June 10 -14 2010
Assen, the Netherlands
published September 08, 2010
Radio astronomy - in its broadest sense from metre to sub-millimetre wavelengths - is making a major leap forward. Triggered by the efforts being made towards realising the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), a number of new facilities, or major upgrades of existing facilities, are coming on-line, bringing new excitement among radio astronomers and revitalising the interest of the astronomical community in general. The fantastic capabilities of these new facilities will revolutionise the way we do radio astronomy. The use of innovative technology solutions (including new software approaches and calibration algorithms) is expected to significantly enhance the performance of this new generation of radio telescopes. The associated advances in sensitivity, field-of-view, frequency range and spectral resolution guarantees that new and exciting science will be conducted. We are now truly entering a new golden age for radio astronomy. And this is only the beginning! The meeting takes its inspiration from the opening of the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) but there are many other telescopes or upgrades that are now coming online. These include the E-VLA, e-MERLIN, e-VLBI, MWA, PAPER, ATA, eSMA, EMBRACE, SCUBA-2, APEX, IRAM, Yebes and ATCA (CABB). Some of these facilities are now beginning to produce their first results. This meeting aims to provide an overview of these first successes and indeed struggles(!), and highlight the future perspective and longer term goals of our community. These initial results will give a first taste of the science (and the challenges) that we will enjoy with the SKA. Several major elements of new telescopes like MEERKAT, ALMA, ASKAP, APERTIF, LWA, SRT and FAST are also expected to be producing some initial technical results around this time - these will also be covered in the programme of the meeting. In summary, we encourage presentations on results that use new or recently upgraded telescopes, or results that use new challenging techniques or address science issues that will be fully explored by the new generation of radio telescopes. The meeting is part of a week-long series of events organised around the opening of LOFAR and the International SKA Forum 2010. The LOFAR opening will take place on Saturday 12 June, while the Forum is scheduled on Tuesday 15 June. The (somewhat unusual) schedule of the "A new golden age for radio astronomy" meeting has been made in order to give the participants an opportunity to attend all of these events. On Monday June 14th science funding agencies from around the globe will meet to discuss how they will accommodate the SKA (Agencies SKA Group). On the same day industrial partners will join in a workshop to discuss the opportunities of the SKA, not only for science and industry but also for the society as a whole in the Connect Industry Science and Society Workshop (CISS). The venue for all of the above meetings will be the luxury resort "Hof van Saksen" located south of the city of Assen. The absolute climax of the week will be the International SKA Forum on June 15th at the TT-hal in Assen where high level politicians, top scientists, major industries, policy makers and candidate sites for the SKA will meet on ‘SKA beyond Astronomy'.
conference main image
The wide-field imaging with VISTA and the ESO public surveys
M.A. Arnaboldi
Towards a New Era of Observing Cosmic Magnetic Fields
Redshift dependence of scintillating AGN
H.E. Bignall
An update on MeerKAT developments
W.J.G. de Blok, R. Booth, J. Jonas and B. Fanaroff
Galaxy cluster magnetic fields
A. Bonafede
Radio Halos and the importance of future observations at low frequency
G. Brunetti and R. Cassano
The Heraclitean Universe: New Tools and Exotica from Transient Surveys of the Galaxy and Beyond
J.M. Cordes
Wide-Field Imaging and Transient Statistics from the ATA 20 cm Survey
S.D. Croft and G.C. Bower
The Golden Age of Radio Astronomy
R.D. Ekers
Exploiting HI surveys with stacking.
S.F.S. Fabello
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) - Phase 1 Design Concept
M.A. Garrett
Ground-based study of solar system planetary lightning
J.M. Griessmeier, P. Zarka, J. Girard, S. ter Veen and H. Falcke
The First Station of the Long Wavelength Array
P.A. Henning
Early Pulsar Observations with LOFAR
J. Hessels, B. Stappers, A. Alexov, T. Coenen, T. Hassall, A. Karastergiou, V.K. Kondratiev, M. Kramer, J. van Leeuwen, J.D. Mol, A. Noutsos and P. Weltevrede
HI signatures of galaxy evolution
T.M. van der Hulst
Cosmological 21cm experiments: Searching for a needle in a haystack
Polarimetric images with the GMRT
S. Joshi and J.N. Chengalur
LOFAR, LEAP and beyond: Using next generation telescopes for pulsar astrophysics
M. Kramer and B. Stappers
The HI gas content of galaxies around Abell 370
The future of VLBI has begun!
