QNP2012 - (other qnp conferences)
April 16-20, 2012
Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, Paris
published October 01, 2012

QNP2012 is the Sixth International Conference devoted to Quarks and Nuclear Physics. It will gather on April 16-20, 2012 around 250 theoreticians and experimenters of the field at Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau, close to Paris.

QNP2012 will celebrate 40 years of development of Quantum Chromodynamics through the following topics : quarks and gluons content of nucleons and nuclei, hadron spectroscopy, non-perturbative methods in QCD (including lattice calculations), effective field theories, nuclear matter under extreme conditions and nuclear medium.

conference main image
Spin Structure Functions from Electron Scattering
S. Choi
Chiral perturbation theory and the determination of the proton radius from the muonic hydrogen Lamb shift
A.M. Pineda Ruiz
Form factors from lattice QCD
D.B. Renner
Nuclear forces: Theory and applications
E. Epelbaum
The experimental quest for in-medium effects
R. Holzmann
New Heavy Exotic Hadrons
C. Shen
Lattice QCD at finite density and temperature
H. Meyer
Results of Nucleon Resonance Extraction via Dynamical Coupled-Channels Analysis from Collaboration@EBAC
H. Kamano
Nucleon sea and the five-quark components
J.C. Peng and W.C. Chang
Transverse Momentum Distributions: an experimental update
L.L. Pappalardo
Probing QCD at high energy
M. Voutilainen
QCD colinear factorization, its extensions and the partonic distributions
L. Szymanowski
Generalized Parton Distributions: the experimental status
F. Sabatie and H. Moutarde
Diffractive Physics
A. Martin, H. Hoeth, V.A. Khoze, F. Krauss, M.G. Ryskin and K.C. Zapp
Perturbative probes of QCD matter at the LHC
D. d’Enterria
The dynamics of strongly correlated gluons at high energies
R. Venugopalan
Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors and Quark Content
G. Cates
New experimental tools for exploring in-medium parton propagation in QCD
W. Brooks
Nuclear and Hadronic Physics at large Nc
T.D. Cohen
Hybrid mesons
B. Ketzer
Chiral perturbation theory and final state interactions in meson decays
B. Kubis
Quark Matter in Compact Stars
T. Klaehn
Probing the Quark Sea and Gluons: the Electron-Ion Collider Projects
Time-Reversal Violation in the Nucleon and the Nucleus
U. van Kolck
Concluding remarks
Y. Dokshitzer
Experimental search for two-hard-photon exchange in elastic ep experiments
C. Perdrisat
The proton form factor ratio results from Jefferson Lab
V. Punjabi
Finite-t and target mass corrections in off-forward hard reactions
V. Braun and A.N. Manashov
The DVCS program in Hall A at Jefferson Lab
J. Roche
Correlations in multi-parton interactions
T. Kasemets
Extraction of the Sivers functions with TMD evolution
M. Anselmino
Bessel-weighted asymmetries and the Sivers effect
L. Gamberg, D. Boer, B. Musch and A. Prokudin
Gluon Sivers Function and Single Spin Asymmetry in e + p\uparrow \rightarrow e + J/\psi + X
R.M. Godbole, A. Misra, A. Mukherjee and V. Rawoot
Quark angular momentum and the Sivers asymmetry
M. Radici and A. Bacchetta
Status on the transversity parton distribution: the dihadron fragmentation functions way
A. Courtoy, A. Bacchetta and M. Radici
Transverse spin and transverse momentum distributions from COMPASS
G. Sbrizzai
Exclusive \rho 0 muoproduction on transversely polarised protons and deuterons
K. Schmidt
Transversity in exclusive electroproduction of pseudoscalar mesons
P. Kroll
QCD factorisation breaking in diffractive gauge bosons production at the LHC
R. Pasechnik, B. Kopeliovich and I. Potashnikova
High precision measurements of the neutron spin structure in HallA at Jlab
