ISGC 2013 - (other isgc conferences)
17 - 22 March 2013
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
published February 26, 2014
The International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2013 will be held at Academia Sinica in Taipei from 17-22 March 2013, with co-located events and workshops. The conference is hosted by the Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre (ASGC). For more than a decade, ISGC has been tracking the advances in distributed computing across the Asia Pacific region and leading the development of regional e-Science activities and collaborations around the world. With the continuous support and dedication from the delegates, ISGC has provided the primary international distributed computing platform where distinguished researchers and collaboration partners from around the world share their knowledge and experiences. The theme of ISGC 2013 is Collaborative Simulation, Modelling and Data Analytics in Grids and Clouds. The global e-science movement is bringing with it fundamental changes in the way we produce, manage, understand and exploit data within worldwide collaborations. At its heart is the complex large-scale data analytics that takes place around the large data sets generated from simulations, modelling and physical instruments. ISGC 2013 will bring together from the Asia-Pacific region and around the world, researchers that are developing applications to produce these large-scale data sets and the data analytics tools to extract the knowledge from the generated data, and the e-infrastructure providers that integrate the distributed computing, storage and network resources to support these multidisciplinary research collaborations. The meeting will feature workshops, tutorials, keynotes and technical sessions to further support the development of a global e-infrastructure for collaborative Simulation, Modelling and Data Analytics. Topics of discussion include Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications, Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications, Earth & Environmental Science & Biodiversity, Humanities & Social Sciences Applications, Infrastructure & Operations Management, Middleware & Interoperability, Infrastructure Clouds & Virtualisation, Business Models & Sustainability, Data Management, Managing Distributed Computing Systems, High Performance & Technical Computing (HPTC), and Big Data Analytics.
conference main image
session Physics (including HEP) & Engineering Application
session Earth & Environmental Science & Biodiversity
session Humanities & Social Sciences Applications
session Infrastructure & Operations Management
session Middleware & Interoperability
session Infrastructure Clouds & Virtualisation
session Data Management
session Managing Distributed Computing Systems
session High Performance & Technical Computing (HPTC)
session Big Data Analytics
session Physics (including HEP) & Engineering Application
System upgrade and future perspective for the operation of Tokyo Tier2 center
T. Nakamura
A web-based utility for Grid data management
E. Fattibene, M. Bencivenni, L. Gaido, R. Brunetti, D. Michelotto, A. Ceccanti, G. Misurelli, P. Veronesi, D. Cesini, V. Venturi, R. Zappi, M. Dibenedetto and A. Caltroni
The ATLAS Distributed Computing: the challenges of the future
H. Sakamoto
ATLAS TDAQ System Administration: overview and evolution
C.J. Lee, S. Ballestrero, A. Bogdanchikov, F. Brasolin, C. Contescu, G.L. Darlea, A.A. Korol, D.A. Scannicchio, M.S. Twomey and L. Vâlsan
session Earth & Environmental Science & Biodiversity
The Framework of Novel k-means Embedded Cloud Computing Platform for Real-time Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Remote Sensing Images Processing
Analyse Common Requirements for Environmental Research Infrastructures
The agINFRA Science Gateway for Agricultural Sciences
The EarthServer project and its Lighthouse Applications: Exploiting Science Gateways and Mobile Clients for Big Earth Data Analysis
session Humanities & Social Sciences Applications
Micro Discrete Events and Macro Continuous Social Outcomes: Migration Flows Analysis and Scientific Computing Challenges for Social Scientists
session Infrastructure & Operations Management
Efficient Management of System Logs using a Cloud
R. BODó and D. Kouril
EGI grid middleware and distributed computing infrastructures integration
E. Imamagic
A Trust Framework for Security Collaboration among Infrastructures
D. Kelsey, K. Chadwick, I. Gaines, D. Groep, U. Kaila, C. Kanellopoulos, J. Marsteller, R. Niederberger, V. Ribaillier, R. Wartel, W. Weisz and J. Wolfrat
A dynamic monitoring framework and methodologies adapted for Grid GARUDA
Design and Implementation of Certificate Authority for High Performance Computing Infrastructure in Japan
E. Sakane
session Middleware & Interoperability
Data Transfer Improvement for Temporal User Account Resources
K. Saga, K. Aida, E. Sakane and K. Motoyama
The Dynamic Federations: federate Storage on the fly using HTTP/WebDAV and DMLite
F. Furano, R. Rocha, A. Devresse, O. Keeble, A. Alvarez Ayllon and P. Fuhrmann
"Single Sign-In" User Centered Computing (SUCC) for HEP
session Infrastructure Clouds & Virtualisation
3.5 Millions Smartmeters in the Cloud
A. Krenek
Accessing Scientific Applications through the WNoDeS Cloud Virtualization Framework
M. Verlato, E. Ronchieri, D. Salomoni, G. Dalla Torre, A. Italiano, V. Ciaschini, D. Andreotti, S. Dal Pra, W.G. Touw, G. Vriend and G.W. Vuister
session Data Management
Evaluation of the OGF GridRPC Data Management library, and study of its integration into an International Sparse Linear Algebra Expert System
Y. Caniou, R. Guivarch and G. Le Mahec
SCALA: A framework for graphical operations for iRODS
W. Takase, A. Hasan, Y. Iida, F. Di Lodovico, Y. Watase and T. Sasaki
session Managing Distributed Computing Systems
Grid Management using Instant Messaging
“Social” Science Gateways to e-Infrastructures
M. Fargetta, R. Rotondo, C. Carrubba and R. Barbera
session High Performance & Technical Computing (HPTC)
Porting workflows based on small and medium parallelism applications to the Italian Grid Infrastructure
D. Cesini, A. Costantini, R. Alfieri, E. Giorgio, V. Boccia, R. De Pietri, L. Gaido, A. Venturini, S. Ottani, A. Buzzi, P. Malguzzi, M. Bencivenni, D. Mastrangelo and G. La Rocca
Simulated Worlds: Relaying HPC knowledge at secondary schools
R. Berlich, T. Gärtner, J. Hilpert, P. Lürßen and L. Wilke
Port a protein structure prediction application on BOINC platform
session Big Data Analytics
Challenges of Gig Data Analytics
S.C. Lin and E. Yen