FPCP2009 - (other fpcp conferences)
May 27-June 1 2009
Lake Placid, NY, USA
published February 01, 2010
To integrate past results with recent developments in flavor physics and CP violation, both in theory and experiment. Among the topics included will be: Bottom, Charm and Kaon mixing and decays, determination of the CKM matrix elements, neutrino masses and mixings, new spectroscopy, and future facilities.
conference main image
Table of contents
Table of contents
Measurement of $\beta /\phi_{1}$
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Y. Yusa
Measurement of the CKM angle $\alpha$ (or $\phi_{2}$)
Measurement of the CKM angle $\gamma / \phi_{3}$
Measurement of $\phi s$ and $\Delta \Gamma s$ at the Tevatron
G. Giurgiu
The Golden Modes: $Bd \rightarrow J/\psi k_s$ and $B_s \rightarrow J/\psi \phi$
T. Mannel
Measurements of |Vcb|
C. Schwanda
|Vub| experimental measurement and theoretical interpretation
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E. Barberio
Bs mixing & interpretation
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A. Soni
$V_{us}$ and $V_{ud}$ from $K$ and $\pi$ decays
M. Antonelli
|Vub| and |Vcb| from Inclusive B Decays
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F. Tackmann
$b \rightarrow s/d \ell^+ \ell^-$ and $b \rightarrow s/d \gamma$
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E. Salvati
Radiative and Semileptonic rare B decays
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E. Lunghi
$B \rightarrow \tau \nu$ and $B \rightarrow \mu \mu$ Decays
F. Scuri
Charm Semileptonic Decays
Leptonic D Decays
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R. Briere
BESIII: Status and Prospects
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R. Briere
Leptonic and semileptonic D decays from Lattice QCD
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C. Davies
Lepton Asymmetry in Bs and Bd Decays
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S. Beale
Flavour Physics Technique at CDF and D0
S. Donati
Flavor Physics Techniques and Sensitivities at ATLAS and CMS
D. Lopes-Pegna
Flavor Physics Techniques and Sensitivities at LHCb
O. Deschamps
Super B Factories
Y. Sakai
Kaon Physics: What the Future Holds in Probing the Standard Model and Beyond
R. Tschirhart
The LHCb Upgrade: Physics prospects and experimental challenges
P. Campana
Experimental results for charmless hadronic B decays
J. Smith
General Theoretical Introduction
Factorization for Nonleptonic Decays: pQCD, QCDF, SCET
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I.W. Stewart
Charmless B Decays
Status of CKM matrix elements from B-physics on the lattice
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R. Van de Water
Recent results from Neutrino experiments
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S. Kopp
$K+ \rightarrow \pi + \nu \nu$ & Other Semileptonic Kaon Decays
Neutrino Physics
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A. de Gouvea
Future Neutrino Experiments
P. Dornan
Bottomonium: Recent Results from BaBar, Belle & CLEO
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G. Bonneaud
Exotic states with ccbar
R. Faccini
Quarkonium and the New States
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E. Eichten
B spectroscopy at the Tevatron
E. De La Cruz Burelo
Bs decay and Charmed Hadronic Bdecay
Hadronic Charm Decays
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J. Rademacker
Observation of the $\Omega b -$ at CDF
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G. Punzi
D0 Mixing and CP Violation
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B. Golob
Search for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation in Muon and Tau Decays
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E. Dukes
D Dbar mixing and indirect CPV
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Y. Grossman
Effects of warped extra dimensions on B decays
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M. Neubert
Effects of SUSY, Little Higgs, etc. on B decay
B. Grinstein
Rare Leptonic Decays
C. Simonetto
Lecture about the Recent Nobel Prize: From B Factory to the Large Hadron Collider
G.W.S. Hou
DAQ Systems and Technologies for Flavor Physics
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B. Jost
CKM Fits
V. Niess
Neutrinos vs Quarks MNS vs CKM
M.C. Chen and K.T. Mahanthappa
Flavor Questions for the LHC
J. Rosner
Godot and the New Physics
G. Wilkinson
beta_s measurement at LHCb
G. Conti
$B\rightarrow K \eta\prime$ decays & NLO contibutions in the pQCD approach
Z. Xiao, Z. Zhang, X. Liu and L. Guo
The LHCb analysis for $B^0_s \rightarrow \mu^+ \mu^-$
M.O. Bettler
Leptonic pion decays
C. Malbrunot
A critical look at hadronic b to s penguin modes
R. Dutta
B-Physics results with first ATLAS data
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K. Grybel