MULTIF2023 - (other multif conferences)
12-17 June 2023
Palermo, Italy
published April 17, 2024
Entries on ADS

After the long interruption of the Frascati Workshops series due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we are finally able to restart this historic series in complete safety. This is the fourteenth edition of the series of Frascati Workshops on "Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources" which is undoubtedly a largely accepted biennial meeting in which an updated experimental and theoretical panorama will be depicted. This edition comes at the 39th anniversary of the first historical "multifrequency" workshop about "Multifrequency Behaviour of Galactic Accreting Sources", held in Vulcano (Archipelago of the Eolian Islands) in September 1984.
This surely renders the Frascati Workshop Series the oldest among the many devoted to "Multifrequency Studies of Cosmic Sources". 
The study of the physics governing the cosmic sources will be the main goal of the workshop considering also the recent detection of gravitational waves from the merging of collapsed objects. A session devoted to the ongoing and next generation ground- and space-based experiments will give the actual prospects for the first decades of this millennium. 

We deliberately do not want to change the workshop name from "Multifrequency Behavior of High Energy Cosmic Sources" to "Multimessenger Behavior of High Energy Cosmic Sources" in order to preserve the name of our historical workshop series.

   •  The following items will be reviewed:Cosmology: Cosmic Background, Clusters of Galaxies
   • Extragalactic Sources: Active Galaxies, Normal Galaxies
   • Gamma-Rays Burst: Experiments versus Theories
   • Galactic Sources: Pre-Main-Sequence and Main-Sequence Stars, Cataclysmic Variables and Novae, Supernovae and SNRs, X-Ray Binary Systems, Pulsars, Black Holes, Gamma-Ray Sources,Nucleosynthesis.
   • Gravitationl waves: Theory Vs Experiments.
   • Science from large area multiwavelength surveys and deep-exposure pointings.
   • The Astrophysics with the Ongoing and Future Experiments: Space-Based Experiments,Ground-Based Experiments.
Participation in the workshop is by invitation only. 
All participants are kindly invited to attend the whole workshop.
The workshop will include several 30-min talks to introduce the current problems, and typically 20-min talks giving new experimental and theoretical results.
A series of 15-min talks will be devoted to ongoing and next generation experiments.