J.R.M. Annand, T. Averett, G. Cates, E. Cisbani, G.B. Franklin, N. Liyanage, A. Puckett, G. Rosner, B. Wojtsekhowski and X. Zheng
Prospective for a fixed-target experiment at the LHC: AFTER @ LHC
J.P. Lansberg, V. Chambert, J.P. Didelez, B. Genolini, C. Hadjidakis, P. Rosier, R. Arnaldi, E. Scomparin, S.J. Brodsky, E. Gonzalez Ferreiro, F. Fleuret, A. Rakotozafindrabe and U. Uggerhoej
Quark phase-space distributions and orbital angular momentum
C. Lorce and B. Pasquini
A. Movsisyan
Measurement of deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) cross sections with CLAS
H.S. Jo
Deeply virtual Compton scattering on longitudinally polarized protons and neutrons at CLAS
S. Niccolai
Timelike Compton Scattering from JLAB to RHIC and LHC energies
L. Szymanowski, B. Pire and J. Wagner
Exclusive limits of Drell-Yan processes
O. Teryaev
Theory and phenomenology of helicity amplitudes for high energy exclusive leptoproduction of the rho meson
A. Besse, I. Anikin, D.Y. Ivanov, B. Pire, L. Szymanowski and S. Wallon
Nucleon-to-pion transition distribution amplitudes and backward electroproduction of pions
K. Semenov-Tian-Shansky
Measurement of Collins asymmetries in inclusive production of pion pairs in e+e- collisions at BABAR
F. Anulli
Integrated and unintegrated PDFs and GPDs from effective two-body light-cone wave functions
D. Mueller and D.S. Hwang
Layout of Wilson lines and light-cone peculiarities of transverse-momentum dependent PDFs
I. Cherednikov
Time-like proton form factors and heavy lepton production at PANDA
A. Dbeyssi
Photoproduction of mesons off light nuclei
B. Krusche
Recent developments in U(3) \chi PT: meson-meson scattering and finite energy sum rules
Z.H. Guo, J.A. Oller and J. Ruiz de Elvira
Electroweak hadron structure in point-form dynamics – heavy-light systems
M. Gomez Rocha and W. Schweiger
Radiative decay of heavy-light mesons in a relativistic potential model
T. Matsuki and K. Seo
Precise dispersive determination of the f0(600) and f0(980) resonances
J.R. Peláez Sagredo
The nature of X(3900) and recognition of open charm effects
Q. Wang, G. Li, X.H. Liu and Q. Zhao
The X(3872) \rightarrow J/\psi \gamma , J/\psi \pi \pi and J/\psi \pi \pi \pi decays in the DD \bar \ast molecular picture
F. Aceti, R. Molina and E. Oset Baguena
Exclusive c \rightarrow s, d semileptonic decays of ground-state spin-1/2 doubly charmed baryons
C. Albertus-Torres, E. Hernández Gajate and J. Nieves
Resonances of the systems \pi -\eta and \pi -\eta ' in the reactions \pi -p \rightarrow \pi -\eta p(slow) and \pi -p \rightarrow \pi -\eta ' p(slow) at COMPASS
T. Schlüter
Nucleon resonance electrocouplings in the non-perturbative regime
P. Cole
Decaying hadrons within constituent-quark models
W. Schweiger and R. Kleinhappel
Intrinsic five-quark Fock states of baryons and meson-nucleon \sigma -terms
C. An and B. Saghai
Relativistic quark-model spectroscopy of light and heavy baryons
A first prediction of the electromagnetic rare decays \eta ^{\prime} \rightarrow \pi °\gamma \gamma and \eta ^{\prime} \rightarrow \eta \gamma \gamma
R. Escribano
Hadron physics at KLOE and KLOE-2
J. Zdebik
Meson spectroscopy with unitary coupled-channels model for heavy-meson decay into three mesons
S. Nakamura
Charmed and strange baryon resonances with heavy-quark spin symmetry
O. Romanets, L. Tolos, C. García-Recio, J. Nieves, L.L. Salcedo and R. Timmermans
Enhanced non-quark-antiquark and non-gluebal Nc behavior of light scalar mesons
G. Rios, J. Nebreda and J.R. Peláez Sagredo
Baryon resonances at large Nc, or Quark Nuclear Physics
D. Diakonov
Prospects on spectroscopy at SuperB
E. Manoni
Hunting exotics
T. Fernández Caramés, A. Valcarce and J. Vijande
The study of Ds1(2460) and Ds1(2536) mixing
