The XIV International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons is dedicated to the study of the heavy quarks charm, bottom, and top with obvious extensions to interesting topics involving the strange quark. Neutrino oscillation studies and new insights in muon and tau lepton phenomenology are also included. The conference continues the tradition of regular scientific meetings, first started in 1993 at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati under the name "Heavy Quarks at Fixed Target", and widened in 2002 to include leptons with the workshop renamed to what is known as today.
Sessions |
CP Violation |
CKM Matrix and Semileptonic Decays |
Rare Decays |
Top Physics |
Kaon Physics |
Spectroscopy |
Neutrino Physics |
Lepton Flavor Violation, Muon/tau Physics and Dark Sector |
New experiments |
CP Violation |
CP violation in non-leptonic B decays
Study of CP violation in B meson decays in Belle
Precise measurements of CP violation in B decays at Belle II
Study of Charmless Hadronic B Decays and rare D Decays at Belle
New $CP$-violation effect in charm decays
CKM Matrix and Semileptonic Decays |
Theory on $B \to D^{(*)} \tau \nu$ anomaly
Study of Leptonic and Semi-leptonic B Decays at Belle
Semileptonic B-Meson decays at Belle II
Rare Decays |
Rare decays at CMS
Study of Radiative and Electroweak Penguin Decays at Belle
Physics cases of rare B meson decays at Belle II
Top Physics |
Associated production of a top-antitop pair with a heavy boson at NLO+NNLL accuracy
Highlights of top quark production measurements at LHC
Highlight of top quark properties measurements at ATLAS/CMS
Top electroweak couplings study at the ILC
Kaon Physics |
Recent developments on direct CP violation in the kaon system and connection to $K\to \pi \nu \overline{\nu}$ measurements
Search for $K^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}$ at NA62
CP, T and CPT tests with neutral kaons at KLOE-2
Radiative kaon decays: where do we stand?
Measurement of $\Gamma(K_{e2})/\Gamma(K_{\mu2})$ ratio using stopped positive kaons at J-PARC
The both-end readout system of the KOTO CsI calorimeter
Spectroscopy |
Spectroscopy and exotica of heavy flavor states in ATLAS
Hadron spectroscopy at BES III
Study of Charmed Baryons at Belle
Charmonium Production and HF decay properties at ATLAS
Analysis of $\gamma \gamma$ to $J/\psi \gamma$
A Novel Model to $D^+ \to K^+ K^- K^+$ decay amplitude
Neutrino Physics |
Recent status of neutrino phenomenology
Oscillation and Cross-section Results from T2K
Results from the Double Chooz experiment
Recent Results from RENO
Current status and future prospect of Super-Kamiokande
KamLAND-Zen experiment
Real-time sub-MeV solar neutrino spectroscopy with Borexino and best direct limit on the neutrino magnetic moment
Results on geoneutrinos at Borexino
Search for $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay with EXO-200 and nEXO
Results from the CUORE experiment
Search for neutrinoless double beta decay with GERDA Phase II
Design and testing of Photodetector covers for chain implosion prevention in Hyper-KamiokaNDE
Lepton Flavor Violation, Muon/tau Physics and Dark Sector |
Search for dark matter and dark sector at Belle II
Tau decays and dark-sector searches at BaBar
Dark sector search at BES III
The Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab
Search for Muon to Electron Conversion at J-PARC
J-PARC E34 g-2/EDM experiment
The New Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab: Commissioning and First Physics Data Taking
Lepton flavour violation in the MSSM: exact diagonalization vs mass insertion expansion
New experiments |
Commissioning and operation status of Belle II and SuperKEKB