LC2019 - (other lc conferences)
16-20 September 2019
Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
published May 26, 2020
Entries on ADS

Light Cone 2019 is the latest in the series of conferences that, beginning in 1991, have played an important role in promoting research towards a rigorous description of hadrons and nuclei based on quantisation methods in the front form.

As with earlier conferences in the series, the aim of this meeting will be to create a scientific program that will stimulate developments at the forefront of nuclear, hadron and particle physics research. In particular, Light Cone 2019 will focus on the following physics topics and approaches:
Physics Topics

    Hadronic structure
    Small-x physics and heavy ions
    QCD at finite temperature
    Few- and many-body physics
    Chiral symmetry


    Field theories in the front form
    Lattice field theory
    Effective field theories
    Phenomenological models
    Present and future facilities

Editorial Board

  • Cédric Lorcé
    CphT, Epoli, Paris, France
  • Jean-François Mathiot
    Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, France
  • Arkadiusz Trawinski
    CEA and Ecole Polytechnique
conference main image
Overview of small-$x$ physics and TMDs
T. Altinoluk
Towards resonance properties in the Dyson-Schwinger approach
G. Eichmann
Early stages of heavy-ion collisions
F. Gelis
On the light-front wave functions of quarkonia
P. Maris, S. Jia, M. Li, Y. Li, S. Tang and J. Vary
Light front quantum mechanics and quantum field theory
W. Polyzou
An overview of light-front holography
R. Sandapen
Nucleon-to-meson transition distribution amplitudes in impact parameter space
B. Pire, K. Semenov-Tian-Shansky and L. Szymanowski
Overview of low-$x$ experiments
R. Zlebcik
Epstein-Glaser’s Causal Light-Front Field Theory
O.A. Acevedo Sánchez, B.M. Pimentel and D.E. Soto
Holographic light-front QCD in B meson phenomenology
M. Ahmady
Dissociative production of vector mesons as a new tool to study gluon saturation at electron-ion colliders
D. Bendova, J. Cepila and J.G. Contreras
Going off the light-cone - a model study of quasi-GPDs
S. Bhattacharya, C. Cocuzza and A. Metz
Quark mass function from a OGE-type interaction in Minkowski space
E.P. Biernat, F. Gross, M.T. Peña and A. Stadler
Color Confinement and Supersymmetric Properties of Hadron Physics from Light-Front Holography
S.J. Brodsky
Double parton distributions of the pion in the NJL model
W. Broniowski and E.R. Arriola
Timelike Compton Scattering with CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab
P. Chatagnon
Sub-eikonal corrections and low-$x$ helicity evolution
G.A. Chirilli
Conformal invariance of TMD rapidity evolution
G.A. Chirilli
3D imaging of the pion off-shell electromagnetic form factors
H.M. Choi, T. Frederico, C.R. Ji and J.P.B.C. de Melo
The QCD energy-momentum tensor for massive hadrons of arbitrary spin
S. Cotogno, C. Lorcé and P. Lowdon
Pion observables with the Minkowski Space Pion Model
J.P. de Melo, R. Moita and T. Frederico
Study of twist-2 distribution amplitudes and the decay constants of pseudoscalar and vector heavy mesons in light-front quark model
N. Dhiman, H. Dahiya, C.R. Ji and H.M. Choi
The dipole picture and the non-relativistic expansion
M.A. Escobedo Espinosa and T. Lappi
Exclusive production of heavy quarkonia as a probe of the low x and low scale gluon PDF
C. Flett, S. Jones, A. Martin, M.G. Ryskin and T. Teubner
Gauge boson mass as regulator of front-form dynamics
S.D. Glazek
$\pi\pi$ scattering in a renormalized Hamiltonian matrix
M. Gomez Rocha and E. Ruiz Arriola