Editorial Board

  • James Beall
    St. John's College
  • Dmitry Bisikalo
    Institute of Astronomy - RAS, Moscow, Russia
  • Thomas Boller
    MPE, Garching, Germany
  • Franco Giovannelli
    INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali
  • René Hudec
    CTU in Prague FEE
  • Pieter Meintjes
    Department of Physics, University of the Free State, PO Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa
  • Paolo Persi
    INAF/IAPS, Roma, Italy
  • Lola Sabau-Graziati
    INTA/DCUCE, Madrid, Spain
  • Andrea Santangelo
    Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik, Universität Tübingen, Sand 1, D 72076 Tübingen, Germany
conference main image
Opening Remarks
Gravitational Waves
Star Formation
Astrophysics of High Energy Cosmic Sources
Jet Sources & Gamma-Ray Bursts
Ongoimg Experiments
Special Night Session
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Address
Opening Remarks
A Journey to Understand Our Universe
F. Giovannelli
Neutrino Astronomy in the IceCube Era
T. Stanev
Search for Gamma-Ray Counterparts of IceCube Neutrino Events in the AGILE Public Archive
E. Gasparri, R. Poggiani, C. Pittori, F. Lucarelli and P. Giommi
Blazars as neutrino sources
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P. Padovani
The two-dimensional and three-dimensional relations in the plateau emission in multi-wavelengths
M. Dainotti and B. De Simone
Search for neutral particles with the Pierre Auger Observatory
F.M. Mariani and  on behalf of the Pierre Auger Collaboration
On the origin of UHE Cosmic Rays
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C. Righi
The Birth of a Relativistic Jet Following the Disruption of a Star by a Cosmological Black Hole
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D. Pasham
JWST data and possible interpretation
A. Dolgov
Results of the Heavy Cosmic-Ray Analysis with CALET on the International Space Station
Presented by C. Checchia on behalf of  on behalf of the CALET Collaboration
Latest results on cosmic rays light elements with the CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the International Space Station
F. Stolzi and  on behalf of the CALET Collaboration
The dynamics of Globular Clusters with the GAIA Data
M. Merafina
Superheavy SUSY-kind dark matter and high energy cosmic rays
E. Arbuzova
Multi-messenger cosmology and astrophysics with Gamma-Ray Bursts
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L. Amati
Testing General Relativity with Black Hole X-Ray Data and ABHModels
C. Bambi, A. Abdikamalov, H. Liu, S. Riaz, S. Shashank and M. Zhou
High-z GRBs as witness of infant Universe
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P. D'Avanzo
Limits on the Primordial Black Holes Dark Matter with current and future missions
D. Malyshev, E. Moulin and A. Santangelo
Cosmic Microwave Background Observations: looking for the Cosmic Web through the Sunyaev Zeldovich effect
E. Battistelli and  on behalf of the MISTRAL Collaboration
Gravitational Waves
Gravitational Waves Astronomy: present and future
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D. Gondek-Rosinska
The new world discovered with the detection of Gravitational Waves
R. Poggiani and  on behalf of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
Multimessenger detection of binary neutron star mergers
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M.G. Bernardini
Multimessenger Era: Integral observations of GW and transient phenomena
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P. Ubertini
Star Formation
JWST spectroscopy of accreting pre-main sequence stars in the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds
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G. De Marchi
Jets, Outflows, and Explosions in Massive Star Formation
Multi-band observations of the extended green objects (EGO) G45.47+0.13
P. Persi and M. Tapia
Astrophysics of High Energy Cosmic Sources
Evolution of accreting white dwarfs from HST and Gaia
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A.F. Pala
Supersoft X-ray emission from the classical nova AT 2018bej
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A. Tavleev
TESS and ground based photometry of magnetic CVs
THESEUS Science on Time-domain Studies of Compact Object Binaries
S. Balman, S. Mereghetti, J. Osborne and  on behalf of the Science Working Group on Time Domain Astronomy
X-Ray Polarimetry and IXPE mission
E. Costa and  on behalf of the IXPE collaboration
Observations of Blazars, AGN, and Magnetars with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)
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H. Marshall
Magnetars - An updated review
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A. Beloborodov
Polarized X-rays from the magnetar sources
R. Taverna and  on behalf of the IXPE collaboration
X-ray polarization of Blazars
L. Costamante
The look and nature of massive blazars in the early Universe
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T. Sbarrato
A shared accretion instability for black holes and neutron stars
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F. Vincentelli
Black Holes studies with Insight-HXMT
First Year of Stellar-Mass Black Hole Observations with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer
