High-pT2019 19-22 March 2019 Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

The purpose of this workshop is to offer an opportunity for experimentalists and theoreticians to get together and discuss experimental results from RHIC and LHC and theoretical developments. This meeting is in a workshop format, with only plenary presentations and ample room for discussion between the presentations.

High-pT2017 2-5 October 2017 University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

The purpose of this workshop is to offer an opportunity for experimentalists and theoreticians to get together and discuss experimental results from RHIC and LHC - after the start of its second run - and theoretical developments. This meeting is in a workshop format, with only plenary presentations and ample room for discussion between the presentations.

High-pT physics09 February 4-7, 2009 Prague, Czech Republic
The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the latest developments in the field of high-pT physics in nucleon-nucleon and Heavy-Ion collisions. Topics: - Jet physics – RHIC and LHC - High-pT correlations - Direct photons and heavy flavors - Nuclear modifications of the parton distribution and fragmentation functions - Partonic interactions with cold (p+A) and excited (A+A) nuclear matter

HIGH-pTLHC 16-19 March 2008 Tokaj, Hungary
The purpose of this workshop is to offer an opportunity for experimentalists and theorists to get together and discuss the analysis of the data taken within the first year of LHC in p+p (s^1/2=14 TeV) and in Pb+Pb (s^1/2 =5.5 A TeV) runs, and to overview previous p+p and heavy ion data from RHIC and TEVATRON experiments. The main emphasis is given to : * Nuclear modifications of the parton distribution functions; * High-pT jet production in pp, pA and AA; * High-pT jet propagation in matter; * Nuclear modifications of the fragmentation functions; * Correlations of leading particles; * Direct photon and heavy flavor tagging;

LHC07 March 23-27, 2007 University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland

The purpose of this workshop is to offer an opportunity for experimentalists and theorists to discuss the analysis of the data taken within the first year of LHC p+p (√s=900 GeV and 14 TeV) and Pb+Pb (√s=5.5 TeV) runs.

The main emphasis is given to :

  • Nuclear modification of the parton distribution functions;
  • High-pT jet production in pp, pA and AA;
  • High-pT jet propagation in matter;
  • Nuclear modification of the fragmentation functions;
  • Correlation of leading particles;
  • Direct photon and heavy flavor tagging;