Sessions |
Future Directions |
LHC Detectors Operation |
LHC Detectors Physics Performance |
New Detectors |
Device and Detector Simulation |
Radiation Hardness |
Electronics and Trigger |
non-HEP Applications |
Future Directions |
Cooling in HEP Vertex and Tracking Detectors
Overview of new technologies for construction of tracking detectors
LHC Detectors Operation |
Operation and Performance of the ATLAS Silicon Microstrip Tracker
Operation of the CMS Pixel Detector
Operation of the CMS Strip Detector
CDF silicon operation and aging
LHC Detectors Physics Performance |
Impact of Vertex Detectors on Luminosity Calibration Measurements at the LHC
Performance of the CMS silicon tracker
Performance of the ALICE silicon detectors
Totem: Silicon Detector Performance
Tracking and Alignment Performance of the LHCb silicon detectors
New Detectors |
The ATLAS Insertable B-Layer pixel detector
CMS Pixel Upgrade
LHCb Upgrade: from 1 to 40 MHz
The silicon pixel tracker – beginning of a revolution?
Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector
Super B Vertex and Vertical integration
Device and Detector Simulation |
TCAD simulations of silicon strip and pixel
Simulations of 3D detectors
Fast Simulation using the Lic Detector Toy
Silicon Simulation Code for Belle II and ILC
Simulation of Pixel Detectors for ILC
TCAD Silicon Sensor Simulations
Radiation Hardness |
Latest developments in planar n-on-p sensors
3D Detectors
Charge Injection Devices
Defect and Material characterisation
Evolution of Silicon Parameters due to Irradiation at the LHC
Electronics and Trigger |
A hybrid architecture for a prompt momentum discriminating tracker for SLHC
FE-I4 pixel readout chip and IBL module
Tracking Trigger for CMS
ATLAS FTK: Fast Track Trigger
Powering for future detectors
Fast readout links
SOI detector developments
non-HEP Applications |
The silicon detector of the muon g-2 experiment at JPARC
Development and applications of the Timepix3 chip