkas, A. Frey, K. Gadow, G. Giakoustidis, M. Graf-Schreiber, D. Greenwald, Z. Gruberova, Y. Han, M. Hoek, S. Huber, P. Kapusta, R. Karl, J. Kehl, M. Khan, C. Kiesling, B. Kisielewski, P. Kodyš, C. Koffmane, I. Konorov, M. Krein, W. Kühn, H. Krüger, P. Kvasnicka, J.S. Lange, P. Leitl, D. Levit, Q. Liu, Z. Liu, T. Lück, C. Mariñas, D. Meleshko, H.G. Moser, C. Niebuhr, J. Ninkovic, B. Paschen, S. Paul, I. Peric, D. Pitzl, A. Rabusov, S.P. Reiter, R. Richter, M. Ritzert, J.G. Sanchez, J. Schmitz, B. Schwenker, M. Schwickardi, C. Sfienti, F. Simon, J. Skorupa, Y. Soloviev, B. Spruck, S. Stefkova, R. Stever, M. Takahashi, I. Vila, A.L. Virto, B.S. Wang, C. Wang, N. Wermes, J. Zhao and R. Žlebčík
The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment
J. Wiechczynski and  On behalf of the BELLE II SVD collaboration
Reconstruction techniques and physics case for displaced tracks and vertices at LHC
A. Oblakowska-Mucha and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Operation and performance of the current CMS Outer Detector
I. Shvetsov and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
The operational experience of the Upstream Tracker
G. Tonani and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Detectors in design and construction
Design and construction of the ATLAS ITk Strip Detector
I. Mandić and  on behalf of the ATLAS ITk Community
Design and construction of the CMS Outer Tracker for the Phase-2 Upgrade
I. Zoi and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
CMS Level-1 Track Finder for the Phase-2 Upgrade
C. Brown and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Development of the BCM system and readout for ATLAS
I. Asensi Tortajada, A. Baptiste, B. Hiti, H. Kagan, H. Frais-Kölbl, B. Macek, M. Mali, M. Mikuz, A. Oh, A. Laura, I. Siral, D. Shane, C. Solans and A. Swoboda
Gamma irradiation of ATLAS18 ITk strip sensors affected by static charge
M. Mikestikova, V. Fadeyev, P. Federicova, J. Fernandez-Tejero, C. Fletag, P. Gallus, C. Jessiman, J. Keller, C. Klein, T. Koffas, J. Kroll, J. Kvasnicka, E. Staats, P. Tuma, M. Ullan, Y. Unno and  On behalf of the ATLAS ITk Collaboration
New developments: Timing
Design and construction of the ATLAS High-Granularity Timing Detector
S. Terzo and  on behalf of the Atlas HGTD collaboration
Development of HPK Capacitive Coupled LGAD (AC-LGAD) detectors
T. Imamura, S. Kita, K. Nakamura and K. Hara
Future vertex detectors
ITS3, the ALICE Vertex Detector for LHC Run 4
F. Krizek and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Ideas for further upgrades of the CMS Inner Tracker
D. Abbaneo and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Vertex and Tracking detector for the LDMX experiment
P. Butti and  on behalf of the LDMX Collaboration
Development of a Silicon Vertex and Tracking Detector for the Electron-Ion Collider
L. Gonella and  on behalf of the ePIC Silicon Vertex Tracker Detector Subsystem Collaboration
Vertex and tracking detector developments for Muon Collider
K. Krizka and  on behalf of the IMCC collaboration
New developments: Monolithic
The DMAPS Upgrade of the Belle II Vertex Detector
D. Xu and  on behalf of the Belle II VTX upgrade group
Test-beam performance of proton-irradiated, large-scale depleted monolithic active pixel sensors in 150 nm CMOS technology
L. Schall, M. Babero, P. Barrilon, C. Bespin, P. Breugnon, I. Caicedo, Y. Degerli, J.C. Dingfelder, T. Hemperek, T. Hirono, F. Hügging, H. Krüger, P. Pangaud, P. Rymaszewski, P. Schwemling, T. Wang, N. Wermes and S. Zhang
