PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 447 - Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources XIV (MULTIF2023) - Opening Remarks
A Journey to Understand Our Universe
F. Giovannelli
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Published on: April 17, 2024
In this review article I will deal, without claiming to be complete, the leading topics of astrophysics with the aim of making the current knowledge of our Universe easier for the reader.
"Multifrequency Astrophysics" is a pillar of an interdisciplinary approach to the knowledge of the physics of our Universe. Indeed, as clearly demonstrated in the last decades, only with the
multifrequency observations of cosmic sources is it possible to get nearly the whole behaviour of a source and then to approach the physics governing the phenomena that originate such a behaviour.
I regard a multidisciplinary approach in the study of each kind of phenomenon occurring in each kind of cosmic source as even more powerful than a simple "astrophysical approach".
A clear example of a multidisciplinary approach is that of "The Bridge between the Big Bang and Biology". This bridge can be described by using the competencies of astrophysicists, planetary
physicists, atmospheric physicists, geophysicists, volcanologists, biophysicists, biochemists, and astrobiophysicists. The unification of such fields of expertise can provide the intellectual
framework that will better enable an understanding of the physics governing the formation and structure of cosmic objects, seemingly uncorrelated with one another, but constitutive of the steps
necessary for the origin of life (e.g. Giovannelli, 2001a). Indeed, a lot of the future research in astrophysics will be focussed on the discovery of exoplanets and on the possibility to detect signals
for alien life somewhere in the Galaxy. An extension to a multidisciplinary approach comes from the use of historical news reported in "old chronicles" that are a fundamental source for the
newborn "archaeoastronomy".
There are many problems in performing simultaneous nultifrequency, multisite, multiinstrument,
multiplatform measurements due to: (i) objective technological difficulties; (ii) sharing common scientific objectives; (iii) problems of scheduling and budgets; and (iv) the political management
of science. All these kinds of measurements converge in what is now called Multimessenger Astrophysics, this after the detection of gravitational wave events (GWEs) and the search for the
electromagnetic counterparts of such events.
I will provide several examples that marked the continuous evolution on the knowledge of the physics of our Universe.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.447.0001
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