The Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute (KMI), Nagoya University will host the 4th KMI International Symposium on “Quest for the Origin of Particles and the Universe” (KMI2019) from February 18 through 20, 2019. The aim of the symposium is to review the status and prospect of the cutting-edge researches in relevant fields, and to develop the interdisciplinary researches to approach the mysteries of Dark Universe. One of the highlights of KMI2019 will be a session focused on mysteries of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe.
Sessions |
Talks |
Posters |
Talks |
Status and Prospect of Physic at LHC
LHC upgrade and LHC-ATLAS upgrade
Interplay between the LHC and flavor physics
Belle II status and prospects
Tau Physics at Belle II
Neutron Experiments at J-PARC
Indirect DM search
NEWSdm experiment
XENON1t → nT
CP violation in the quark sector
EDM search
High energy hadron physics at zero degrees
Quark-Gluon Plasma: Recent Development of Phenomenological Models
Jets and perfect liquid at RHIC and LHC
Exotic hadron physics
Recent developments in AdS/CFT - Emergence Space for Quantum Information -
Prospects of X-ray astronomy
Probing the Epoch or Reionisation with the MWA
Primordial gravitational wave and DECIGO
Cosmological test of gravity with gravitational waves
Dark Energy
Status and Prospect of Neutrino CP Violation and Baryon Number Violation
Physics of Anti-matter in space
Summary Talk
Posters |
Search for Dark Matter Axions by the use of Josephson Junctions
MC study for the effect of diffractive events on air shower developments
Test of the R(D(*)) anomaly at the LHC
A novel constraint on the Primordial Magnetic Fields using 21-cm line absorption signal
Development of the neutron polarizer for the T-violation search using compound nuclei
Heavy quark spin multiplet structure of Pc-like pentaquark as hadronic molecular states
Tomography by neutrino pair beam
Current status of the singlet-doublet dark matter model
Detector for High Ionizing Particle experiment Spatial Resolution Under Sub-micrometer
Chameleon mechanism on gravitational wave in f(R) gravity
Constraint on the Annihilation Cross-section with Fermi Gamma-Ray Sky and HSC Lower Surface Brightness Galaxies
Symmetry and geometry in generalized Higgs sector
GRAINE 2018 experiment: high-angular resolution gamma-ray telescope with nuclear emulsion
Development of the muon tracking trigger based on Thin Gap Chamber for the ATLAS experiment at High-Luminosity LHC
GRAINE 2018 experiment: Performance evaluation of gamma-ray telescope utilizing nuclear emulsion
Development of High Spatial Resolution Cold/Ultra-cold Neutron Detector using fine-grained Nuclear Emulsion
Developing new high speed scanning machine for Directional Dark Matter Search Project NEWSdm
Verification of the compound nuclear model for T-violation search
Effect of gravitational lensing on supernova cosmology
Search for magnetic monopoles with Belle II experiment
Mitigation of the radiation effects on the readout electronics of the Thin Gap Chamber
Projection of inclusive Search for Gluinos and Squarks at the HL-LHC ATLAS experiment
Development of the ATLAS muon trigger system on multi-threaded software framework
A bunch structure measurement of muons accelerated by RFQ using a longitudinal beam-profile monitor with high time-resolution
Development of Geant4 based simulation for Super-Kamiokande
Measurement of gamma-rays from neutron-oxygen reaction for neutrino-nucleus interaction
Observation of ttH production at ATLAS