ICMP 2012 - (other icmp conferences)
April 16-21, 2012
CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
published January 04, 2013
The 7th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Physics took place in the Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF/MCT), Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil, from 16 to 20 April 2012, and was jointly organized by the following Institutions:

Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF/MCT), The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Italy), Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA, Brazil), The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS, Italy) and The Scuola Internazionale di Studi Avanzati (SISSA,Italy).

The Organizing Committees were composed by:


Advisory Committee: A. V. ASHTEKAR (Penn State University, U.S.A.), V. M. BUCHSTABER (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russia), L. D. FADDEEV (St. Petersburg Dept. of Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russia), I. M. KRICHEVER (Columbia Univ., U.S.A./ Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics, Russia), S. P. NOVIKOV (Univ. of Maryland, U.S.A./Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics, Russia), J. PALIS (IMPA, Brazil), A. QADIR (National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan), F. QUEVEDO (ICTP, Italy), S. RANDJBAR-DAEMI (ICTP, Italy), G. THOMPSON (ICTP, Italy), C. VAFA (Harvard University, U.S.A.).

The Main Goal: The aim of the Conference was to present the latest advances in Mathematical Methods of Physics to researchers, young scientists and students of Latin America in general, and Brazil in particular, in the areas of High Energy Physics, Cosmology, Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics. The main goal was to promote an updating of knowledge and to facilitate the interaction between mathematicians and theoretical physicists, through plenary sessions and seminars. This Conference can be considered as a part of a network activity in a special effort to encourage the formation of Regional and International scientific networks and professional societies. The ultimate ambition of the coordinated activity is to provide top level postgraduate (PhD) formation in an environment of high standard research in various fields of Physics, on the model of the School for Advanced Studies (SISSA).

The Program: The Conference program was designed in order to provide an ample time for debates and discussions among the participants and included plenary talks (1 hour each) and a number of short seminars (30 minutes each) given by Brazilian and foreign researchers. There were also discussion sessions involving the participants, encouraging them to open debates on the themes of the Conference, as well as a “Round Table" (on prospectives in mathematics in South America) with discussions on a possible future investigations in theoretical and mathematical physics.

Closing Sessions: Prof. R. C. SHELLARD (CBPF, Vice Director), Prof. G. MARTINELLI (SISSA, Italy), Prof. L. BONORA (SISSA, Italy), Prof. A. A. BYTSENKO (UEL, Local Chairman), R. COQUEREAUX (CPT, France).

The organizers would like to thank the participants, who made this Conference a rare opportunity for the younger and experienced researchers present in this event to acquire new and precious knowledge. Thanks are also due to the contributors, who with their articles will surely make this Proceedings a living experience.

Sponsors: This event has been co-sponsored by ICTP, TWAS, SISSA, CBPF, IMPA, FAPERJ and FAPESP. L. BONORA, A. A. BYTSENKO, M. E. X. GUIMARÃES, J. A. HELAYËL-NETO

The Proceedings were Edited by: L. BONORA, A. A. BYTSENKO, M. E. X. GUIMARÃES and J. A. HELAYËL-NETO

conference main image
Plenary Talks
Invited Contributions
Plenary Talks
The AdS/CFT relation, quasi-normal modes and applications
E. Abdalla
Holography for heavy-ion collisions
I. Arefeva
Loop quantum gravity and the very early universe
A. Ashtekar
The modular class as a quantization invariant: a study case
F. Bonechi
Mathematical problems with exact lump solutions in SFT
L. Bonora
N=2 SUSY and representation theory: An introduction
S. Cecotti
An introduction to quantum sheaf cohomology
E. Sharpe
Invited Contributions
Parametric solution of certain nonlinear differential equations in cosmology II
J. D'Ambroise
The Casimir effect in topological field theory: case of elliptic genera
A.A. Bytsenko
Quantization of higher abelian gauge theory in generalized differential cohomology
Holographic approach to Drell-Yan process in p-p collisions
C.A. Ballon Bayona
Character tables (modular data) for Drinfeld doubles of finite groups
R. Coquereaux
Measuring the Instability of a Reducible Critical point of the Seiberg-Witten Functional
C.M. Doria
The twelve colorful stones as building blocks
J.A. Helayel-Neto
An Effective Torsion Model for Extra Gauge Bosons and their Mass Corrections
J.A. Helayel-Neto
Hadron potentials and gauge/string dualities
F. Jugeau
On the higher-derivative Lorentz-breaking terms
T. Mariz, J.R. Nascimento and A.Y. Petrov
Nonlocal multiplicative anomaly in fermionic effective action
D. Pereira
Gravitational waves and stability of cosmological solutions in the theory with anomaly-induced corrections
F.O. Salles
Gauge theories and gravity
R.F. Sobreiro
Towards relativistic skyrmions
M.A.C. Torres
Aspects of the Coarse-Grained-Based Approach to a Low-Relativistic Fractional Schrödinger Equation
J.A. Helayel-Neto