Topics covered at RADCOR 2011 include: * Phenomenology at high-energy colliders * QCD physics of hard scattering * Electroweak radiative corrections, and applications to Standard Model and beyond the Standard Model processes * New theoretical methods and tools * Event generators and simulation of signal and background processes * g-2 of muon, heavy quarks (including B physics), and physics at B-factories and in e+e- collisions at lower energies
Results from Experiments |
Recent results from ATLAS
Recent results from CMS
Parton distribution functions |
NNPDF in the LHC era
Photon structure function |
Photon Structure in Supersymmetric QCD
Mass effect on the photon structure functions
Generalized parton distributions of the photon
Multi-leg processes |
Hard multi-particle processes at NLO QCD
NLO QCD corrections to hadronic WWbb production
Multiparton NLO corrections by numerical methods
Results in precision multiboson+jet phenomenology
Multi vector boson production via gluon fusion at LHC
Higher Order Automation & Monte Carlo |
New results for algebraic NLO - Tensor reduction of Feynman integrals
The GRACE project - QCD, SUSY, Multi-loop
Automated one-loop calculations with Golem/Samurai
Weak Bosons and Jets at the LHC
A recursive one-loop algorithm for many-particle amplitudes
Reduze 2 and top quark pair production at two loops
Herwiri2: CEEX Electroweak Corrections in a Hadronic MC
MadLoop in aMC@NLO
Alternative subtraction method in QCD using Nagy-Soper scheme
One Loop Amplitudes for Multi-Jet Production
Precise inclusive Higgs predictions using iHixs
Resummation |
Exact Amplitude-Based Resummation in Quantum Field Theory: Recent Results
Large-x resummation in semi-inclusive e^+ e^- annihilation
Top, Drell-Yan, Higgs |
The top-pair total cross section at NNLL order
NNLL top-antitop production at threshold
Higher order QCD corrections for the Drell-Yan process
Signal-background interference in gg to H to VV
Top mass effects in scalar and pseudo-scalar Higgs bosons production at NNLO for hadron colliders
Heavy Majorana neutrino effects on MSSM-M_h
Multi-loop methods |
R(s) and Z decay in O(alpha_s^4): complete results
O(alpha_s^3) Contributions to the Heavy Flavor DIS - Wilson Coefficients at general Values of N
Symbolic Summation for Particle Physics
Two-Loop QED Operator Matrix Elements with a Massive External Fermion Line
Radiative corrections at low energy |
Theoretical improvements for luminosity monitoring at low energies
Rho-gamma mixing and e^+ e^- vs. tau spectral functions
Improving the phenomenology of K_{l3} form factors with analyticity and unitarity
Infra-red structure of amplitudes |
Precision Collider Physics from SCET - Electroweak Boson Production at Small q_T
The infrared structure of gauge amplitudes in the high-energy limit
Disentangling Singularities with Non-linear Mappings - A new method for NNLO computations
Double Parton Scattering Singularity in One-Loop Integral
Antenna Subtraction in pQCD at NNLO
Beyond the Standard Model at NLO |
NNLO QCD corrections to the resonant sneutrino / slepton production at LHC
NNLL resummation for squark-antisquark production
KK Gluons at NLO
Production of KK-gravitons in association with a boson via gluon fusion in the LHC
W^+ W^- production at LHC at NLO in extra dimension models
Graviton plus vector boson production to NLO QCD
Concluding session |
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