CD09 - (other cd conferences)
July 6-10 2009
Bern, Switzerland
published February 25, 2010
The Conference takes place every three years to discuss the status of theoretical and experimental studies of - Goldstone Boson Dynamics - Hadron Structure and Meson-Baryon Interactions - Few-Body Physics - Lattice QCD and Chiral Perturbation Theory
conference main image
Monday, July 6 2009, Plenary
Monday, Working group 1
Monday, Working group 2
Monday, Working group 3
Tuesday, July 7, 2009, Plenary
Tuesday, Working group 1
Tuesday, Working group 2
Tuesday, Working group 3
Wednesday, July 8, 2009, Plenary
Thursday, July 9, 2009, Plenary
Thursday, Working group 1
Thursday, Working group 2
Thursday, Working group 3
Friday, July 10, 2009, Plenary
session poster
Monday, July 6 2009, Plenary
Effective field theories - past and future
S. Weinberg
pion pion scattering lengths measurement at NA48-CERN
S. Giudici
Investigation of pi+ pi- and pK atoms at DIRAC
V. Yazkov
Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking on the lattice
S. Hashimoto
Monday, Working group 1
Light quark masses
H. Leutwyler
Results from ETMC in the light-quark sector
G. Herdoiza, P. Dimopoulos, R. Frezzotti, K. Jansen, C. Michael and C. Urbach
MILC results for light pseudoscalars
U.M. Heller and C. Bernard
Evidence for pi-K atoms with DIRAC
A. Benelli
Updated results from PIBETA and overview of the PEN experiment
D. Pocanic
Pion form factor from RBC and UKQCD
A. Juttner, P.A. Boyle, C. Kelly, C. Maynard, J.M. Zanotti, J.M. Flynn, H. Pedroso de Lima and C. Sachrajda
Pion form factors from lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry
T. Kaneko
Experimental opportunities of ChPT at J-PARC
I. Nakagawa
Monday, Working group 2
Analyticity constrained pion-nucleon analysis
M. Sainio
Isospin-breaking corrections to the pion-nucleon scattering lengths
M. Hoferichter, B. Kubis and U.G. Meißner
Pion-nucleon scattering around the delta resonance
B. Long
A method to measure the Kbar-N scattering length in lattice QCD
M. Lage, U.G. Meißner and A. Rusetsky
Two-flavour ChPT for hyperons
B. Tiburzi
A Bayesian approach to chiral extrapolations
M. Schindler and D. Phillips
Mesons and glueballs in chiral approach and AdS/QCD
V. Lyubovitskij, T. Branz, A. Faessler and T. Gutsche
Recent QCD results on the strange hadron systems
M. Oka
S = 1 pentaquarks in QCD sum rules
P. Gubler, D. Jido, T. Kojo, T. Nishikawa and M. Oka
Monday, Working group 3
Few-nucleon scattering experiments
J. Messchendorp
Chiral EFT for nuclear forces with Delta isobar degrees of freedom
H. Krebs
NN potentials from IR chiral EFT
R. Higa
Chiral 3NF and neutron-deuteron scattering
H. Witala
Nuclear lattice simulations
D. Lee, E. Epelbaum, H. Krebs and U.G. Meißner
New approach to NN with perturbative pions
S. Beane
Nuclear interactions and the space-like structure of the pion
M.R. Robilotta
Pion reactions with few-nucleon systems
V. Baru
Tuesday, July 7, 2009, Plenary
ChPT in the meson sector
J. Bijnens
Kaons on the lattice
C. Sachrajda
Kaon physics: Recent experimental results
M. Antonelli
Experimental information on Vus
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A. Denig
Lifetime Measurement of the pi^0 Meson and the QCD Chiral Anomaly
A. Bernstein
Tuesday, Working group 1
Dispersion sum rules for pion polarizabilities
L. Fil'kov and V. Kashevarov
Pion polarizabilities: No conflict between dispersion theory and ChPT
B. Pasquini, D. Drechsel and S. Scherer
Prospects for the Primakoff measurement of the pion polarizability at COMPASS
J. Friedrich
Chiral expansions of the pi^0 decay amplitude
B. Moussalam and K. Kampf
Precision Measurement of Electroproduction of pi^0 Near Threshold: A Test of Chiral QCD Dynamics
J.R.M. Annand
Precise tests of chiral perturbation theory from Ke4 decays by the NA48/2 experiment
B. BlochDevaux
The Standard model prediction for K_e2/K_mu2 and pi_e2/pi_mu2
I. Rosell
Electromagnetic effects in $\eta\rightarrow 3 \pi$
C. Ditsche, B. Kubis and U.G. Meißner
Study of the η→ 3po decay with the crystal ball at MAMI
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S. Prakhov
eta, eta' physics at KLOE
M. Jacewicz
Studies of the eta meson decays with WASA
A. Kupsc
A new dispersive analysis of $\eta\rightarrow 3 \pi$
G. Colangelo, S. Lanz and E. Passemar
Search of new physics via eta rare decays
L. Gan
Tuesday, Working group 2
Nucleon Spin Structure in the Resonance Region
S. Phillips
Complex mass renormalization in EFT
J. Gegelia
Different nature of rho and a1
S. Leupold
Origin of resonances in chiral dynamics
T. Hyodo, D. Jido and A. Hosaka
Baryonic resonances dynamically generated from the interactionof vector mesons with stable baryons of the decuplet
E. Oset Baguena
Photoproduction of neutral pions
A. Fuhrer
The unexpected role of D-waves in low-energy neutral pion photoproduction
C. Fernandez Ramirez
A gauge invariant chiral unitary framework for kaon photo- and electroproduction on the proton
P. Bruns
Threshold pion electroproduction at large momentum transfers
V. Braun, D.Y. Ivanov, A. Lenz and A. Peters
Neutron spin sum rules and spin polarizabilities at low Q2
V. Sulkosky
Compton scattering from the proton: An analysis using the delta expansion up to N3LO
J. McGovern, H. Grieshammer, D. Phillips and D. Shukla