X.G. Wu and Q. Zhao
The Ds1(2460) as a molecular state in a constituent quark model
D. Rodríguez Entem
Heavy Meson-Antimeson Molecules in Effective Field Theory: the Role of One Pion Exchange and Heavy Quark Spin Symmetry
M. Pavon-Valderrama
Exclusive semileptonic decays of ground-state cb baryons driven by a c \rightarrow s, d quark transition
C. Albertus-Torres, E. Hernández Gajate and J. Nieves
Recent Results on Charmonium Transitions studied with BESIII
O. Bondareko
Dalitz plot analysis of the pp \rightarrow pK+\Lambda reaction to extract N* -resonances, cusp and FSI contributions
F. Hauenstein
Strong and electromagnetic decays of \Xi c baryon in quark-diquark model
A. Majethiya
Chiral particle decay of heavy-light mesons in a relativistic potential model
T. Matsuki and K. Seo
B-B \bar mixing parameter using CPP\nu model
A. Parmar
Measurement of the neutron electric form factor GEn in the reaction 3He.pol(e.pol, e'n)
B. Schlimme
Partial-Wave Analysis of the Centrally Produced \pi +\pi - System in pp Reactions at COMPASS
A. Austregesilo and T. Schlüter
\Lambda Photoproduction studied with an electromagnetic calorimeter FOREST
Y. Tsuchikawa
Strangeness of the nucleon from lattice QCD
V. Drach
Renormalisation of operators for excited-state hadrons in lattice QCD
E. Mastropas and D.G. Richards
Three particles in a finite volume
K. Polejaeva and A. Rusetsky
Baryon Properties from the CSSM Lattice Collaboration
W. Kamleh
Charm-bottom baryon spectroscopy
Z. Brown, W. Detmold, S. Meinel and K. Orginos
Correlations and fluctuations of conserved charges from lattice QCD
C. Ratti, S. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, S. Krieg and K. Szabo
Spontaneous electromagnetic superconductivity and superfluidity of QCD×QED vacuum in strong magnetic field
M. Chernodub, J. Van Doorsselaere and H. Verschelde
Canonical transformations in gauge theories with non-trivial backgrounds
A. Quadri and D. Binosi
High precision measurement of the form factors of the semileptonic decays K+ \rightarrow \pi \ell \nu (Kl3)
R. Piandani
Baryon properties from the covariant Fadeev equation
H. Sanchis Alepuz, R. Alkofer and R. Williams
A light-front coupled-cluster method for quantum field theories
J. Hiller
Relevance of glueball bound states in the Yang-Mills plasma within a many-body T-matrix approach
D. Cabrera
Holographic Pomeron and the Schwinger Mechanism
G. Basar, D. Kharzeev, H.U. Yee and I. Zahed
Tetraquarks in AdS/QCD
H. Forkel
Anomalous AVV* Green’s function in soft-wall AdS/QCD
J. Sanz-Cillero
Deeply virtual Compton scattering from Gauge/Gravity duality
M. Djuric and M.S. Costa
Light-front holography - A new approach to relativistic hadron dynamics and nonperturbative QCD
G.F. de Téramond and S.J. Brodsky
Constraining the properties of Kl3 form factors with analyticity and unitarity
G. Abbas, B. Ananthanarayan, I. Caprini and I.S. Imsong
A non-homogeneous vacuum in a holographic model for large N QCD
C.A. Ballon Bayona, K. Peeters and M. Zamaklar
Application of a light-front coupled-cluster method to quantum electrodynamics
S. Chabysheva
Hadronization in SU(N) Gauge Field Theory
A. Koshelkin
Production of charm quark/antiquark pairs at LHC
R. Maciula
The rho meson mass spectrum using soft-wall QCD
V. Petousis
Integrating topological degrees of freedom with perturbation theory in three dimensional Yang-Mills theory
C. Chandrasekhar
2D gauge field theory
A. Koshelkin
Rare meson decays and transition form factors
S. Schadmand
Determination of ChPT low energy constants from a precise description of pi-pi scattering threshold
J. Nebreda, J.R. Peláez Sagredo and G. Rios
Bounds on the spacelike pion electromagnetic form factor from analyticity and unitarity
