RD09 - (other rd conferences)
30 September - 2 October 2009
Florence, italy
published June 28, 2010
The primary goal of the Conference is to review the present status of the Semiconductor Detector apparatuses in the field of High Energy or Astroparticle Physics. In both cases the requests on the detector systems are very demanding: very large instrumented surface, radiation hardness and high reliability. During the conference a large part of the talks will be devoted to describe the pixel and microstrip silicon-based detectors installed in the LHC experiments (Alice, Atlas, CMS, LHCb). The first operational experience and the detector performance with cosmic rays run will be discussed. A fraction of the talks will describe possible LHC luminosity upgrade (SLHC) and recent developments on detector radiation hardness. The astroparticle detectors activity will also be reviewed. Topics related to the development and applications of detector electronics will be presented too. Finally semiconductor applications in different fields, like medical Dosimetry and Photomultipliers will be rapidly touched.
conference main image
Wed 30 September Morning
Wed 30 September Afternoon
Thu 1 October Morning
Thu 1 October Afternoon
Fri 2 October Morning
Fri 2 October Afternoon
Wed 30 September Morning
Commissioning of the ATLAS Pixel Detector with cosmic ray data
B. Di Girolamo
Commissioning and Performance of the CMS Silicon Pixel Tracker Detector
G. Giurgiu
Operation Experience with the ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector
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P. Riedler
Operation of the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker
N. Barlow
The ALICE Pixel Trigger system, commissioning and operation
G. Aglieri Rinella
Commissioning and performance of the CMS silicon microstrip detector
R. Demina
Operation the Silicon Drift Detectors of the ALICE Inner Tracking System during cosmic runs
F. Prino
Performance of the LHCb Vertex Detector
K. Carvalho Akiba
Experience with the Silicon Strip Detector of ALICE
G. Nooren
Wed 30 September Afternoon
Commissioning of the LHCb Silicon Tracker using data from the LHC injection tests
M. Knecht
First Alignment of the Complete CMS Silicon Tracker
J. Draeger
Commissioning and Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector using Cosmic Data
D. Kollar
The Laser Alignment System for the CMS silicon strip tracker
J. Olzem
The CMS tracking algorithms and their performance in cosmic ray data
A. Tropiano
Hybrid pixel detector in the PANDA experiment
D. Calvo, S. Celli, P. De Remigis, G. Giraudo, T. Kugathasan, G. Mazza, S. Marcello, A. Rivetti and R. Wheadon
Thu 1 October Morning
Determination of Si wafer resistivity distributions by C-V measurements
A.J. Kordyasz, M. Kowalczyk, W. Bednarek, L. Bardelli, L. Lavergne, J. Sarnecki, M. Kisielinski, A. Brzozowski, K. Pytel, J. Tarasiuk, P. Grabiec and A. Panas
RD50 Collaboration recent results on developing very high radiation resistant silicon detectors
O. Militaru
TSC studies on n- and p-type MCZ Si pad detectors irradiated with neutrons up to 1016n/cm2
M. Bruzzi
Numerical modelling of different Si sensor design for the HEP experiments
A. Srivastava
Development of n-on-p Silicon Microstrip Sensors for very high radiation environment
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Y. Unno
Development of low-mass, high-density, hybrid for the silicon microstrip sensors in high track density environment
Y. Ikegami
New Measurement of Lorentz angles for electrons and holes in silicon detectors
M. Schmanau, W. De Boer, K.H. Hoffmann, A. Sabellek, M. Schneider, T. Schneider and V. Zhukov
Simulation of a Floating Gate device fabricated in standard CMOS technology for dosimetry applications
E.G. Villani
Development of the Silicon Tracker and of a YAG:Ce Calorimeter for Proton Computed Radiography
D. Menichelli, M. Bruzzi, M. Bucciolini, S. Pallotta, M. Scaringella, C. Talamonti, M. Tesi, G. Candiano, G.A.P. Cirrone, G. Cuttone, C. Civinini, M. Brianzi, D. Lo Presti, V. Sipala, L. Marrazzo and N. Randazzo
Thu 1 October Afternoon
The ATLAS Beam Conditions and Beam Loss Monitors
B. Macek
Performance of a Single-Crystal Diamond-Pixel Telescope
D. Hits, S. Schnetzer, D.R. Marlow, M. Pernicka, R. Hall-Wilton, V. Ryjov, E. Bartz, R. Stone, W. Bugg, J. Doroshenko, V. Halyo, B. Harrop, A.P. Hunt, M. Hollingsworth, S. Spanier and W. Johns
Diamond Pixel Module
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J. Moss
New perspectives for the Silicon-On-Diamond material
S. Lagomarsino, G. Parrini, S. Sciortino, A. Fossati, M. Citroni, G. Ferrari, F. Gorelli, M. Santoro, G. Molesini, M. Vannoni, A. Marras, A. Scorzoni, A. Ranieri, L. Berdondini, F. Brandi, R. Carzino, A. Diaspro, M. Scotto and B. Torre
Fri 2 October Morning
Analysis of the Response of Silicon Photomultipliers to Optical Light Fields
M. Ramilli
Measurements of 3D Silicon Strip Sensors by two Manufacturers
M. Koehler, S. Eckert, K. Jakobs, S. Kuehn, G. Pahn, U. Parzefal, C.M. Fleta, G. Pellegrini, M. Lozano, G.F. Dalla Betta, A. Zoboli, M. Boscardin, S. Ronchin, N. Zorzi, J. Haerkoenen, P. Luukka, T. Maenpaa, H. Moilanen, R. Bates, S. Houston and C. Parkes
Preliminary results of 3D-DDTC pixel detectors for the ATLAS upgrade
A. La Rosa
A low mass pixel detector upgrade for CMS
H.C. Kaestli
The upgrade of the CMS Tracker for Super-LHC
K. Klein
Design and Characterization of a double-layered silicon charge detector for cosmic ray measurements in CALET
M. Kim
The AMS-02 Silicon Tracker Status
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G. Ambrosi
One year operation in space of the Fermi LAT silicon tracker
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A. Brez
Fri 2 October Afternoon
The SuperB Silicon Vertex Tracker
S. Bettarini
Radiation detection: novel approaches and readout capabilities exploiting latchup topology via bipolar, MOSFET and MESFET transistors
A. Gabrielli and E.G. Villani
Serial power distribution for the ATLAS SCT Upgrade
J. Matheson
Study of the Radiation-Hardness of VCSEL/PIN
K.K. Gan
Efficiency and readout architectures for large matrix of pixels
A. Gabrielli, F.M. Giorgi and M. Villa
Radiation tolerance of an SRAM based FPGA used in a large tracking detector
K. Røed, J. Alme, D. Fehlker, M. Richter, K. Ullaland, H. Helstrup and D. Röhrich
Time resolved studies of Single Event Upset in optical data receiver for the ATLAS pixel detector
M. Ziolkowski