Vertex2014 - (other vertex conferences)
15-19 September 2014
Macha Lake, The Czech Republic
published May 21, 2015
The 23rd International Workshop on Vertex Detectors will review the progress on silicon based vertex detectors. The workshop covers existing and future detectors, new developments, radiation hardness, simulation, tracking alignment, electronics, triggering, and applications to medical and other fields.
conference main image
Detectors in Preparation: LHC
Detectors in Preparation: Non-LHC
Operation, Performance, Issues of Current Experiments
Vertexing at Future Accelerators
Radiation Hardness
Non-HEP Applications
R&D and Detector Simulations
Vertexing and Tracking Methods
Electronics and Integration, TRG
Poster Session
Detectors in Preparation: LHC
Upgrade of the ALICE ITS
LHCb Upgrade: Upstream Tracker
F. Lionetto
CMS Pixel Detector Phase-1 Upgrade
W. Erdmann
Upgrades of CMS Outer Detector for HL-LHC
G. Sguazzoni
Detectors in Preparation: Non-LHC
Upgrade of the STAR Silicon Detectors
M. Szelezniak
Belle II PXD Detector
M. Schnell
Belle II SVD Detector
L. Vitale
NA62: Gigatracker
B. Velghe, G. Aglieri Rinella, S. Bonacini, A. Ceccucci, J. Degrange, J. Kaplon, A. Kluge, A. Mapelli, M. Morel, J. Noël, M. Noy, L. Perktold, P. Petagna, K. Poltorak, P. Riedler, G. Romagnoli, S. Chiozzi, A. Cotta Ramusino, M. Fiorini, A. Gianoli, F. Petrucci, H. Wahl, R. Arcidiacono, P. Jarron, F. Marchetto, E. Cortina Gil, G. Nuessle and N. Szilasi
Operation, Performance, Issues of Current Experiments
ATLAS Pixel Detector: Operational Experience and Run1$\rightarrow$Run2 Transition
A. La Rosa
ATLAS Strip Detector: Operational Experience and Run1$\rightarrow$Run2 Transition
CMS Pixel Detector: Operational Experience and Run1$\rightarrow$Run2 Transition
A. de Cosa
CMS Strip Detector: Operational Experience and Run1$\rightarrow$Run2 Transition
LHCb Silicon Detectors: Operational Experience and Run1$\rightarrow$Run2 Transition
C.U. Elsasser
Operational Experience and Performance of the Present ALICE ITS
S. Senyukov
Vertexing at Future Accelerators
R&D for the Vertexing at CLIC
S. Redford
Radiation Hardness
RD50 Overview
M. Fernández García
Overview of the Diamond Detectors
World Irradiation Facilities for Silicon Detectors
V. Cindro
Non-HEP Applications
Operation and Performance of AMS-02 Silicon Tracker
P.E. Saouter
Neutron Position Sensitive Detectors for the ESS
O. Kirstein
R&D and Detector Simulations
Simulation of Irradiated Detectors
Devices Optimised for Avalanche Multiplication
Advanced TCT Setups
G. Kramberger
SOI Pixel Development
Characterization and Directional Visualization of Space Radiation Quanta on Low Earth Orbit with Timepix-based compact Spacecraft Payload
C. Granja
Vertexing and Tracking Methods
ATLAS FTK: Fast Track Trigger
T. Iizawa
Vertexing and Tracking Algoritms at High Pile-Up
G. Cerati
Vertexing and Tracking SW at LHCb
E.E. Bowen
Vertexing and Tracking SW at Belle II
T. Schlüter
Vertexing Software and Methods for the ILC
G.G. Voutsinas
Electronics and Integration, TRG
Edgeless and Slim-edge Detectors
A.J. Blue
65 nm Technology for HEP: Status and Perspective
P. Valerio
3D integration at Radiation Imaging Detectors
R. Lipton
Poster Session
Alignment of the Belle II Vertex Detector
Cluster-shape Based Improvement of Spatial Resolution for the Belle II DEPFET Pixel Detector
Evaluation of Bulk and Surface Radiation Damage of Silicon Sensors for the ATLAS Upgrade
M. Mikestikova
Properties of Irradiated CdTe Detectors
O. Korchak, M. Carna, M. Havranek, M. Marcisovsky, L. Tomasek and V. Vrba