ISGC 2016 - (other isgc conferences)
13-18 March 2016
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
published January 11, 2017
Entries on ADS

The International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2016 will be held at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan from 13-18 March 2016, with co-located events and workshops. The conference is hosted by the Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre (ASGC).

The theme of ISGC 2016 focuses on“Ubiquitous e-infrastructures and Applications”. Contemporary research is impossible without a strong IT component – researchers rely on the existence of stable and widely available e-infrastructures and their higher level functions and properties. As a result of these expectations, e-Infrastructures are becoming ubiquitous, providing an environment that supports large scale collaborations that deal with global challenges as well as smaller and temporal research communities focusing on particular scientific problems. To support those diversified communities and their needs, the e-Infrastructures themselves are becoming more layered and multifaceted, supporting larger groups of applications.

Following the call for the last year conference, ISGC 2016 continues its aim to bring together users and application developers with those responsible for the development and operation of multi-purpose ubiquitous e-Infrastructures. Topics of discussion include Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications, Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications, Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications, Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications, Virtual Research Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, etc.), Data Management, Big Data, Networking & Security, Infrastructure & Operations, Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation, Interoperability, Business Models & Sustainability, Highly Distributed Computing Systems, and High Performance & Technical Computing (HPTC), etc.

conference main image
Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity
Humanities, Arts, and Social Science
Data Management
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
High Throughput & Supercomputing Systems and their Integration
e-Sciences Activities in Asia-Pacific
LHCb experience during the LHC 2015 run
C. Haen and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity
Seasonal Ensemble Forecasting Application On Dependable Sumegha Scientific Cloud Infrastructure
R.N. Laveti, B.B.P. Rao, B. Arunachalam and V. Arackal
Finding the Optimum Resolution, and Microphysics and Cumulus Parameterization Scheme Combinations for Numerical Weather Prediction Models in Northern Thailand: A First Step towards Aerosol and Chemical Weather Forecasting for Northern Thailand
R. Macatangay, G. Bagtasa and T. Sonkaew
Humanities, Arts, and Social Science
Agent-Based Modelling And Simulation For The Geospatial Network Model Of The Roman World
J. Fousek, E. Výtvarová, A. Mertel, A. Chalupa and E. Hladka
Improvement of Scalability in Sharing Visualization Contents for Heterogeneous Display Environments
A. Endo, Y. Kido, S. Date, Y. Watashiba, K. Kiyokawa, H. Takemura and S. Shimojo
Data Management
DIRAC Data Management Framework
A. Tsaregorodstsev and  on behalf of the DIRAC Project
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Modeling the Past and Future of Identity Management for Scientific Collaborations
R. Cowles, C. Jackson and V. Welch
A Study of Certification Authority Integration Model in a PKI Trust Federation on Distributed Infrastructures for Academic Research
E. Sakane, T. Nishimura and K. Aida
Importance of User Deprovisioning from Services
S. Licehammer and M. Prochazka
Kipper – a Grid bridge to Identity Federation
A. Kiryanov, A. Manzi and O. Keeble
100 Gbps connection to the Large Hadron Collider Open Network Exchange (LHCONE), a virtual private network of the LHC Community for example the German collaborator DE-KIT
B. Hoeft and A. Petzold
The Dutch National e-Infrastructure
J. Templon and J. Bot
Building Security and Trust in Inter-Federation
H. Short and R. Wartel
KEK Central Computer System (KEKCC)
G. Iwai, H. Matsunaga, K. Murakami, T. Nakamura, T. Sasaki, S.Y. Suzuki and W. Takase
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Opportunistic usage of the CMS online cluster using a cloud overlay
O. Chaze, J.M. André, A. Andronidis, U. Behrens, J. Branson, P. Brummer, C. Contescu, S. Cittolin, B. Craigs, G.L. Darlea, C. Deldicque, Z. Demiragli, M. Dobson, N. Doualot, S. Erhan, J.R. Fulcher, D. Gigi, F. Glege, G. Gomez-Ceballos, J. Hegeman, A.G. Holzner, R. Jimenez-Estupiñán, L. Masetti, F. Meijers, E. Meschi, R. Mommsen, S. Morovic, V. O'Dell, L. Orsini, C. Paus, M. Pieri, A. Racz, H. Sakulin, C. Schwick, T. Reis, D. Simelevicius and P. Zejdl
Elastic Computing from Grid sites to External Clouds
G. Codispoti, R. Di Maria, C. Aiftimiei, D. Bonacorsi, P. Calligola, V. Ciaschini, A. Costantini, S. Dal Pra, C. Grandi, D. Michelotto, M. Panella, G. Peco, V. Sapunenko, M. Sgaravatto, S. Taneja, G. Zizzi and D. De Girolamo
SuMegha Cloud Kit: Create Your Own Private Scientific Cloud
V. Arackal, B. Arunachalam, B. Kalasagar, S. Kumar, N. Mangala, S.C. Babu, B.B.P. Rao and R. Sukeshini
Elastic CNAF DataCenter extension via opportunistic resources
S. Dal Pra, V. Ciaschini, L. dell'Agnello, A. Chierici, D. De Girolamo, V. Sapunenko, T. Boccali and A. Italiano
Synergy: a service for optimising the resource allocation in the cloud based environments
L. Zangrando, M. Verlato, F. Fanzago and M. Sgaravatto
Context-aware cloud computing for HEP
R.J. Sobie
Managing Virtual Appliance Lifecycle in IaaS and PaaS Clouds
M. Kimle, L. Kosaristan, B. Parak and Z. Sustr
Distributed Cloud Operating System (DiCOS) Development at Academia Sinica
E. Yen, H.T. Lee, W. Chang, C.H. Chao, A. Hsu, M.J. Yang and Z.T. Wu
High Throughput & Supercomputing Systems and their Integration
Automatic dynamic stack management in large scientific applications: A case study using a global spectral model
R.N. Laveti
Seamless Integration of Docker-based Applications into Linux Servers
R. Berlich, S. Hug, R. Ottmann, H. Kehbel, S. Hacker and R. Mikulla
e-Sciences Activities in Asia-Pacific
Status of e-Science Activities in Mongolia (Heritage Science)
B. Enkhjargal and B. Nergui