session Physics (including HEP) & Engineering Application |
System upgrade and future perspective for the operation of Tokyo Tier2 center
A web-based utility for Grid data management
The ATLAS Distributed Computing: the challenges of the future
ATLAS TDAQ System Administration: overview and evolution
session Earth & Environmental Science & Biodiversity |
The Framework of Novel k-means Embedded Cloud Computing Platform for Real-time Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Remote Sensing Images Processing
Analyse Common Requirements for Environmental Research Infrastructures
The agINFRA Science Gateway for Agricultural Sciences
The EarthServer project and its Lighthouse Applications: Exploiting Science Gateways and Mobile Clients for Big Earth Data Analysis
session Humanities & Social Sciences Applications |
Micro Discrete Events and Macro Continuous Social Outcomes: Migration Flows Analysis and Scientific Computing Challenges for Social Scientists
session Infrastructure & Operations Management |
Efficient Management of System Logs using a Cloud
EGI grid middleware and distributed computing infrastructures integration
A Trust Framework for Security Collaboration among Infrastructures
A dynamic monitoring framework and methodologies adapted for Grid GARUDA
Design and Implementation of Certificate Authority for High Performance Computing Infrastructure in Japan
session Middleware & Interoperability |
Data Transfer Improvement for Temporal User Account Resources
The Dynamic Federations: federate Storage on the fly using HTTP/WebDAV and DMLite
"Single Sign-In" User Centered Computing (SUCC) for HEP
session Infrastructure Clouds & Virtualisation |
3.5 Millions Smartmeters in the Cloud
Accessing Scientific Applications through the WNoDeS Cloud Virtualization Framework
session Data Management |
Evaluation of the OGF GridRPC Data Management library, and study of its integration into an International Sparse Linear Algebra Expert System
SCALA: A framework for graphical operations for iRODS
session Managing Distributed Computing Systems |
Grid Management using Instant Messaging
“Social” Science Gateways to e-Infrastructures
session High Performance & Technical Computing (HPTC) |
Porting workflows based on small and medium parallelism applications to the Italian Grid Infrastructure
Simulated Worlds: Relaying HPC knowledge at secondary schools
Port a protein structure prediction application on BOINC platform
session Big Data Analytics |
Challenges of Gig Data Analytics