Session: Reports from running experiments I |
Performance and operation experience of the Atlas Semiconductor Tracker and Pixel Detector at the LHC
Overview of the CMS Strip and Pixel Detectors
Session: Reports from running experiments II |
Performance and Operational Aspects of LHCb's VELO and ST
Performance of ALICE silicon tracker detector
Session: Future Experiments in Preparation I |
The DEPFET pixel detector for the Belle II experiment at Super KEKB
The MAPS Based Pixel Vertex Detector for the STAR Experiment
Session: Future Experiments in Preparation II |
The Micro-Vertex Detector of the Panda Experiment
The Silicon Detector Systems of the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR
Session: Other Applications |
Detectors for the European X-ray Free Electron Laser: Challenges and Status
Use of Timepix pixel detectors for position sensitive detection of neutrons and high resolution particle tracking
Session: Upgrade activities for LHC Experiments I |
Upgrades of the ATLAS Pixel Detector – From IBL to Phase 2
ATLAS Phase-2 Strip Tracker Upgrade
CMS Pixel detector upgrade plans
Session: Upgrade activities for LHC Experiments II |
CMS outer tracker upgrade plans
The LHCb Vertex Locator (VELO) Upgrade
The silicon Upstream Tracker for the LHCb upgrade
The Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System
Session: Vertexing at Future Accelerators I |
Higgs Physics at future Linear Colliders – A Case for precise Vertexing
Achievements and Perspectives of Vertexing at the ILC with CMOS Pixel Sensors
Progress on Silicon-on-Insulator Monolithic Pixel Process
Session: Vertexing at Future Accelerators II |
Progress in the development of the vertex detector with fine pixel CCD at the ILC
DEPFET active pixel detector for a future linear e+ e- collider
Session: Vertexing at Future Accelerators III |
Vertex Detector R&D for CLIC
SPADs for Vertex Tracker detectors in Future Colliders
Session: Radiation Hardness II |
Development of Radiation Tolerant Silicon Sensors - A Status Report of the RD50 Collaboration
Planar sensors for future Vertex and Tracking Detectors
3D sensors for tracking detectors: present and future applications
Diamond Sensors for Energy Frontier Experiments
TCAD Simulation of Silicon Radiation Detectors using commercial simulation products
Session: Electronics and Integration |
The path towards the application of new microelectronic technologies in the AIDA community
Recent Results for 3D Pixel Integrated Circuits using Copper-Copper and Oxide-Oxide Bonding
Radiation-hard Silicon Detectors for HL-LHC Detector Upgrades based on (HV/HR-)CMOS Technologies
Session: System Aspects I |
Development of tracking triggers for future LHC upgrades
Novel Powering schemes for Pixel and tracking detectors
Low Mass Materials and Vertex Detector Systems
Session: System Aspects II |
Past Experiences and Future Trends on Vertex Detector Cooling at LHC
Operational aspects of the VELO cooling system of LHCb
Low mass integrated cooling
Session: Non-HEP Experiments I |
The Silicon Strip Tracker of the Fermi Large Area Telescope: the first 5 years
Performance, Operational Aspects and Impact on Physics Results of the AMS Tracker
X-ray detector developments for synchrotrons
Session: New Technologies and Non-HEP Experiments II |
Edgeless and slim-edge solutions for silicon pixel sensors
Silicon Photomultiplier – Concepts, Characteristics, Prospects
Direct Electron Detectors for Electron Microscopy
Tracking for proton Computed Tomography