2-6 November, 2020
Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis (IP2I), Lyon, France
published May 10, 2021

TOOLS 2020, Tools for High Energy Physics and Cosmology, will be a hybrid in-person/online event at the Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon (IP2I), Lyon, France, from Nov 2-6, 2020.

This workshop aims to review the state-of-the-art tools for high energy physics and cosmology.

The workshop consists of short sessions over 5 days together with software demo and several discussion sessions.

The following themes will be covered at the workshop:

Higgs and Collider physics

Dark matter


Flavour physics and precision tests

General tools (Fitting tools, recast tools, spectrum generators, etc...)

The program will consist of both invited talks and contributed talks. All the talks will be online (via zoom) but participants from close-by institutions are welcome to participate in person (please contact the organisers for travel funds).

All the talks will be recorded and made available online so that participants from different time zones will have the possibility to follow the talks.

Editorial Board

  • Alexandre Arbey
    Université Lyon 1 - IP2I
  • Genevieve Belanger
  • Farvah Mahmoudi
    Lyon University
  • Pat Scott
    The University of Queensland
  • Peter Skands
    School of Physics and Astronomy, Monash University, VIC-3800, Australia
conference main image
Dark Matter session
Collider session
Cosmology session
Higgs, Flavour and Precision session
General tools session
Dark Matter session
Review on Dark Matter tools
An introduction to DDCalc
F. Kahlhoefer
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F.A. Bishara
D.A. Maurin
Strax and Straxen: Streaming analysis for xenon experiments
Formation of light (anti)nuclei
J. Tjemsland
Tools for Feebly Interacting Particles
L.J.M. Darmé
MeV astronomy with Herwig?
P. Reimitz
Studying dark matter with MadDM 3.1: a short user guide
C. Arina, J. Heisig, F. Maltoni, L. Mantani, D. Massaro, O. Mattelaer and G. Mohlabeng
DarkSUSY tutorial
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T. Bringmann
Capt’n General
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A. Vincent
Collider session
Review on Feynman rules and matrix elements calculators
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C.C. Degrande
Review on Monte Carlo based programs
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N. Desai
Review on collider recasting tools
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J. Van den Abeele
Generative Networks for LHC events
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A. Butter
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B. Krikler
pyhf: pure-Python implementation of HistFactory with tensors and automatic differentiation
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M. Feickert
Contur tutorial
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L.D. Corpe
Whizard tutorial
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P. Stienemeier
MadAnalysis5 tutorial
New developments in SModelS
G. Alguero, J. Heisig, C. K. Khosa, S. Kraml, S. Kulkarni, A. Lessa, P. Neuhuber, H. Reyes-González, W. Waltenberger and A. Wongel
Cosmology session
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P. Stoecker
BlackHawk: A tool for computing Black Hole evaporation
J. Auffinger and A. Arbey
Review of Big Bang nucleosynthesis tools
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C. Pitrou
Multi-interacting dark matter in the Boltzmann code CLASS
D.C. Hooper
ACROPOLIS: A generiC fRamework fOr Photodisintegration Of LIght elementS
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P.F. Depta
Particle spectra from dark matter annihilation: physics modelling and QCD uncertainties
A. Jueid, S. Amoroso, S. Caron, P. Skands and R. Ruiz de austri
The ESCAPE Dark Matter Test Science Project
E. Cuoco, C. Doglioni, K. Graf, G. Lamanna and S.R. Meehan
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T. Brinckmann
COFFE tutorial
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G. Jelic-Cizmek
A. Arbey and J. Auffinger
Higgs, Flavour and Precision session
Review on Higgs calculators
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M. Muhlleitner
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D. Van Dyk
smelli – the SMEFT Likelihood
P. Stangl
Flavour Physics with SuperIso
S. Neshatpour and F. Mahmoudi
HEPfit: The Bayesian MCMC for HEP
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W. Kotlarski
Constraining new physics from Higgs measurements with Lilith-2
M. Bertrand, S. Kraml, T.Q. Loc, D.T. Nhung and L.D. Ninh
General tools session
GAMBIT, the Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
T. Gonzalo and  on behalf of the GAMBIT collaboration
Semi-automated BSM model building procedures in MARTY-1.1 through a 2HDM example
G. Uhlrich, F. Mahmoudi and A. Arbey
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D. Stöckinger
PyR@TE 3
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L. Sartore
Automatic Differentiation for error analysis
A. Ramos Martinez
NuTools for the LHC and Beyond
SingularPhasespace and Helicity Recycling inMadGraph5_aMC@NLO
K. Ostrolenk
SMEFT and background fields
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T. Corbett
SMEFT Fitting and One-Loop Matching
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S. Bloor