The strong coupling constant alpha_S is the least well known of all constants of nature, which play a role in the Standard Model (SM) of
particle physics and related fields such as cosmology and astrophysics. For many searches for new physics beyond the SM as well as for some important precision tests of the SM using collider data the uncertainty on the value of ?? is a limiting factor. In recent years progress in theoretical predictions of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), and the availability of collider data at the highest energies has led to many improved determinations of alpha_S. The current world average quotes an uncertainty of less than 1%. However, there are noticeable discrepancies between different categories of
determinations of alpha_S, which may limit the ultimate precision of future world averages. We plan to bring together in this workshop the
leading experts on determinations of alpha_S from theory and experiment and all important categories. With presentations of the latest results and intense discussion by all participants we will focus on a global view of advantages and problems of each method.
Overview and Introduction |
Pre-2019 summaries of $α_s$
$a_S$ from $e^+e^-$ hadronic and tau pair final states |
Old and new observables for $α_S$ from $e^+e^-$ to hadrons
$a_S$ from energy-energy correlations and jet rates in $e^+e^-$ collisions
The strong coupling from $e^+e^-$ to hadrons
$a_S$ from soft QCD jet fragmentation functions
$a_S$ from electroweak observables |
The QCD coupling $αs$ (Q2)at all momentum scales and the elimination of renormalization scale uncertainties
Higgs-boson, tau-lepton, and Z-boson decay ratesin fourth order and the five-loop $β$ function of QCD
High-precision $α_S$ from W and Z hadronic decays
$a_S$ at hadron colliders |
$α_s$ from jets in $pp$ collisions
Jet substructure and a possible determination of the QCD coupling
Extractions of the QCD coupling in ATLAS
$a_S$ determinations from CMS
$a_S$ extraction from inclusive W and Z cross sections in pp collisions at the LHC
Determination of $a_S(m_Z)$ from the Z-boson transverse momentum distribution
$a_S$ from DIS & PDFs |
$a_S$ from pdfs
$a_S$, ABM PDFs, and heavy-quark masses
$a_S$ from H1 jets
$a_S$ from tau decays |
$a_S$ from non-strange hadronic tau decays
QCD coupling: scheme variations and tau decays
$a_S$: Lattice OCD |
The 2019 lattice FLAG $a_S$ average
Strong coupling constant from moments of quarkonium correlators
$a_S$ from the ALPHA collaboration (part I)
$a_S$ from the ALPHA collaboration (part II)
$a_S$ from the QCD static energy
$a_S$ determination from static QCD potential with renormalon subtraction
Conclusion |
$\alpha_s$(2019) discussions summary