Computational Tools for High Energy Physics and Cosmology workshop is a hybrid in-person/online event at the Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon (IP2I), Lyon, France, from Nov 22-26, 2021.
This workshop aims to review the state-of-the-art tools for high energy physics and cosmology.
The workshop consists of short sessions over 5 days together with software demo and several discussion sessions.
The following themes will be covered at the workshop:
The program will consist of both invited talks and contributed talks.
Sessions |
session Dark Matter |
session Higgs, Flavour and Precision |
session Cosmology |
session Collider |
session General tools |
session Dark Matter |
Review of Dark Matter computational tools
Photon-ALP oscillations with ELMAG
Studying dark matter with MadDM: Lines and loops
Estimating QCD uncertainties on antiproton spectra from dark-matter annihilation
SuperIso Relic
An introduction to micrOMEGAs
DarkSUSY 6.3 – Freeze-in, out-of-equilibrium freeze-out, cosmic-ray upscattering and further new features
session Higgs, Flavour and Precision |
Review on Higgs Tools
GM2Calc - 2 for the 2HDM
Flavour Physics Phenomenology with SuperIso
Likelihood analysis of the general 2HDM with Gambit's FlavBit
EOS – A Software for Flavor Physics Phenomenology
HiggsTools: a toolbox for BSM scalar phenomenology
Improvements in Higgs-mass predictions with $\texttt{FeynHiggs}$
session Cosmology |
Review on Tools for Cosmological Phase Transitions
Overview on CMB Codes
Beyond the Standard Model with BlackHawk v2.0
MiMeS, the Misalignment Mechanism Solver
A new Monte Carlo muon generator for cosmic-ray muon applications
session Collider |
Review on NNLO matching and parton showers
Review on LHC Recasting Tools
Recasting long-lived particle searches at the LHC with CheckMATE 2
Probing long-lived particles with SModelS v2
Rivet and Contur
Collider Phenomenology & LHC Recasting with MadAnalysis 5
Automated Collider Event Selection, Plotting, & Machine Learning with AEACuS, RHADAManTHUS, & MInOS
Implementation and benchmarking of a columnar analysis framework for searches of the Higgs boson decays into two muons
session General tools |
Review on Statistical Tools and Samplers
Nested sampling for frequentist computation: fast estimation of small p-values
The MARTY user interface for the calculation of general Wilson coefficients
Review on EFT Tools
Global fits beyond the standard Beyond-the-Standard-Model models
scikinC: a tool for deploying machine learning as binaries
FlexibleDecay: An automated calculator of scalar decay widths
NPointFunctions: a calculator of amplitudes and observables in FlexibleSUSY