Sessions |
Thursday Feb. 5th |
Friday Feb. 6th |
Wednesday Feb. 4th |
Saturday Feb 7th |
Thursday Feb. 5th |
Novel Aspects of QCD in High Transverse Momentum Production Processes at RHIC and the LHC
Light neutral mesons in ALICE PHOS
Measuring photon fragmentation in p+p collisions at \sqrt s_{NN}=200 GeV with the PHENIX experiment
High-pT results from STAR - what did we learn
Jet broadening in a medium-modified parton shower approach
The ridge laboratory
EPS09 - Global NLO analysis of nuclear PDFs and their uncertainties
Multi-hadron correlations at RHIC and LHC
JEWEL - a Monte Carlo for Jet Quenching
Recent developements on HYDJET++
System size and energy dependence of the near-side of high-pT triggered correlations in STAR
Jet Properties for at LHC Energies
Measurements of $\pi^0$ and direct photon spectra in ALICE
Friday Feb. 6th |
Surprises at RHIC: The Perfect Liquid and Beyond
Trigger Particle Correlations in ALICE
Details of Jet Reconstruction and Their Impact on Jet Quenching Measurements
The Quark Gluon Plasma produced in RHIC collisions is strongly coupled!
Interplay between jet and v2
Evolution of minimum-bias parton fragmentation in nuclear
Direct gamma-charged hadron correlations in STAR
Forward physics at RHIC
Photons at PHENIX
Triggering on Jets and D0 in HLT at ALICE
Feasibility Study of Direct Photon Measurement via Internal Conversion in ALICE
Wednesday Feb. 4th |
Preparation for the first physics with ALICE, in pp and PbPb
Comparing energy loss phenomenogy
First results from full jet-reconstruction in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC
Hard and Soft Physics at RHIC with implications for LHC
Jet properties from dihadron correlation in PHENIX
Medium-modified jets in heavy-ion collisions
Event shapes in pp collisions, and jet observables
Jet structure as a probe of jet quenching
The transport coefficient $\hat{q}$ in an anisotropic medium
General characteristics of pp-collisions at LHC
Measurements of jet quenching using the ATLAS detecto
Triggering on jets in heavy ions at the ATLAS experiment
Saturday Feb 7th |
Non-flow and what flow to subtract in jet-correlation
Large parton densities and high-pT physics
High Momentum Probes of Nuclear Matter
Correlation and multiplicity measurements from RHIC to the LHC
Nuclear Suppresion at Large x
Testing AdS/CFT at LHC
Jets in pp and PbPb collisions at LHC energies simulated within PYTHIA, HIJING and HYDJET++ models
Study of quark and gluon jet properties in three-jet events in ALICE
HYDJET ++ simulations and reconstruction of the anisotropic flow in Pb+Pb collisions
Underlying event in p+p collisions at LHC energies - interaction between jets and the underlying event at high multiplicities
High-energy dileptons from an anisotropic quark-gluon plasma