ICFI 2010
August 1-7, 2010
Viçosa, Brazil
published March 10, 2011
The 2010 edition will take place at the Viçosa Federal University in Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, the target audience are mainly graduate students and post-docs. Our invited speakers will present updated review lectures and seminars on outsdanding issues of the Standard-Model and Beyond-Standard-Model Physics, String Theory, as well as on Gravitation and Cosmology. We shall be celebrating the beginning of the runnings of the LHC: 2010 is a great year for the Physics of Fundamental Interactions and this will be very clear in our Meeting.
conference main image
Regular Articles
Posters Section
Review Papers
Regular Articles
Magnetic monopoles in a low energy world: emergency and fractionalization in natural and artificial spin ices
A. Pereira, L.A.d.S. Mól and W.A.d.M. Melo
Loop Quantum Gravity
O. Piguet
A Discussion on the Rôle of Fermionic Supersymmetric Partners in Lorentz-symmetry Breaking
J.A. Helayel-Neto
Posters Section
Testing Electrodynamics with Lorentz and CPT Violation in Waveguides
A. Gomes, J. Fonseca, W.A.d.M. Melo and A. Pereira
Studying Lorentz-Odd CPT-Even with Waveguides
D.R. Viana, A. Gomes, J. Fonseca and W.A.d.M. Melo
The Schutz Formalism and the Kantowski-Sachs Quantum Cosmological Model
A.L.A. Lima, R. Fracalossi and F.G. Alvarenga
Effects of lattice defects in graphene on the scattering of charge carriers
J. Fonseca, W.A.d.M. Melo and A. Pereira
Systematizing Implicit Regularization for Multi-Loop Feynman Diagrams
A. Cherchiglia
Non- Commutative Gravitacional Quantum Well: Determination of the Energy Spectrum Throught Self-Adjoint Extentions
K.H. Castello-Branco and A.G. Martins
The Meissner Effect and the Physics of the Light
A.P. Lima
Supergravitação 2D, Osp (1|2)
C. Constantinidis
An Analysis on the Solution of Curvature Constraint of 2 + 1 Dimensional BF Model by Constructing a Projector P
D.C. Mendonça, O. Piguet and C.P. Constantinidis
Loop Quantization of the Jackiw-Teitelboim model in the Temporal Gauge.
J.A. Lourenço
Geometry of the New Massive Gravity Domain Walls
U.C. da Silva and G.m. Sotkov
Quantization of Chern-Simons Theory à la Loop Quantum Gravity
G. Luchini
On the using of Acoustic Black Holes for the study of General Relativity
J.T. Guaitolini Junior and F.G. Alvarenga
Generalized Chern-Simons Gravity: Classical Formalism
Z. Oporto Almaraz
See-Saw Mechanism and Dimensional Reduction in Connection with Exotic Metrics
M.P. Rojas Leyva, L.P.G. de Assis, J.A. Helayel-Neto and M.A. De Andrade
Review Papers
Introduction to Early Universe Cosmology
R. Brandenberger
Introduction to Chern-Simons Theory
J. Zanelli and L. Huerta