I.S. Imsong, B. Ananthanarayan and I. Caprini
Factorization of chiral logarithms in the pion form factors
R. Stucki
Tests of ChPT in Primakoff reactions at COMPASS
S. Grabmueller
Extraction of S-wave pN scattering lengths from data on pionic atoms
V. Baru
Chiral effective Field Theory for Nuclear Matter
J.A. Oller
Baryon masses and axial charges in 1/Nc - ChPT
A. Calle Cordon
Two-nucleon scattering in nuclear effective field theory with perturbative chiral two-pion exchange
M. Pavon-Valderrama
Investigating the thermodynamics and susceptibilities of the (2+1) Polyakov quark meson model
S. Chatterjee and K.A. Mohan
The weak \Delta S = 1 \Lambda N interaction with effective field theory
A. Perez-Obiol, A. Parreño, B. Juliá-Díaz and D. Rodríguez Entem
Soft spectator scattering in the nucleon form factors at large Q2 within the soft collinear effective theory approach
N. Kivel
HQET sum rules for quark-gluon three-body components in the B meson
K. Tanaka and T. Nishikawa
Three-nucleon contact interaction at NLO
L. Girlanda, A. Kievsky and M. Viviani
Diffractive pQCD mechanism of exclusive production of W+ W- pairs in proton-proton collisions
P. Lebiedowicz, R. Pasechnik and A. Szczurek
A model for final state interactions in D+ \rightarrow K-\pi +\pi +
P. Magalhães
Nuclear Binding Energies and NN uncertainties
R. Navarro-Perez, J.E. Amaro and E. Ruiz Arriola
Latest flow results from PHENIX at RHIC
E. Richardson
Collective flow and charged hadron correlations in 2.76 TeV PbPb collisions at CMS
S. Sanders
Shear viscosity in superfluid neutron stars
L. Tolos and C. Manuel
In-medium antenna radiation in t-channel
H. Ma, N. Armesto Perez, M. Martinez, Y. Mehtar-Tani and C. Salgado
Hard probes in 2.76 TeV PbPb collisions at CMS
P. Kurt
Lessons from RHIC for the LHC and vice versa
M. Tannenbaum
High-pT hadrons in heavy ion collisions: from RHIC to LHC
J. Nemchik, B. Kopeliovich and I. Potashnikova
Quarkonium and heavy flavour production measurements in Pb-Pb collisions with the ALICE experiment at the LHC
L. Valencia palomo
Charmonium production in p-p and Pb-Pb collisions at CERN and comparison with RHIC data
N. Topilskaya
Quarkonium suppression from parton energy loss
S. Peigné
Cold Nuclear Matter effects in Upsilon production in dAu collisions at RHIC
A. Rakotozafindrabe, E. Gonzalez Ferreiro, F. Fleuret, J.P. Lansberg and N. Matagne
Recent results on heavy quark quenching in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions
P.B. Gossiaux, J. Aichelin, M. Bluhm, T. Gousset, M. Nahrgang, S. Vogel and K. Werner
Antiproton nucleus reactions at PANDA
O. Hartmann
Particle production at high energy and large transverse momentum
T. Altinoluk
Study of the Hadronization Dynamics with Nuclei
R. Dupré
J/\psi depletion in a nuclear medium
C.W. Xiao
Mueller Navelet jets at LHC: the first complete NLL BFKL study
B. Ducloué, L. Szymanowski and S. Wallon
Scanning for changes, recent PHENIX results from the beam energy scan at RHIC
A. Franz
Identified particle production and spectra with the ALICE detector in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC
I. Belikov
Diffraction on nuclei: effects of nucleon-nucleon correlations and inelastic shadowing within an improved Glauber-Gribov approach
C. Ciofi degli Atti
The evolution of tubular structures in a viscous quark gluon plasma
F. Silveira Navarra, D.A. Fogaça and L.G.F. Filho
Initial state anisotropies in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions from the Monte Carlo Glauber model
M. Alvioli
Investigation of In-Medium Hadron Properties by Azimuthal Emission Patterns of K+ and K-
T.I. Kang
Hadron nuclear attenuation in p-A collisions from parton energy loss
M. Rustamova