The Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe (KMI) was established in 2010 to explore new frontiers of modern physics, which are beyond the Standard Model, by integrating the wisdom from various fields, such as theoretical and experimental particle physics, theoretical and observational astrophysics, mathematical physics, etc. The aim of this symposium is to review the status and prospect of the cutting-edge researches in relevant fields, and to develop the interdisciplinary researches to approach the origin of particles and the Universe. The highlight of KMI2017 is to bring the most recent results together, as well as to discuss the mysteries of Dark Universe, such as the dark matter problem.
Sessions |
Talk Presentations |
Poster Presentations |
Talk Presentations |
Review on the LHC Run2 results
Flavor physics in general two Higgs doublet model
Classification of Simple $W'$ Models
The Physics Program of the High Luminosity LHC and beyond
Physics Prospects at SuperKEKB/Belle II
muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC
Null Tests of Time Reversal Invariance Using Neutrons
Search for unknown interaction with neutrons
Flavor Physics in Beyond Standard Models
The OPERA experiment and its contribution to neutrino physics
Recent results and future prospects of neutrino oscillation experiments
Neutrino research program with Nuclear Emulsion at J-PARC
The future of RHIC
Phenomenological Analysis of High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions
Quest for the Origin of Cosmic Rays with Gamma-Ray Observations
GRAINE project: Cosmic Gamma-ray Observation by Balloon-Borne Telescope with Nuclear Emulsion
Dark Matter Annihilation Around Black Holes
Direction Sensitive Direct Dark Matter Search with Super-High Resolution Nuclear Emulsions
Probing Dark Matter with Cosmic Messengers
DM search with high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy
QCD axion and dark matter
Muon Trigger development toward High luminosity LHC
Construction of the Belle II TOP counter
Overview of the Belle II Computing
R&D for Neutron Physics
Hitomi X-ray mission and observation of the Perseus cluster of galaxies
LIGO's first detection of gravitational waves and the development of KAGRA
Testing the strong equivalence principle with gravitational-wave observations of binary black holes
Theoretical constraints on modified theories of gravity
LHCf and RHICf, collider experiments to reveal the nature of high-energy cosmic rays
Interplay between LHC and flavor physics
Unexplored regions of WIMP
Poster Presentations |
Precision Measurement of the $\pi$$^+$$\rightarrow$$e^+$$\nu$$_e$ Branching Ratio in the PIENU Experiment
Comparison of $\gamma$ production from thermal neutron capture of gadolinium with the MonteCarlo simulation
Searching for dibaryon from lattice QCD
Charged massive spin two particles
Critical behavior of the domain wall collapse and oscillon
Light Stop, Heavy Higgs, and Heavy Gluino in Supersymmetric Standard Models with Extra Matters
A simple solution for one of the cosmological constant problem by a topological field theory
Relativistic Stars in Massive Gravity
Flavor physics induced by light Z' from SO(10) GUT
Modified Gravity Explains Dark Matter?
Secluded dark matter with a massive mediator
Measurement of Relative Intensity of the discrete $\gamma$ rays from the thermal neutron capture reaction $^{155,157}$ Gd $(n,\gamma)$ using ANNRI detector (JPARC)
Numerical simulations of causal relativistic viscous hydrodynamics for high-energy heavy-ion collisions
Study of fluorescence for cryogenic fine-grain emulsion
Spectral function for excited Dbar meson as the signal of partial restoration of chiral symmetry in the nuclear matter
Measurement of angular correlation of (n,gamma) reaction with polarized neutrons
Measurement of neutron scattering from noble gas to search for a short-range unknown force
TOP counter for Belle II - post installation R&D
Ultra fast nuclear emulsion readout system HTS
Nuclear Emulsion for WIMPs Search NEWS~ development of scanning tecnology with nanometric resolution~
First Measurement of the $\tau$ Lepton Polarization in the Decay $\bar{B} \rightarrow D^* \tau^- \bar{\nu}_\tau$ at Belle
Recent measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections at $sqrt{s} = $ 7, 8, and 13,TeV with the LHC-ATLAS experiment
Search for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum in Run2
Development of Large Crystal Size Nuclear Emulsion for Cosmic-ray Radiography
Attractor Structure of Gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model
Analysis of cosmic-ray interaction in balloon-borne emulsion detector.
Charge determination for high-Z nucleus by fine grain nuclear emulsion
Search for scalar top quark pair production in final states with one isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum in $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Zero degree neutron energy spectra in $\sqrt{s}=13$TeV proton-proton collisions at LHC
Study of Axion Dark Matter Detection Using Josephson Junctions
Firmware Development for the first level trigger of ATLAS LAr Calorimeter
Development of a prototype front-end board of the Thin Gap Chamber for ATLAS at the High-Luminosity LHC
Monte Carlo study of diffraction in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=13TeV with the very forward detector
Flavor Structure, Higgs boson mass and Dark Matter in Supersymmetric Model with Vector-like Generations
The design of the beam line of the Nagoya University Accelerator-driven Neutron Source
Measurement of forward eta meson by LHCf in $\sqrt{s}$ = 13TeV p-p collisions.
Charged pions probing strong CP violation in chiral-imbalance medium?
Stop-$\mu$ Analysis for Atmospheric $ν_{\mu}$/$\bar ν_{\mu}$ Separation in Super-Kamiokande
Chiral invariant mass of N(939) in a three-flavor parity doublet model
Analysis of Hadron Interactions Detected in Balloon-borne Emulsion Chamber by Automated Emulsion Read-out System
Effective field theory of Inflation in Hořava-Lifshitz gravity
Development of nuclear emulsion with thick type plastic base for improvement of angular accuracy
ScanPyramids : Measurement of Cosmic-rays with Nuclear Emulsion inside Pyramids at Egypt
Development of high spatial resolution cold/ultra- cold neutron detector using fine-grained nuclear emulsion
GRAINE Project: balloon-borne emulsion gamma-ray telescope
Angle Calibration of emulsion read-out system for gamma-ray telescope by test beam
Developing a new template foreground cleaning method for the LiteBird experiment