The 2007 edition of the Kaon International Conference (KAON’07) was held at the Frascati Laboratory of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), Italy, from May 21 to 25, 2007. It was organized by INFN and supported by the universities of Rome, “La Sapienza” and “Roma Tre”.
KAON’07 follows a series of conferences of similar emphasis, formerly held at KEK, in Chicago, in Pisa and most recently at the Northwestern University in Evanston, in June 2005.
The Conference was focused on kaon physics, aiming at a comprehensive discussion on the latest experimental and theoretical achievements, including precision tests of the Standard Model (SM), study of non-perturbative QCD, improvements in CP and CPT tests, development of new projects sensitive to physics beyond the SM.
The Conference attracted 120 participants from all over the world, demonstrating the interest of this field of particle physics.
The Proceedings, providing a scientific record of the topics discussed, collect more than 50 papers, including several reviews on kaon and flavour physics and 30 contributions with the ongoing activities and the recently finalized studies. They cover the determination of the Vud and Vus elements of the CKM matrix, the theory and the measurements of the pion-pion scattering lengths and phases, the tests of Quantum-Mechanics and CPT invariance, and several issues related to lepton universality. The theoretical framework and the challenging experimental projects for the measurement of the ultra-rare kaon decays K→ π v vbar are also discussed. Overall, the KAON’07 Proceedings constitute a rich and coherent summary of the state-of-art researches in kaon physics and explain their potentiality to reach a deeper understanding of the Standard Model and to search for signals of new physics.
Welcome and Overview |
Opening Remarks
Implications of CKM Unitarity
How well do we know the Unitary Triangle? An experimental review
Session I: Vus |
Precision tests of the Standard Model with Kl3 decays
Theoretical progress on the Vus determination from tau decays
Measurement of |Vus| using hadronic tau decays from BABAR & BELLE
K to pi semileptonic form factor with 2+1 flavor domain wall Fermions on the lattice
NA48/2 Final results on charged semileptonic kaon decays and Vus; NA48 Measurements of the Kmu3 form factors from KL decays
Dispersive representation and shape of K_{l3} form factors.
Did one observe couplings of right - handed quarks to W?
KLOE measurement of the charged kaon absolute semileptonic BR's
KLOE measurement of the scalar Form-Factor slope for K_L to pi l nu decay
KLOE measurements of the charged Kaon lifetime and BR( K+ into pi+ pi0 (gamma) )
Session I: Vus and Vud |
Theoretical progress on Vus on Lattice
Determination of Vud - Overview
Experimental Review on Vus extraction from Kaon decays
Session II: CP violation |
Lattice Studies of Non-Leptonic Kaon Decays
ChPT Progress on Non-Leptonic and Radiative Kaon Decays
Measurement of the CP violation parameter $|\eta_{+-}|$ and the charge asymmetry in $K^\pm \to 3\pi$ decays by NA48 and NA48/2
Session II: CP and T violation |
Measurement of T-violating transverse muon polarization in $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^0 \mu^+ \nu$ decay at J-PARC
A new K^{0}_{L} decay channel
Session II: Radiative decays |
Radiative and semileptonic decays in Chiral Perturbation Theory
New precise measurements of radiative charged kaon and hyperon decays
Study of K^(-) into e,nu,pi^(0),gamma decay with ISTRA+ setup
Measurement of the Radiative $K^0_{e3}$ Branching Ratio and Direct Emission contribution in Semileptonic Decay $_KL \rightarrow \pi^{\pm} \e^{\mp} \nu (\gamma)$
KTeV Results on Kaon Radiative Decays
KLOE measurements of the BR(Ks into gamma gamma) and direct search for Ks into e+e-
Session III: Low Energy QCD |
Theoretical progress on cusp effect and Kl4 decays
Precision study of $K^\pm\to\pi^\pm\pi^0\pi^0$ and $K^\pm\to\pi^\pm\pi^+\pi^-$ Dalitz plot distributions by NA48/2
Recent results from NA48/2 on Ke4 decays and interpretation in term of pi-pi scattering lengths
An update of the DIRAC result on the pion-pion |a0-a2| scattering length
Kaonic X-ray experiments at DAFNE using SIDDHARTA
Theoretical progress on pi-pi scattering lengths and phases
Session IV: CPT and QM tests |
Review on Bell-Steinberger relations
CPT and Decoherence in Quantum Gravity
Review on CPT and decoherence measurements with Kaons
Local Realism vs Quantum Mechanics with Entangled Neutral Kaons
Erasing the Past and Impacting the Future with Kaons at a Phi-factory
EPR entanglement and decoherence in Upsilon(4S) decays to B0-B0bar
Session V: Lepton Universality and LFV |
Lepton Universality Breaking vs Lepton Flavor Violation in Kaon Physics
Kaon physics within nuMSM
Testing the mu-e universality with K± to l± nu decays
Preliminary measurement of BR(ke2)/BR(kmu2) at KLOE
Lepton Universality Tests with Kaons
Prospects for Measurements of the $\pi \rightarrow e\nu$ Branching Ratio
Rare and forbidden decay of Charm Mesons at CLEO-c and BESIII
Experimental Review on Lepton Universality and Lepton Flavour Violation tests at the B-factories
Session VI: Rare decays |
Rare K- (vs.) B-decays
Rare Kaon Decays Beyond the Standard Model
Recent progress on supersymmetric effects in rare K decays
The $K^+\rightarrow\pi^+\nu\bar{\nu}$ experiment at CERN
A proposal to measure the rare decay $K_L /rightarrow /pi^0 /nu /nubar$ at IHEP (Protvino) 70 GeV proton accelerator
Summary and Conclusions |
KAON 2007: Conference Summary