RADCOR2011 - (other radcor conferences)
September 26-30, 2011
Mamallapuram, India
published January 24, 2013
The era of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Geneva has begun. While the LHC detectors measure fundamental scattering reactions with unprecedented experimental precision, it is clear that the interpretation of these high-quality data demands an equally high precision in the theoretical predictions. In order to connect the observed phenomena with the underlying theoretical models, one needs a precise understanding of the involved processes at the quantum level. Confronting the theoretical predictions for various processes in the Standard Model and beyond with the large amount of data which the LHC will have collected by September 2011, will allow to test the theories and help to refine the theoretical tools. Therefore RADCOR 2011 will be crucial for future developments concerning LHC physics.

Topics covered at RADCOR 2011 include: * Phenomenology at high-energy colliders * QCD physics of hard scattering * Electroweak radiative corrections, and applications to Standard Model and beyond the Standard Model processes * New theoretical methods and tools * Event generators and simulation of signal and background processes * g-2 of muon, heavy quarks (including B physics), and physics at B-factories and in e+e- collisions at lower energies

conference main image
Results from Experiments
Parton distribution functions
Photon structure function
Multi-leg processes
Higher Order Automation & Monte Carlo
Top, Drell-Yan, Higgs
Multi-loop methods
Radiative corrections at low energy
Infra-red structure of amplitudes
Beyond the Standard Model at NLO
Concluding session
Results from Experiments
Recent results from ATLAS
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J. Katzy
Recent results from CMS
Parton distribution functions
NNPDF in the LHC era
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V. Bertone
Photon structure function
Photon Structure in Supersymmetric QCD
T. Uematsu, Y. Kitadono, R. Sahara and Y. Yoshida
Mass effect on the photon structure functions
N. Watanabe
Generalized parton distributions of the photon
A. Mukherjee and S. Nair
Multi-leg processes
Hard multi-particle processes at NLO QCD
A. van Hameren
NLO QCD corrections to hadronic WWbb production
A. Denner, S. Dittmaier, S. Kallweit and S. Pozzorini
Multiparton NLO corrections by numerical methods
S. Becker, D. Goetz, C. Reuschle, C. Schwan and S. Weinzierl
Results in precision multiboson+jet phenomenology
C. Englert, F. Campanario, M. Rauch, M. Spannowsky and D. Zeppenfeld
Multi vector boson production via gluon fusion at LHC
A. Shivaji and P. Agrawal
Higher Order Automation & Monte Carlo
New results for algebraic NLO - Tensor reduction of Feynman integrals
T. Riemann, J. Fleischer and V. Yundin
The GRACE project - QCD, SUSY, Multi-loop
J. Fujimoto, N. Hamaguchi, T. Ishikawa, T. Kaneko, Y. Kurihara, S. Odaka, Y. Shimizu, F. Yuasa, T. Inoue, T. Koike, T. Kon, M. Jimbo, K. Kato, M. Kuroda and E. de Doncker
Automated one-loop calculations with Golem/Samurai
G. Heinrich
Weak Bosons and Jets at the LHC
A recursive one-loop algorithm for many-particle amplitudes
F. Cascioli, P. Maierhöfer and S. Pozzorini
Reduze 2 and top quark pair production at two loops
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A. von Manteuffel
Herwiri2: CEEX Electroweak Corrections in a Hadronic MC
S.A. Yost, V. Halyo, M. Hejna and B.F.L. Ward
MadLoop in aMC@NLO
V. Hirschi
Alternative subtraction method in QCD using Nagy-Soper scheme
M. Kubocz
One Loop Amplitudes for Multi-Jet Production
S. Badger, B. Biedermann and P. Uwer
Precise inclusive Higgs predictions using iHixs
S. Buehler
Exact Amplitude-Based Resummation in Quantum Field Theory: Recent Results
B.F.L. Ward, S.K. Majhi and S.A. Yost
Large-x resummation in semi-inclusive e^+ e^- annihilation
N.A. Lo Presti, A. Vogt and A. Almasy
Top, Drell-Yan, Higgs
The top-pair total cross section at NNLL order
M. Beneke, P. Falgari, S. Klein and C. Schwinn
NNLL top-antitop production at threshold
M. Stahlhofen and A. Hoang
Higher order QCD corrections for the Drell-Yan process
G. Ferrera
Signal-background interference in gg to H to VV
Top mass effects in scalar and pseudo-scalar Higgs bosons production at NNLO for hadron colliders
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M. Rogal
Heavy Majorana neutrino effects on MSSM-M_h
M.J. Herrero
Multi-loop methods
R(s) and Z decay in O(alpha_s^4): complete results
K. Chetyrkin
O(alpha_s^3) Contributions to the Heavy Flavor DIS - Wilson Coefficients at general Values of N
J. Bluemlein
Symbolic Summation for Particle Physics
J. Bluemlein, A. Hasselhuhn and C. Schneider
Two-Loop QED Operator Matrix Elements with a Massive External Fermion Line
A. De Freitas, J. Bluemlein and W. van Neerven
Radiative corrections at low energy
Theoretical improvements for luminosity monitoring at low energies
J. Gluza, M. Gunia, T. Riemann and M. Worek
Rho-gamma mixing and e^+ e^- vs. tau spectral functions
R. Szafron and F. Jegerlehner
Improving the phenomenology of K_{l3} form factors with analyticity and unitarity
G. Abbas, B. Ananthanarayan, I. Caprini and I.S. Imsong
Infra-red structure of amplitudes
Precision Collider Physics from SCET - Electroweak Boson Production at Small q_T
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M. Neubert
The infrared structure of gauge amplitudes in the high-energy limit
L. Magnea, E. Gardi, V. Del Duca, C. Duhr and C. White
Disentangling Singularities with Non-linear Mappings - A new method for NNLO computations
F. Herzog
Double Parton Scattering Singularity in One-Loop Integral
J.R. Gaunt
Antenna Subtraction in pQCD at NNLO
J. Currie
Beyond the Standard Model at NLO
NNLO QCD corrections to the resonant sneutrino / slepton production at LHC
S.K. Majhi
NNLL resummation for squark-antisquark production
S. Brensing, W. Beenakker, M. Krämer, A. Kulesza, E. Laenen and I. Niessen
KK Gluons at NLO
K. Sridhar
Production of KK-gravitons in association with a boson via gluon fusion in the LHC
S. Mitra, A. Shivaji and P. Agrawal
W^+ W^- production at LHC at NLO in extra dimension models
A. Tripathi
Graviton plus vector boson production to NLO QCD
S. Seth, M.C. Kumar, P. Mathews and V. Ravindran
Concluding session
Why Precision ?
J. Bluemlein