Vertex2013 - (other vertex conferences)
15-20 September, 2013
Lake Starnberg, Germany
published July 08, 2014
The 22nd International Workshop on Vertex Detectors will review the progress on silicon based vertex detectors. The workshop covers existing and future detectors, new developments, radiation hardness, simulation, tracking, alignment, electronics, triggering and applications to medical and other fields.
conference main image
Session: Reports from running experiments I
Session: Reports from running experiments II
Session: Future Experiments in Preparation I
Session: Future Experiments in Preparation II
Session: Other Applications
Session: Upgrade activities for LHC Experiments I
Session: Upgrade activities for LHC Experiments II
Session: Vertexing at Future Accelerators I
Session: Vertexing at Future Accelerators II
Session: Vertexing at Future Accelerators III
Session: Radiation Hardness II
Session: Electronics and Integration
Session: System Aspects I
Session: System Aspects II
Session: Non-HEP Experiments I
Session: New Technologies and Non-HEP Experiments II
Session: Reports from running experiments I
Performance and operation experience of the Atlas Semiconductor Tracker and Pixel Detector at the LHC
E. Stanecka
Overview of the CMS Strip and Pixel Detectors
C.P. Nuttens
Session: Reports from running experiments II
Performance and Operational Aspects of LHCb's VELO and ST
E. Rodrigues
Performance of ALICE silicon tracker detector
G. Luparello
Session: Future Experiments in Preparation I
The DEPFET pixel detector for the Belle II experiment at Super KEKB
C. Lacasta llacer
The MAPS Based Pixel Vertex Detector for the STAR Experiment
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G. Contin
Session: Future Experiments in Preparation II
The Micro-Vertex Detector of the Panda Experiment
R. Schnell
The Silicon Detector Systems of the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR
M. Deveaux and J. Heuser
Session: Other Applications
Detectors for the European X-ray Free Electron Laser: Challenges and Status
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M.R. Kuster
Use of Timepix pixel detectors for position sensitive detection of neutrons and high resolution particle tracking
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S. Pospisil
Session: Upgrade activities for LHC Experiments I
Upgrades of the ATLAS Pixel Detector – From IBL to Phase 2
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F. Huegging
ATLAS Phase-2 Strip Tracker Upgrade
CMS Pixel detector upgrade plans
H. Perrey
Session: Upgrade activities for LHC Experiments II
CMS outer tracker upgrade plans
D. Eckstein
The LHCb Vertex Locator (VELO) Upgrade
M. van Beuzekom
The silicon Upstream Tracker for the LHCb upgrade
The Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System
Session: Vertexing at Future Accelerators I
Higgs Physics at future Linear Colliders – A Case for precise Vertexing
Achievements and Perspectives of Vertexing at the ILC with CMOS Pixel Sensors
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M. Winter
Progress on Silicon-on-Insulator Monolithic Pixel Process
Session: Vertexing at Future Accelerators II
Progress in the development of the vertex detector with fine pixel CCD at the ILC
C. Calancha Paredes
DEPFET active pixel detector for a future linear e+ e- collider
Session: Vertexing at Future Accelerators III
Vertex Detector R&D for CLIC
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S. Kulis
SPADs for Vertex Tracker detectors in Future Colliders
A. Dieguez
Session: Radiation Hardness II
Development of Radiation Tolerant Silicon Sensors - A Status Report of the RD50 Collaboration
Planar sensors for future Vertex and Tracking Detectors
A. Dierlamm
3D sensors for tracking detectors: present and future applications
Diamond Sensors for Energy Frontier Experiments
S. Schnetzer
TCAD Simulation of Silicon Radiation Detectors using commercial simulation products
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M. Benoit
Session: Electronics and Integration
The path towards the application of new microelectronic technologies in the AIDA community
Recent Results for 3D Pixel Integrated Circuits using Copper-Copper and Oxide-Oxide Bonding
R. Yarema
Radiation-hard Silicon Detectors for HL-LHC Detector Upgrades based on (HV/HR-)CMOS Technologies
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D. Muenstermann
Session: System Aspects I
Development of tracking triggers for future LHC upgrades
Novel Powering schemes for Pixel and tracking detectors
Low Mass Materials and Vertex Detector Systems
W. Cooper
Session: System Aspects II
Past Experiences and Future Trends on Vertex Detector Cooling at LHC
P. Petagna
Operational aspects of the VELO cooling system of LHCb
Low mass integrated cooling
A. Mapelli
Session: Non-HEP Experiments I
The Silicon Strip Tracker of the Fermi Large Area Telescope: the first 5 years
L. Baldini
Performance, Operational Aspects and Impact on Physics Results of the AMS Tracker
X-ray detector developments for synchrotrons
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B. Schmitt
Session: New Technologies and Non-HEP Experiments II
Edgeless and slim-edge solutions for silicon pixel sensors
G.F. Dalla Betta, M. Povoli, M. Boscardin and G. Kramberger
Silicon Photomultiplier – Concepts, Characteristics, Prospects
C. Jendrysik
Direct Electron Detectors for Electron Microscopy
A.R. Faruqi, R. Henderson and G. McMullan
Tracking for proton Computed Tomography
C. Civinini