Vertex 2007 - (other vertex conferences)
September 23-28, 2007
Lake Placid, NY, USA
published August 05, 2008

Its goal is a review of the progress on Silicon based Vertex detectors with emphasis on existing & future detectors, new materials, software, alignment, electronics, triggering, 3D devices, monolithic structures, new developments, applications to medical & other fields.

Editorial Board Marina Artuso (chairman), Eduardo Docutoesilva, Gianmario Bilei, Daniela Bortoletto, Richard Brenner, Massimo Caccia, David Christian, Paula Collins, Roland Horisberger, Els Koffeman, Bettina Mikulec, Sheldon Stone, Dong Su, Toru Tsuboyama, Stephen Watts,

conference main image
Commissioning and detector integration
Novel detectors and electronics
Tracking experience at LHC
Vertexing , Track Reconstruction and alignment strategy
Tracking and vertexing in the trigger algorithm
Future detectors
Other applications; space applications
Commissioning and detector integration
ATLAS Pixel Detector Commissioning using Cosmics Rays
Power distribution, cabling and other reliability issues (ATLAS)
M. Garcia-Sciveres
CO2 cooling experience (LHCb)
A. Van Lysebetten, B. Verlaat and M. van Beuzekom
Hybridization issues for future applications
Plans for Experiment Protection at the LHC
M. Ferro-Luzzi
Status of ATLAS diamond Beam Condition Monitor
A. Gorisek
Novel detectors and electronics
Thinned Silicon Detectors
H.G. Moser
Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors
Characterization of deep N-well CMOS MAPS for the ILC Vertex Detector
G. Traversi
3d circuit integration
Diamond Detector Development
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K. Oliver
Diamond Detector Progress from RD42
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W. Trischuk
A CCD Based Vertex Detector
RD50: P-type Sensor Results
DEPFET Active Pixel Sensors
H.G. Moser
Development of 3D Detectors at FBK-irst
G.F. Dalla Betta, M. Boscardin, L. Bosisio, M. Bruzzi, V. Cindro, S. Eckert, G. Giacomini, G. Kramberger, S. Kuehn, U. Parzefal, M.K. Petterson, C. Piemonte, A. Polyakov, I. Rashevskaya, G. Resta, S. Ronchin, H. Sadrozinski, M. Scaringella, C. Tosi, M. Zavrtanik, A. Zoboli and N. Zorzi
Development of Monolithic Pixel Sensors for the ILC
D. Contarato and M. Battaglia
Tracking experience at LHC
Silicon Central Tracker Commissioning in ATLAS
D. Robinson
CMS tracker commissioning and first operation experience
C. Delaere
Progress on Alice Pixel Detector Commissioning
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P. Riedler
CMS Pixel commissioning
LHCb Burn in Studies
F. Marinho
Data Acquisition in LHCb VELO Test beams
N. Neufeld
Vertexing , Track Reconstruction and alignment strategy
Track Reconstruction and Experience with Cosmic Ray Data in CMS
C. Noeding
Vertex, Track Reconstruction and Luminosity Monitoring at LHCb
Alignement strategy for LHCb
Tracker alignment strategy in CMS and experience with cosmic ray data
Alignment strategy for the ATLAS tracker
T. Golling
Vertex and track reconstruction in Atlas
Tracking and vertexing in the trigger algorithm
Vertex reconstruction and tracking in the trigger algorithm for Atlas
C. Schiavi
Vertex reconstruction and tracking in the trigger algorithm for lhcb
T. Bowcock
Tracking in the trigger: from the CDF experience to CMS upgrade
F. Palla and G. Parrini
Vertex reconstruction and tracking in the trigger algorithm for CMS
M. Konecki
A new technique for the reconstruction, validation, and simulation of hits in the CMS Pixel Detector
M. Swartz, D. Fehling, G. Giurgiu, P. Maksimovic and V. Chiochia
Future detectors
ILC: Thoughts, Issues and R&D
SLHc Upgrades: Thoughts, Challenges & Strategies in CMS
M. Mannelli
LHCb upgrade
Vertex Detectors for a Super-B factory
The STAR Vertex Detector Upgrade Development
L. Greiner
Silicon Vertex Tracker for PHENIX Upgrade at RICH: Capabilities and Detector Technology
R. Nouicer
SLHC upgrades: challenges and strategies in ATLAS
Other applications; space applications
3H Imaging
Energy Dependent Imaging Properties of the Medipix2 X-ray Detector
Active pixel sensors for electron microscopy
Nano-CT Scanning
EXIST: A Large Area Cd-Zn-Te & Si Based Space X-ray Telescope
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H. Krawczynski
E. Vannuccini
Experience and results from the 6 Megapixel Pilatus System
B. Henrich