N.R. Cavero and  on behalf of the IXPE collaboration
eROSITA AGN Science Highlights
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T. Boller
An explosive year: first X-ray polarization detection of supernova remnants
R. Ferrazzoli and  on behalf of the IXPE collaboration
Fermi-LAT Gamma-ray Emission Discovered From the Composite Supernova Remnant B0453-685 in the Large Magellanic Cloud
J. Eagle, D. Castro, P. Mahhov, J. Gelfand, M. Kerr, P. Slane, J. Ballet, F. Acero, S. Straal and M. Ajello
Modeling the Evolution from Massive Stars to Supernovae and Supernova Remnants
S. Orlando
Progenitor constraint using line ratios of the CNO elements in supernova remnants
H. Uchida and T. Narita
Suzaku observations of Fe K-shell lines in the supernova remnant W51C and hard X-ray sources in the proximity
K. Nobukawa
Modelling the optical/UV emission of Swift J0243.6+6124 during its 2017–2018 giant outburst
J. Alfonso-Garzon, J. van den Eijnden, N.P. Kuin, F. Fürst, A. Rouco-Escorial, J. Fabregat, P. Reig, J.M. Mas-Hesse, P. Jenke, C. Malacaria and C. Wilson-Hodge
The role of stellar winds in the formation of massive stellar black holes
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J. Ziolkowski
Broadband X-ray Spectroscopy of the Pulsar Wind Nebula in HESS J1640-465
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J. Gelfand
Uncovering X-ray binary population in eROSITA using machine learning methods
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A. Avakyan
X-ray study on the nature of the colliding stellar winds in the massive star binary WR140
M. Ishida, A. Miyamoto, Y. Maeda, K. Hamaguchi, Y. Sugawara, M. Corcoran, C. Russel and A. Moffat
Binary systems at gamma-rays: status and prospects
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P. Bordas
The Be/X-ray binary A0538-66 - A Short Review
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L. Ducci
Timing (Pulsating) ULX-ray sources – lessons learned from M82
M. Bachetti
Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients (SFXT) – A Review
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E. Bozzo
X-ray observations of isolated neutron stars
M. Rigoselli
Intermediate Mass Black Holes - A Review
Accretion and ejection connection in AGN
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F. Panessa
The relation between X-ray and UV emission in quasars
S. Bisogni
The Peculiar Properties of Cold Quasars
A. Kirkpatrick, B. Coleman, C. Cook and A. Goel
Blazars from the new window of X-ray polarimetry: IXPE observations of Mrk 421
L. Di Gesu and  on behalf of the IXPE collaboration
Dual and binary supermassive black holes
P. Severgnini, A. De Rosa, C. Vignali, F. Mannucci,  on behalf of the DualBinaryAGN Collaboration and  on behalf of the MAGNA Collaboration
X-ray vs H_alpha emissions among Stars and XRISM Plan
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Y. Tsuboi
SGR1806-20 activity spanning 20 years of INTEGRAL
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M. Topinka
Jet Sources & Gamma-Ray Bursts
The contribution of AGILE to the knowledge of GRBs and other transients
C. Pittori
Global MASTER-Net Highlights
V. Lipunov
Jet variability in Stellar-mass Compact
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P. Casella
Jets in accreting black-hole binaries Objects
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A. Zdziarski
Shedding new light on the Hubble constant tension through Supernovae Ia
M. Dainotti, B. De Simone, M. Bogdan and G. Montani
On the origin of afterglow "plateaus" in gamma-ray bursts
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G. Stratta
GRB 210905A at 𝒛 = 6.3: a powerful blast from the past.
M. De Pasquale
The role of the magnetic fields in GRB outflows
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N. Jordana-Mitjans
GRBAlpha and VZLUSAT-2 CubeSats Observing Gamma-Ray Transients
Multifrequency and multimessenger observations of short GRBs and kilonovae
Ongoimg Experiments
Einstein Probe Mission
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T. Boller
Novel space experiments for X-ray astrophysics: LOBSTER EYE
R. Hudec and V. Simon
The Rocket Experiment Demonstration of a Soft X-ray Polarimeter (REDSoX)
H. Marshall, S. Heine, A. Garner, R. Masterson, M. Guenther, R. Heilmann, S. Bongiorno and E. Gullikson
The SVOM mission in the multimessenger era
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M.G. Bernardini
QUVIK (Ultra-VIolet Kilonova surveyor Experiment)
Localisation of GRBs from the combined SpIRIT+HERMES-TP/SP nano-satellite constellation
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M.L. Thomas
The Quick Look subsystem of the GRASS-2 Experiment
B.L. Martino, C. Gaibisso, L. Natalucci, N. Vertolli and U. Zannoni
Special Night Session
Stellar, Galactic, and Super-Galactic Habitable Zones
P. Mason and P.L. Biermann
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks - I
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P. Padovani
From the gravitational waves to the exoplanets: the Research Highlights
M. Dainotti, B. De Simone and N. Fraija
Concluding Remarks - III
J. Ziolkowski
Concluding Remarks - IV
Concluding Address
Frascati Workshop 2023: Concluding Address
F. Giovannelli