PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 447 - Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources XIV (MULTIF2023) - Astrophysics of High Energy Cosmic Sources
X-Ray Polarimetry and IXPE mission
E. Costa*  on behalf of the IXPE collaboration
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Published on: April 17, 2024
In the past X-Ray Polarimetry was not able to follow the same development of other subtopics of X-Ray Astronomy. This occurred because the conventional instruments, based on Bragg diffraction or on Compton scattering, were not suited to benefit of the great step forward due to the introduction of Optics. With the development of polarimeters based on photoelectric effect, the focal plane, imaging polarimetry became feasible.

IXPE satellite includes three X-Ray telescopes with in the focus three photoelectric detectors. Launched at the end of 2021 it has opened again the window of X-Ray Polarimetry on tens of sources belonging to most of the classes, frequently with unpredicted results. I present some data on Pulsar Wind Nebulae and the only observation of a Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow. The observation of a group of molecular clouds at the center of our Galaxy gives the evidence of a strong flare of the central Black Hole occurred around 200 years ago.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.447.0031
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