Bound states and Perturbation theory
P. Hoyer
High energy scattering in QCD: from low to high Bjorken $x$
J. Jalilian-Marian
Angular and energy dependence of $A_y$, $A_{yy}$ and $A_{xx}$ analyzing powers in dp elastic scattering and dp breakup reaction investigation
M. Janek, M. Janek, V.P. Ladygin, A.V. Averyanov, E.V. Chernykh, Y.V. Gurchin, A.Y. Isupov, D.O. Krivenkov, P.K. Kurilkin, N.B. Ladygina, A.N. Livanov, S.M. Piyadin, S.G. Reznikov, Y.T. Skhomenko, A.A. Terekhin, A.V. Tishevsky, D. Enache, J.T. Karachuk, O. Mezhenska and T. Uesaka
Beam spin asymmetry benchmark in the spinless meson electroproduction off the scalar target
C.R. Ji, H.M. Choi, A. Lundeen and B.L.G. Bakker
Structure and EM form factors of purely relativistic systems
V. Karmanov, J. Carbonell and H. Sazdjian
Probing linearly polarized gluon distribution in electron-proton collision at EIC
R. Kishore and A. Mukherjee
Complex poles, spectral function and reflection positivity violation of Yang-Mills theory
K.I. Kondo, Y. Hayashi, R. Matsudo, Y. Suda and M. Watanabe
Boson Stars and QCD Boson Stars
U. Kulshreshtha, S. Kumar", D.S. Kulshreshtha" and J. Kunz"
Role of Light-Front Coordinates in String Theory
D. Kulshreshtha and U. Kulshreshtha"
A Non-perturbative Model of Mean Field Valence Quarks
C. Leon and M. Sargsian
Frame dependence of transition form factors in light-front dynamics
Parton distributions from light-front holographic QCD
Gravitational form factor constraints and their universality
P. Lowdon, S. Cotogno and C. Lorcé
Constraints on the Intrinsic Charm Content of the Proton from Recent ATLAS Data
G. Lykasov, S.J. Brodsky, V.A. Bednyakov, A.V. Lipatov, J. Smiesko and S. Tokar
Toward precision jet event shape for future Electron-Ion Collider
D. Kang and T. Maji
Light-front quantization is the same as instant-time quantization
P. Mannheim
Impact parameter dependence of collinearly improved Balitsky-Kovchegov evolution
M. Matas, D. Bendova, J. Cepila and J.G. Contreras
Basic properties of GPDs and modelling of the latter
C. Mezrag, N. Chouika, H. Moutarde and J. Rodriguez-Quintero
Basis light-front quantization approach to nucleon
C. Mondal, S. Xu, J. Lan, X. Zhao, Y. Li, D. Chakrabarti and J. Vary
Prompt Photon Production as a probe of Gluon Sivers Function
S. Padval, R.M. Godbole, A. Kaushik and A. Misra
QCD at finite temperature and density from the Curci-Ferrari model
U. Reinosa
A proton imaging via double parton scattering
M. Rinaldi
Lensing function relation in hadrons
S. Rodini, B. Pasquini and A. Bacchetta
The homogeneous Bethe-Salpeter equation for fermion-scalar systems in Minkowski space
G. Salmè, T. Frederico, J.H. Alvarenga Nogueira and E. Pace
Tetraquark properties at large $N_c$
W. Lucha, D. Melikhov and H. Sazdjian
Form factors and structure functions of heavy mesons and baryons
K. Serafin
The massive gluon and the massless pion
J. Serreau
Ward-Takahashi Identity in QED$_4$ at One-loop Level on the Light-Front
A.T. Suzuki and C.R. Ji
Quantum Tunneling Time in the Light Front
J.H. Sales, A.T. Suzuki and D.N. Possidonio
Chiral symmetry restoration and the thermal $f_0(500)$ state
A. Vioque-Rodríguez and Á. Gómez Nicola
Exclusive diffractive processes including saturation effects at next-to-leading order
S. Wallon, R. Boussarie, A. Grabovsky and L. Szymanowski
Studies of three-body bound states with zero-range interaction in Minkowski space
E. Ydrefors, J.H. Alvarenga Nogueira, V. Karmanov and T. Frederico
Positronium: an illustration of nonperturbative renormalization in a basis light-front approach
X. Zhao, K. Fu, H. Zhao and J. Vary
Glueballs as gravitons in holographic approaches
M. Rinaldi