H.J. van Langevelde
Going Deeper, Wider and Wideband
The Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transients (CRAFT) survey
J.P. Macquart, P. Hall and N. Clarke
LOFAR - Origins and Hopes
G.G.K. Miley
Current and Future Instrumentation on the 100m Green Bank Telescope
K. O'Neil
The latest on Apertif
T. Oosterloo
Type Ib/c supernovae observations with VLBI
Z. Paragi, A. van der Horst, C. Kouveliotou, J. Granot, E. Ramirez-Ruiz and G.B. Taylor
The status of the FAST project
The AGN component in deep radio fields
I. Prandoni
Magnetic Field Observations with the SMA
R. Rao, J.M. Girart and D. Marrone
LOFAR and the low frequency Universe
H.J.A. Rottgering
Deep images at metre-wavelengths
S.K. Sirothia, D.J. Saikia and D. Burgarella
Galaxy evolution begins at home: GALFA and GASKAP
S. Stanimirovic
e-EVN observations of galactic transients
V.M. Tudose
Ultra-deep WSRT observations of HI at z=0.2
M.A.W. Verheijen
Magnetic fields and massive star formation
W.H.T. Vlemmings
The Australian SKA Pathfinder
T. Westmeier and S. Johnston
Recent LOFAR imaging pipeline results
G. Heald, J. McKean, R. Pizzo, G. van Diepen, J.E. van Zwieten, R. Van Weeren, D. Rafferty, S. van der Tol, L. Birzan, A. Shulevski, J.D. Swinbank, E. Orru', F. de Gasperin, L. Ker, A. Bonafede, G. Macario and C. Ferrari
Long baseline experiments with LOFAR
O. Wucknitz
The LOFAR Known Pulsar Data Pipeline
A. Alexov, J. Hessels, J.D. Mol, B. Stappers and J. van Leeuwen
An introduction to the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA)
A. Aminaei
LOFAR & HDF5: Toward a New Radio Data Standard
K.R. Anderson
The extraordinary FR II microquasar S26 in NGC 7793
J.W. Broderick, M. Pakull, R. Soria, S. Corbel and C. Motch
A GPU based Transient Dedisersion Search Engine for CRAFT
R. Dodson
Probing Cosmic Rays in AGN and Clusters of Galaxies using radio observations
N.A.B. Gizani
Trumpeting the Vuvuzela: The deepest HI observations with MeerKAT
B. Holwerda and S. Blyth
Deep GMRT 150 MHz observations of LBDS
C.H. Ishwara-Chandra
A Simultaneous GBT/Fermi Study of Crab Giant Pulses
V.K. Kondratiev
Statistical inversion of the LOFAR EoR data
P. Lampropoulos
Exploring the radio bimodality of QSOs with the Compact Array Broadband Backend (CABB)
E. Mahony
Ultra High Energetic Cosmic Ray and Neutrino Observations with LOFAR and SKA
M. Mevius, O. Scholten and C. James
Discovery of the Zeeman Effect in the 36 and 44 GHz Class I Methanol Maser Lines with the EVLA
E. Momjian and A.P. Sarma
The case of 3C326: VLA 74 MHz observations during a geomagnetic storm
E. Orru' and H. Intema
Diffuse neutral hydrogen in the Local Universe
A. Popping
Multi-view VLBI with SKA Pathfinders
The European Pulsar Timing Array
R.J.M. Smits
The role of the magnetic field in the massive star-forming region W75N.
G. Surcis and W.H.T. Vlemmings
The LOFAR Transients Pipeline
J.D. Swinbank
Real-time search for FastRadioTransients
S. ter Veen
Measuring Nearby Star Forming Regions with the VLBA
R.M. Torres
ASKAP and MeerKAT surveys of the Magellanic Clouds
J.T. van Loon
Prospects for detecting stellar tidal disruptions with LOFAR
S. van Velzen, H. Falcke and G.R. Farrar
What is the origin of a diffuse IGM in compact groups?
L.L. Verdes-Montenegro, M.S. Yun, S. Borthakur, A. Del Olmo and J. Perea