Quantum Gravity (QG) is one of the most fundamental and longest standing issues of modern physics. There are now several candidate theories for QG (strings, loops, nonperturbative quantum field theories) and it is important to understand how to extract from them testable predictions. This is needed not only to solve old riddles (like singularities or the quantum aspects of black holes physics) but possibly also to deal with new ones, such as the nature of dark energy.
Fortunately in recent times there has been a flourishing of ideas and proposals on how to test mesoscopic (high-energy but still sub- Planckian) effects of different QG scenarios. This field of research goes under the general heading of QG phenomenology. It provides ways to put constraints on possible QG effects (for example departures from Lorentz invariance) but also stimulates new conjectures about the nature of the spacetime fabric and its behaviour near the Planck scale. In particular a key question is to understand how General Relativity arises at low energy from theories of QG.
The aim of this workshop is to put together different communities which are involved in this study: from pure theoreticians to phenomenologists to experimentalists, giving a broad view of the field through a series of colloquia aimed at a general audience (so that the gap between different communities could be bridged) and via daily, organized, discussion times.
The organisers thank the QG research networking programme of the ESF for financial support for the workshop.proceedings index |
Recent Gravitational Experiments and their Implications for Particle Physics
A string approach to quantum back reaction and gravitational collapse
On the theory and phenomenology of spacetime symmetries at the Planck scale
Vacuum and semiclassical gravity: a difficulty and its bewildering significance
Quantum fields, Noether charges and Hopf algebra spacetime symmetries
"Superluminal" scalar fields and black holes
Probing effects of modified dispersion relations with Bose--Einstein condensates
Non-minimal coupling as a mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking on the brane
Gravitational Effects of Spontaneous Lorentz Violation
Loop Quantum Gravity and Effective Theory
Proposal for quantum gravity phenomenology with violation of discrete symmetries
Effective Field Theories of Gravity
Induced gravity and entaglement entropy of 2D black holes
Mode creation and phenomenology of inflationary spectra
Extended Gravity: Theory and Phenomenology
Why things fall
What the Pierre Auger Observatory can and cannot tell about Quantum Gravity Phenomenology: spectrum, composition and origin of the highest energy Cosmic Rays
Observables of Quantum Gravity at the LHC
Black Hole Information in a Detector (Atom) - Field
Einstein-æther gravity: a status report
Quasi-normal mode analysis in BEC acoustic black holes
Searching for Quantum Gravity with Neutrino Telescopes
Scalar field on kappa-Minkowski space, star product, and the issue of Lorentz invariance
Fixed points of quantum gravity
Quantum Gravity and Emergent Locality
How precisely should we test Lorentz invariance?
LIV from String Theory
QG phenomenology constraints potentialities of next space gamma-ray experiments
Inflation in Quantum Loop Cosmology
Group field theory as the microscopic quantum description of the spacetime fluid
Constructing QFT's wherein Lorentz Invariance is broken by dissipative effects in the UV
Space-time regions as "subsystems"
LIV limits from GRBs
Backreaction from weakly and strongly non-conformal fields in de Sitter spacetime
Lessons from (2+1)-dimensional quantum gravity
Quantum back-reaction problems
Physics and Astrophysics with Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Radiation
The seeds of cosmic structure as a door to Quantum Gravity Phenomena
Dumb holes
Quantum corrections in the Myers-Pospelov model: a progress report
"Superluminal" scalar fields and cosmology
Analogue spacetimes: toy models for "quantum gravity''
Fermi-point scenario for emergent gravity
On the phenomenon of emergent spacetimes:An instruction guide for experimental cosmology