This is the fourth conference in the series started in Prague in 2003 and held in Wiena (2004) and Cracow (2006).
The conference is dedicated to the physics at LHC.
Topics: Higgs Boson, Supersymmetry, Standard Model and Beyond, Beauty and Heavy-Ion Physic
Monday Morning Plenary Session: "Higgs Boson" |
Status of LHC
Status of ATLAS
Status of CMS
Understanding EW symmetry breaking at the LHC
Tevatron Higgs boson results
Higgs boson at the LHC
Monda Afternoon Working Session (Parallel): "Higgs Boson" |
Higgs production at the LHC: selected results
Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking at the LHC
Search for the SM Higgs Boson in the $H\rightarrow ZZ^*$ in 4 leptons at CMS
SM $H \rightarrow \gamma \gamma$ discovery potential with ATLAS
Discovery potential for the SM Higgs Boson in the $H\rightarrow WW^*\rightarrow 2\ell 2\nu$ channel at CMS
VBF SM Higgs boson search with ATLAS
Vector Boson Fusion Production of the SM Higgs Boson at the LHC
Associated SM Higgs boson search with ATLAS
Low mass Higgs boson at the Tevatron
Higgs boson at 160 GeV at the Tevatron
Monda Afternoon Working Session (Parallel): "SUSY and BSM" |
Doubly charged higgsinos at LHC
The BESS model revisited as an Higgsless Linear Moose @ LHC
See-saw signals at the LHC
Searches for SUSY with lepton, jets, and missing ET
Measurement of SUSY parameters in events using dileptons in ATLAS
Search for heavy stable charged particles in CMS
Vector Boson Scattering at high mass
The discovery reach for mini-black holes with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
Prospects for discoveries of final states with dileptons, jets and no missing energy with ATLAS
D0 SUSY/BSM searches
Tuesday Morning Plenary Session: "SUSY and BSM" |
LHC Commissioning
ATLAS Commissioning
CMS Commissioning
Search for new physics at HERA
Tevatron SUSY+BSM Results
SUSY at the LHC
LHC and the origin of neutrino mass
Tuesday Afternoon Working Session: "Detector performance and early physics expectations" |
Triggers for early physics at CMS
Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector tracking system
CMS Tracker Alignment and Implications on Physics Performance
First physics with hadrons and the Underlying Event at CMS
Jet reconstruction with first data in ATLAS
Jets and Missing Transverse Energy Reconstruction with CMS
Electron and Photon Reconstruction and Identification with the ATLAS Detector
Inclusive W and Z production at LHC startup
ATLAS Electroweak Measurements with early data
Measurement of diboson production in early LHC data
Wednesday Morning Plenary Session: "QCD" |
HERA structure functions
Tevatron QCD physics
Tevatron top physics
QCD and top at LHC
Monte Carlo ME/PS matching (theory)
Monte Carlo ME/PS matching (comparison with data)
Higher order corrections in view of LHC
Thursday Morning Plenary Session: "Electroweak Physics / First Data" |
Tevatron EWK physics
Electroweak physics at the LHC
First physics with ATLAS
First physics with CMS
First physics with ALICE
First physics with LHCb
Diffractive Physics at the LHC: a theoretical overview
Open issues in diffractive physics: what answers do we expect from the LHC
Thursday Afternoon Working Session: "Electroweak Physics / First Data" |
TOTEM status
Status of the LHCf experiment
Neutrinoless double beta decays of the top quark and other effects of heavy Majorana neutrinos.
Single top production and Vtb determination at LHC: a complete one-loop MSSM calculation
Forward physics with CMS
b-tagging algorithm and performance in ATLAS
Measurement of the Z boson plus two b-jets cross section in CMS with 100 pb^{1}
Top quark pair cross-section measurement at ATLAS
Top quark mass measurement with ATLAS
Single top cross section measurements in ATLAS
Friday Morning Plenary Session: "B Physics / Heavy Ions" |
B Factory Results
Tevatron B Physics Results
Status and Potential of LHCb
LHCb Commissioning
RHIC overview
Heavy Ions Physics (Theory)
ALICE Status and Potential
ALICE Commissioning
Friday Afternoon Plenary Session: "B Physics / Heavy Ions" |
Heavy ions with ATLAS and CMS
B physics with ATLAS and CMS
Friday Afternoon Working Session (Parallel): "B Physics" |
Measurement of B_s mixing phase beta_s
Implications of beta_s measurements
Prospects for beta_s measurement
Measurement of CKM angle gamma/phi_3
Prospects for gamma/phi_3 measurement
Recent developments in charm physics
Prospects for $B_s\rightarrow \mu\mu$ at CMS
Prospects for K*mumu
Friday Afternoon Working Session (Parallel): "Heavy Ions" |
First physics with ALICE: from pp to heavy ions
Heavy flavour in ALICE
Physics with photons in ALICE
Diffractive and ultraperipheral physics with ALICE
Jet physics in Pb-Pb collisions with ATLAS
Jet quenching in heavy-ion collisions with CMS
Performance of CMS Tracker in Heavy Ion Collisions
Saturday Morning Plenary Session: "Upgrades and Future Visions" |
Scenarios beyond standard LHC physics
Super LHC
Detector upgrades for SLHC
Results From Astroparticle Physics
Thoughts about LHC physics
Future perspectives in particle physics
Poster session |
Production of jets accompanied by W and Z bosons at LHC startup with CMS
Constraining parton distribution functions using the W charge asymmetry at the LHC
Jet Shapes at CMS
High-pt Jet Studies at CMS
Jet Finding and Reconstruction in CMS using Charged Tracks only
Search for di-lepton resonances and Wprimes with CMS
Inclusive search for the SM Higgs Boson in the channel $H\rightarrow \gamma \gamma$ at CMS
SM Higgs search in the 4-lepton final state with ATLAS
SM Higgs properties measurement with ATLAS
MC free calibration of LHCb RICH detectors using the $\Lambda \to p \pi$
SUSY search with b jets at ATLAS
Challenges in the detection of long lived particles with ATLAS: the Hidden valley scenario
Diboson production with ATLAS
The reach of the ATLAS experiment in SUSY parameter space
Searching for new physics in events with three leptons with ATLAS
QCD with Weak Bosons and Jets with ATLAS
Direct photons at ATLAS
Minimum Bias Triggers at ATLAS
Sensitivity to photon polarization in $B_s\rightarrow \phi \gamma$ decays at LHCb
Transverse momentum spectra of D-and B-mesons in hadron collisons at very high energies
Hadronic Calibration for the ATLAS Jet Trigger
Search for W' in Lepton+Missing ET Final State with Early Data at ATLAS
Prospects for early dicoveries of high mass resonances with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
Atlas trigger for first physics and beyond