1-6 July 2002
São Paulo, Brazil
published December 01, 2002
The workshop is devoted to the research work being developed in some areas of Physics and Mathematics relevant for the understanding of non-perturbative aspects of Physical Theories. Special attention is given to the role of solitons, infinite symmetries, integrability structures and the construction of exact methods. Among the topics covered are: Two dimensional integrable models, Skyrmions, Monopoles, higher dimensional integrable theories, Lattice models, Form factors, Bethe ansatz, Duality, Strings and solitons, Models with boundaries, and integrable models with non-commutative geometries.

Editorial Board
Ferreira Agostinho Luiz (chairman), Gomes Francisco Jose, Zimerman Hirsz Abraham

Session1: Two dimensional integrable models
Session2: Skyrmions, monopoles and higher dimensional integrable theories
Session3: Models with boundaries
Session4: Duality, strings and solitons
Session5: Lattice models, form factors and Bethe ansatz
Session6: Non-commutative geometries and integrable models
Session7: Miscellaneous
Session1: Two dimensional integrable models
A statistical approach of the decay of a soliton in a randomly perturbed Toda chain
J. Garnier and F.K. Abdullaev
WDVV equations, Darboux-Egoroff metric and the dressing method
H. Aratyn, J.F. Gomes, J.W. Van de Leur and A.H. Zimerman
Dynamical r-matrices and Poisson-Lie symmetries in the chiral WZNW model
Dynamical R-matrices for the Calogero models
M. Forger and A. Winterhalder
The Euler equations in the columnar and rotational approximation: a model equation for asymptotic short capillary-gravity waves
M.A. Manna
Aspects of the homogeneous Sine-Gordon models
P. Dorey and L.J. Miramontes
The supersymmetric dispersionless systems
Z. Popowicz
Continuum limit of the N=(1|1) supersymmetric Toda lattice hierarchy
V.G. Kadyshevsky and A.S. Sorin
Recursion operators of the N=2 supersymmetric unconstrained matrix GNLS hierarchies
F. Delduc and A.S. Sorin
Axial Vector Duality in Affine NA Toda Models
J.F. Gomes, G.m. Sotkov and A.H. Zimerman
Session2: Skyrmions, monopoles and higher dimensional integrable theories
Integrability in higher dimensions: a model with exact Hopfion solutions
O. Babelon and L.A. Ferreira
Dynamics of vortices and knots in Faddeev's model
J. Hietarinta, J. Jaykka and P. Salo
Bogomolny Yang-Mills-Higgs solutions in 2+1 anti-de-Sitter space
T. Ioannidou
BPS Z_k strings, string tension and confinement in non-Abelian theories.
M.A.C. Kneipp
First-order Bogomolny vortices on a sphere
N.M. Romao
On the connections between Skyrme and Yang-Mills theories
J. Sanchez Guillen and L.A. Ferreira
On the existence of minima in the Skyrme model
B.J. Schroers
Skyrmions in Bose-Einstein condensates
R. Battye, N. Cooper and P.M. Sutcliffe
Solitonic electron states and the modified non-linear Schrodinger equation in 2 and more dimensions
W.J. Zakrzewski, L. Brizhik, A. Eremko and B. Piette
Session3: Models with boundaries
Boundary sine-Gordon model
Z. Bajnok, L. Palla and G. Takacs
Quantum group symmetry of integrable models on the half-line
G.W. Delius and A. George
Boundary scattering in the principal chiral model
N.J. MacKay and B. Short
Session4: Duality, strings and solitons
D-branes in VSFT and their low energy limit
L. Bonora, D. Mamone and M. Salizzoni
Monodromy, Duality and Integrability of two dimensional string effective action
A. Das, J. Maharana and A. Melikyan
Ic-instanton exact solution
E.E. Leite, L.A. Ferreira, L. Bonora and C.P. Constantinidis
Duality and Lorentzian Kac-Moody Algebra
Session5: Lattice models, form factors and Bethe ansatz
Conductance from Non-perturbative Methods II
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
Staggering tranformations and the excitation spectrum of diverse lattice quantum models
P.A. Faria da Veiga and M. O'Carroll
Integrable spin ladder systems
A. Foerster and A.P. Tonel
Conductance from Non-perturbative Methods I
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
Exact results for BCS systems
X.W. Guan, A. Foerster, J. Links and H.Q. Zhou
Renormalization Group for disordered Dirac Fermions
A. LeClair
What is the continuum limit of the integrable Sp(2N) lattice models?
M.J. Martins
Universal ratios and correlation functions
G. Delfino and G. Mussardo
Free fermion branches in some quantum spin models
Y. Stroganov and F.C. Alcaraz
Session6: Non-commutative geometries and integrable models
Topics in Nonlinear Sigma Models in D=3
K. Furuta, T. Inami and M. Yamamoto
Soliton equations by the noncommutative zero curvature formulation
T. Koikawa
Noncommutative Field Theories and Integrable Models in 2d
M. Moriconi and I. Cabrera-Carnero
Noncommutative supersymmetric theories
V.O. Rivelles
Extensions of Soliton equations to non-commutative (2 + 1) dimensions
Session7: Miscellaneous
Time Evolution of confined quantum systems - a non-perturbative approach
A.P.C. Malbouisson
Some remarks on a deformed quantum field theory
M.A. Do Rego Monteiro, V.B. Bezerra and E.M.F. Curado
On the Octonionic M-superalgebra
F. Toppan