Opening session |
Theoretical Studies of Flavor-Changing Neutral Currents in 1980's
Kaon physics from lattice
CP and T violation (1) |
Review of NA48 CP violation measurements with neutral and charged kaons
CP and T violation (2) |
NNLO contributions to epsilon_K and rare Kaon decays
Measurement of the KS and KL lifetimes and the absolute $K^{\pm} \rightarrow 3\pi$ branching ratio with KLOE
The TREK experiment to search for T violation in kaon decays at J-PARC
CKM matrix, Rare decays (1) |
Review on Flavianet analyses
Measurement of the FCNC decays $K^{\pm} \rightarrow \pi^{\pm} \ell^+ \ell^-$ from NA48
Long-distance effects in rare and radiative K decays
Probing New Physics in Charm Couplings with Kaon and Other Hadron Processes
Poster session |
Detector upgrade for the KLOE2 experiment: Inner Tracker
Detector upgrade for the KLOE2 experiment: the calorimeter
Search for X(214) in $K^0_L\rightarrow \pi^0 \pi^0 X (X\rightarrow \mu^+ \mu^-)$ using Back-Anti counter at the E391a experiment
Target Design and R&D of J-PARC E06 TREK experiment
Active polarimeter system for TREK experiment
The RICH detector for the NA62 experiment at Cern
The Photon Veto System for the NA62 Rare Kaon Decay Experiment
The NA62 Gigatracker: detector properties and pixel read-out architectures
Design of the neutral K^{0}_{L} beamline for the KOTO experiment
Reusing KTeV CsI crystals for J-PARC KOTO experiment
CsI Calorimeter and low power PMT base for KOTO experiment
Beam Hole Photon Veto For J-PARC K^OTO experiment
Lepton universality (1) |
Precision SM calculations and theoretical interests beyond the SM in Kl2 and Kl3 decays
Lepton Universality test with leptonic kaon decays at NA62
Test of lepton flavor violation with Ke2 decay at KLOE
topics on Lattice gauge theory |
Theoretical Strategies for epsilon'/epsilon
Lattice determination of the Kaon form factors from ETMC
topics on Chiral perturbation theory (1) |
Convergence of chiral perturbation theory in dynamical lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry
Probing non perturbative QCD with the cusp effect in kaon decays by NA48
Precision Measurement of pi pi Scattering Lengths in Ke4 Decays by NA48
topics on Chiral perturbation theory (2) |
Studies of the QCD and QED effects on isospin breaking
Rare and radiative kaon decays from KLOE
The Study of $K\rightarrow mu \nu \gamma$ Decay at ISTRA+ Setup
Results on radiative kaon decays from NA48
CPT and Quantum Mechanics, HyperCP anomaly |
Quantum coherence and CPT symmetry tests in the neutral kaon system at KLOE
Search for a New Neutral Boson in the Rare Decay $K_L\rightarrow \pi^0 \pi^0 \mu^+ \mu^-$ from KTeV
Search for a light pseudoscalar particle in the decay $K\rightarrow \pi^0 \pi^0 X$ at the KEK-PS E391a experiment
Rare decays (2), Lepton universality (2) |
The NA62 experiment at CERN for $K+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar \nu$
SUSY effects in Kaon physics: Lepton Universality tests and rare decays
Rare decays (3) |
Patterns of Flavour Violation in the RSc Model, the LHT Model and Supersymmetric Flavour Models
Search for KL\rightarrow $\pi^0 \nu \bar\nu$ at the E391a experiment
J-PARC E14 KOTO experiment for $K_L\rightarrow \pi^0\nu \bar\nu$
Future opportunities |
Physics with the KLOE2 experiment at the phi factory
New opportunities in the physics landscape at CERN
Status of "OKA" experiment
Status of the KLOD experiment at IHEP (Protvino) U-70 proton synchrotron
summary: prospects for Flavor Physics and the roles of Kaon decays |
precise SM tests