Sessions |
Regular Articles |
Posters Section |
Review Papers |
Regular Articles |
Magnetic monopoles in a low energy world: emergency and fractionalization in natural and artificial spin ices
Loop Quantum Gravity
A Discussion on the Rôle of Fermionic Supersymmetric Partners in Lorentz-symmetry Breaking
Posters Section |
Testing Electrodynamics with Lorentz and CPT Violation in Waveguides
Studying Lorentz-Odd CPT-Even with Waveguides
The Schutz Formalism and the Kantowski-Sachs Quantum Cosmological Model
Effects of lattice defects in graphene on the scattering of charge carriers
Systematizing Implicit Regularization for Multi-Loop Feynman Diagrams
Non- Commutative Gravitacional Quantum Well: Determination of the Energy Spectrum Throught Self-Adjoint Extentions
The Meissner Effect and the Physics of the Light
Supergravitação 2D, Osp (1|2)
An Analysis on the Solution of Curvature Constraint of 2 + 1 Dimensional BF Model by Constructing a Projector P
Loop Quantization of the Jackiw-Teitelboim model in the Temporal Gauge.
Geometry of the New Massive Gravity Domain Walls
Quantization of Chern-Simons Theory à la Loop Quantum Gravity
On the using of Acoustic Black Holes for the study of General Relativity
Generalized Chern-Simons Gravity: Classical Formalism
See-Saw Mechanism and Dimensional Reduction in Connection with Exotic Metrics
Review Papers |
Introduction to Early Universe Cosmology
Introduction to Chern-Simons Theory