MoTiC: Prototype of a Depleted Monolithic Pixel Detector with Timing
A. Ebrahimi, S. Burkhalter, L. Caminada, W. Erdmann, H.C. Kästli, B. Meier, B. Ristic, T. Rohe and R. Wallny
Recent results from MAPS prototypes for ITS3
A. Villani and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Development of the radiation-hard MALTA CMOS sensor for tracking applications
G. Gustavino, P. Allport, I. Asensi Tortajada, P. Behera, D.V. Berlea, D. Bortoletto, C. Buttar, F. Dachs, V. Dao, G. Dash, D. Dobrijevic, L. Fasselt, L. Flores Sanz de Acedo, A. Gabrielli, M. Gazi, L. Gonella, V. Gonzalez, P. Jana, L. Li, H. Pernegger, P. Riedler, W. Snoeys, C. Solans Sanchez, T. Suligoj, M. van Rijnbach, M. Vazquez Nunez, A. Vijay, J. Weick, S. Worm and A.M. Zoubir
Design and Testing of a new Tracking System for the Proton Charge Radius Measurement with the AMBER Experiment at CERN
M. Alexeev, C. Alice, A. Amoroso, M. Bajzek, M. Chiosso, O. Denisov, C. Dreisbach, K. Eichhorn, H. Fischer, J. Friedrich, C.G. Argos, D. Giordano, M. Hoffmann, A. Jedele, O. Kiselev, P. Klenze, I. Konorov, B. Löher, M.J. Losekamm, D. Panzieri, S. Paul, C. Pires, T. Pöschl, J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez, L. Rose, C.J. Schmidt, B. Seitz, S. Sosio, F. Thomson, H. Tornqvist, B.M. Veit and R. Visinka
Radiation hardness and simulations
Radiation hardness challenges for vertex detection in the future
S. Seidel
Silicon Detectors for Future Experiments – RD50 Status Report
M. Baselga and  on behalf of the RD50 Collaboration
TCAD simulations for radiation-tolerant silicon sensors
A. Morozzi, F. Moscatelli, T. Croci, A. Fondacci, G.M. Bilei and D. Passeri
Other applications
Penetrating particle ANalyzer (PAN)
G. Silvestre and  on behalf of the PAN Consortium
Vertex reconstruction and tracking performance of the STS detector with the mCBM setup at SIS18
D.A. Ramirez Zaldivar and  on behalf of the CBM Collaboration
Posters Session
RD53A/B pixel module assembly and testing experience
A. Petrukhin and  On behalf of the ATLAS ITk Collaboration
Passive CMOS Strip Detectors Response with Alpha Particles
M. Baselga, J.H. Arling, N. Davis, L. Diehl, J.C. Dingfelder, I.M. Gregor, T. Hemperek, F. Hügging, K. Jakobs, M. Karagounis, R. Koppenhöfer, K. Kröninger, F. Lex, U. Parzefall, A. Rodriguez-Rodriguez, B. Sari, N. Sorgenfrei, S. Spannagel, D. Sperlich, T. Wang, J. Weingarten and I. Zatocilova
Investigation of low gain avalanche detectors exposed to proton fluences beyond $10^{15}$ $n_{eq} cm^{-2}$
J. Sorenson, M.R. Hoeferkamp, G. Kramberger, S. Seidel and J. Si
Qualification of irradiated 3D pixel sensors produced by FBK for the pre-production of the ATLAS ITk detector
S. Ravera, M.A. Samy, G. Calderini, T.I. Carcone, J.I. Carlotto, P. Chabrillat, G.F. Dalla Betta, C. Gemme, A. Grigorev, T. Heim, L. Meng, M. Mironova, M. Ressegotti, A. Rummler, A. Skaf, J.D. Sorenson, D.M. Sultan and R. Zanzottera
CMS tracking performance in Run 2 and early Run 3
W. Elmetenawee and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Towards the construction of the ATLAS ITk Strip Endcap detector for the HL-LHC phase
L. Franconi and  On behalf of the ATLAS ITk Collaboration
Test Beam Results of SINTEF 3D Pixel Silicon Sensors
S. Hellesund, O. Bergsagel, G. Calderini, T.I. Carcone, J.I. Carlotto, P.M. Chabrillat, O. Dorholt, C. Gemme, T. Heim, S. Hassan, S.K. Huiberts, L. Meng, M. Mironova, T. Poulianitis, S. Ravera, A.L. Read, M. Ressegotti, A. Rummler, O. Rohne, H. Sandaker, A. Skaf and B. Stugu