Session I Intelligent Algorithm |
Application of the Artificial Bee Colony Based on Boltzmann in Geometric Constraint Problem
iDNA-BiProt: Predicting DNA-binding Proteins via Feature Extraction and Fuzzy K Neighbor Algorithm
A Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Engineering Optimizations
The Vessel Schedule Optimization Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Decision Tree Algorithm Based on Regional Growth for the Automatic Oil Field Road Extraction
Universal Approximation Property of Weighted Approximate Identity Neural Networks
Test Data Generation with A Hybrid Genetic Tabu Search Algorithm for Decision Coverage Criteria
A Rank-Based K-medoids Clustering Algorithm by a Specific P System
Online Detection of Belt Deviation of Belt Weigher Using Extreme Learning Machine
Optimization of Integrity Measurement Algorithm Based on Multi-thread Pipeline Paralleling
A New-come Book Recommendation Algorithm Based on Features in University‘s Library
Period-decoupled Short-term Price Prediction Model Based on Artificial Neural Network and Least Squares-Support Vector Machine Approach Optimized by Bacterial Colony Chemotaxis Algorithm
Relationship Between the Number of Labeled Samples and Classification Accuracy Based on Sparse Representation
Underwater Robot Path Planning Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm
Session II Data Processing |
A Novel Electricity Sales Forecasting Method Based on Clustering, Regression and Time-series Analysis
Online Ship Rolling Estimation Using a Grey Support Vector Machine Prediction Scheme
Generation Algorithm of Radar Simulation Data Based on Electronic Chart Data
Big Data Business Intelligence System Research Based on the ESL System
A Simple Methodology for Database Clustering
Web Data Source Selection for Tourist Culture integration
A Novel Approximate-Exact Matrix Inversion Selection Method for Linear Data Detection in the Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output Uplink with Reconfigurable Implementation Results
Improved Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Its Application
An Improved Frequent Pattern-growth Algorithm based on Decomposition of the Transaction Database
De-noising Method based on Median Filter and Wavelet Transform
High Precision of Global Motion Estimation in Multi-dimensional Transform Domain
Individual Stakeholder‘s Surveillance System on Financing Risks in large-scale construction projects
Time Series Clustering Ensemble Algorithm Based on Locality Preserving Projection
Session III Pattern Recognition |
Decomposition of Image Restoration Model in the Application of Tibetan Ancient Thangka Repair
A Novel Plan for Crime Scene Reconstruction
Palmprint Minutia Point Matching Algorithm and GPU Application
HD2UB: A voice communication system for underground mine monitoring
A New Multi-class Classification Method Based On Least Square Support Vector Regression Machine
Image Denoising Using Shearlet Transform and Nonlinear Diffusion
High Capacity Reversible Watermarking Scheme for 2D Vector Maps
Image Restoration based on A Hybrid Model by Alternating Direction Optimization
Fast Point Cloud Skeleton Extraction via Octree-graph
Recording Device Identification Based on Cepstral Mixed Features
Object Detection based on Deformable Parts Model with Global Context
A Multi-level Method for Fast Computing of All-Pairs 3D Inner-Distance
Nonlocal Mumford-Shah Model for Image Segmentation
Research on Application of Factor Analysis in Computer Color Matching for Textile Dyeing
Session IV Cloud Computing |
Uncertainty Evaluation Approach for Cognitive Network
Multi-Objective Bottleneck-Aware Allocation of Multiple Resources
Bottleneck-aware Allocation of Multiple Resources with Time Constraint
Design and Implementation of Agricultural Production and Market Information Matching Recommendation System in the Cloud Environment
Framework and Strategy of Customer Relationship Management System in Electronic-Commerce
Grid Resources Search Engine based on Ontology
Replica Placement in Cloud Storage based on Minimal Blocking Probability
Study of Logistics Network Optimization Problems in the Cloud Logistics Environment
Session V Coordinate Scheduling |
Interference alignment algorithm in coordinated multipoint transmission system
Application of Wang-Yu Algorithm in the Geometric Constraint Problem
Simulation of Emergency Evacuation in School Building
Computation of Hitting Sets with Intersection Search Strategy in Model-based Diagnosis
Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Autonomous Mission Planning for Planetary Rovers
Design and Implementation of Multicast Policy Automatic Deployment System
Constructing Cost Sensitive Decision Trees Based on Multi-Objective Optimization
Design and Implementation of Health Management System Based on iOS Platform
SMCSN: A New Secure Model of Content Sharing Network by Using Multi-roles Sybil Nodes
Design and Implementation of Production Management Information System for Jiujiang Railway Track Depot
An Improved Job Scheduling Algorithm Based on the First Distribution and Redistribution Strategy for Grid Computing
MOEA/D Multi-objective Optimization with Adaptive -domination based Random Elitist and Non-uniform Domination Strategy
Application of A* Algorithm and Its optimization Method
Session VI Computer Vision |
Design and realization of a vision system for Water Strider Robot
The Online Integrated Development and Management EnvironmentforSmart Phone Satellite
Personalized Search for TV Programs Based on Software Man
An Efficient Implementation of Advanced-Encryption-Standard Based on a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Processor
A Solution to Speed up the Loading of Pictures under Android Environment
An improvement of Distance Vector Hop localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks
The Research about Collaboration Techniques for Aerial and Ground Mobile Robots
3D Elevation Model of Lunar Muti-Craters on Single Charge-coupled Device Image
The Compressed Storage in Time Memory Tradeoff Attack
Memory Partitioning Algorithm for Modulo Scheduling on Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures
The Wearable Level for Wearable Devices
Mobile Crowd Sensing Networks Technology
Design of Computer Control System of Vehicle Engine Cooling System
Session VII Information Fusion |
An Ontology-based Approach for Chinese Legal Information Retrieval
Understanding of the Component-Based Software Evolution by Using Similarity Measurement
Statistical Methods to Evaluate Important Degrees of Document Features
Fake Comments Detection Method Based on Integrated Features
Prediction of Information Dissemination Based on Passive-aggressive Algorithm
Multi-Feature Hybrid Gait Recognition Algorithm Based on Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
Online Comment Clustering Based on Golden Section Method
Application of the Transformer Fault Diagnosis Expert System based on Improved Bayesian Rule
Gait Feature Recognition Based on Multi-instance Learning
Text Detection in Natural Scenes Based on Maximally Stable External Region and Deep Convolutional Network
A Novel Fuzzy Chinese Address Matching Engine Based on Full-text Search Technology
Cross-platform Public Opinion Research of Hot Event under the Media Convergence