Nucleon Spin Polarisabilities from Polarised Deuteron Compton Scattering
H. Grieshammer and D. Shukla
Tuesday, Working group 3
Recent few-body studies at TUNL: Experimental results and challenges
T.B. Clegg
M1 properties of the few-nucleon systems
R. Lazauskas
Subtractive renormalization of the chiral effective theory NN potentials up to next-to-next-to-leading order
C. Yang, C. Elster and D. Phillips
Hadronic atoms
V. Baru, E. Epelbaum and A. Rusetsky
Calculations of electromagnetic (and a few weak) reactions of light nuclei in chiral effective theory
D. Phillips
Hadron-hadron interactions in lattice QCD
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A. Walker-Loud
Nuclear forces from lattice QCD
T. Hatsuda
Unitarized chiral dynamics in three-body systems
A. Martinez Torres, K. Khemchandani and E. Oset Baguena
Wednesday, July 8, 2009, Plenary
Pion physics on the lattice
S. Aoki
Isospin symmetry breaking
A. Rusetsky
Effective theories for magnetic systems
U.J. Wiese
Effective theories of electroweak symmetry breaking
G. Isidori
Thursday, July 9, 2009, Plenary
Baryons on the lattice
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R. Edwards
Baryon chiral perturbation theory
S. Scherer
Nuclear forces on the lattice
S. Beane
Effective field theory for nuclear forces
E. Epelbaum
More effective theory of nuclear forces
M. Birse
Thursday, Working group 1
Theory of the hadronic light-by-light contribution to muon g-2
J. Prades
Hadronic light-by-light scattering in the muon g-2: a new short-distance constraint on pion exchange
A. Nyffeler
Some aspects of isospin breaking in kaon decays
H. Neufeld
Light quark results from a mixed lattice action
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J. Laiho
Strange quark mass from tau decays
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M. Jamin
Investigations on the properties of the f0(600) and f0(980) resonances in gamma gamma to pi pi Process
H. Zheng
Chiral low-energy couplings from lattice computations in the epsilon regime
S. Necco
Chiral low-energy constants from tau data
M. González-Alonso, A. Pich and J. Prades
Determination of LECs and testing ChPT at order p6 (NNLO)
I. Jemos and J. Bijnens
Lattice study of ChPT beyond QCD
E. Neil
Relations between SU(2) and SU(3)-LECs in ChPT at two-loop level
M.A. Ivanov
Thursday, Working group 2
Recent results on GPD/DVCS experiments at CLAS
J. Ball
Moments of generalized parton distribution functions viewed from baryon ChPT
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T. Hemmert
Delta electromagnetic form factors and quark transverse charge densities from lattice QCD
C. Alexandrou, T. Korzec, G. Koutsou, M. Vanderhaeghen, J. Negele and A. Tsapalis
Baryon structure in chiral effective field theory on the light front
N. Tsirova
Nucleon electromagnetic form factor ratio at low Q2: The JLab experimental program
G. Ron
An exemplary case of chiral EFT for resonances: Delta (1232)
V. Pascalutsa
Hadron masses and decay constants from lattice QCD at realistic quark masses
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G. Schierholz
Electromagnetic structure of the low-lying baryons in covariant chiral perturbation theory
J. Martin Camalich, L. Alvarez-Ruso, L. Geng and M.J. Vicente Vacas
Parity-violating electron scattering and strangeness form factors of the nucleon
L. Capozza
SU(3)-breaking corrections to the hyperon vector coupling f1(0) in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory
L. Geng
Thursday, Working group 3
Parity violation from few nucleon systems
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M. Gericke
Study of the GDH sum rule of 3He at HIGS
H. Gao
Study of the GDH sum rule of 3He at JLab
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K. Slifer
Lattice QCD simulations of baryon-baryon interactions
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A. Parreno
Few-body systems and the pionless effective field theory
L. Platter
Universal correlations in pion-less EFT with the resonating group model: three and four nucleons
J. Kirscher
Differential cross section for neutron-proton bremsstrahlung at 200 MeV
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J. Matthews
New results on photodisintegration of 4He
T. Shima
Electromagnetic currents from chiral EFT
S. Koelling
Friday, July 10, 2009, Plenary
Single-nucleon experiments
A. Deur
Nucleon form factors
R. Alarcon
Few-body reactions at low energies
H. Weller
Experimental results from MAMI
H. Merkel
Closing talk: Chiral dynamics 2009
B.R. Holstein
session poster
Dispersive $K \pi$ vector form factor and fits to $\tau\rightarrow K \pi \nu_tau$ and $K_{e3}$ data
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D. Boito
Consistency checks between OPE condensates and low-energy couplings
O. Cata
Chiral dynamics predictions for $\eta\prime\rightarrow \eta \pi \pi$
P. Masjuan
The electroweak model based on the nonlinearly realized gauge group
A. Quadri, R. Ferrari and D. Bettinelli
RGE in resonance chiral theory: the pi pi vector form factor
J.J. Sanz-Cillero
Cusps in $\eta\prime\rightarrow \eta \pi \pi$ decays
S. Schneider and B. Kubis
Weiberg sum rules and NLO in 1/N_C
J. Trnka and J.J. Sanz-Cillero
Construction of the eta\rightarrow 3pi (and K\rightarrow 3 pi) amplitudes using a dispersive approach
M. Zdrahal, K. Kampf, M. Knecht and J. Novotny