LHCP2023 - (other lhcp conferences)
22-26 May 2023
Belgrade, Serbia
published July 18, 2024
Entries on ADS

The eleventh annual Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2023) conference will be held in Belgrade, Serbia from 22nd to 27th May 2023. The LHCP conference series started in 2013 as a successful fusion of two international conferences, "Physics at the Large Hadron Collider Conference" and the "Hadron Collider Physics Symposium". The conference programme will contain a detailed review of the latest experimental and theoretical results on the collider physics, including the results of the Large Hadron Collider Run II and Run III (LHC at CERN, Geneva), and discussions on further research directions within the high energy particle physics community, both in theory and experiment. The main goal of the conference is to provide intense and lively discussions between experimenters and theorists in research areas as the Standard Model Physics and Beyond, the Higgs Boson Physics, Supersymmetry, Heavy Quark Physics and Heavy Ion Physics, as well as to share recent progress in the high luminosity upgrades of LHC and future collider developments.

Editorial Board

1. Jelena Jovicevic, Jelena.Jovicevic@cern.ch, Institute of Physics Belgrade.
2. Nikola Konjik, konjik@ipb.ac.rs, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade
3. Igor Salom, isalom@ipb.ac.rs, Institute of Physics Belgrade
4. Lidija Zivkovic, Lidija.Zivkovic@cern.ch, Institute of Physics Belgrade
5. Predrag Milenovic, Predrag.Milenovic@cern.ch, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade

session Upgrades and Future Projects
session Top Physics
session QCD Physics
session Performance and Tools
session Outreach, Diversity and Education
session Flavour Physics
session Joint (BSM1+Flavour)
session Joint (HeavyIons+Flav)
session Joint (Higgs+BSM1)
session Joint (Higgs+Top)
session Joint (QCD+Flavour)
session Joint (QCD+HeavyIons)
session Joint (Upgrade+Perf/Tools)
session Joint EFT (Higgs+EWK+Top)
session Heavy Ion Physics
session Electroweak Physics
session Beyond SM 1 (TeV-Scale)
session Beyond SM 2 (Feebly Interacting Particles)
session Higgs Physics
session Closing session
session Opening session
session Plenary session
session Poster session
session Upgrades and Future Projects
Highlights from HL-LHC Physics Prospects (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb)
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D. Zuolo
ATLAS Inner TracKer Upgrade
S. Roy-Garand and  On behalf of the ATLAS ITk Collaboration
Future Monolithic Pixel Detectors in ALICE and Beyond
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F. Carnesecchi
FASER Upgrades
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S. Zambito
MilliQan Upgrades
New Ideas on Detector Technology for the ILC Experiments
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M. Titov
Theory: Motivation for future muon colliders
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R. Franceschini
Experimental physics and detector challenges at a muon collider
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F. Meloni
New Technologies for Colliders
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J.M.R.D. Ferreira Vieira
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M. Proffitt
MoEDAL-MAPP - Detectors specialised for LLP searches
V.A. Mitsou and  on behalf of the MoEDAL Collaboration
Physics perspectives of a CMS near-beam proton spectrometer at the HL-LHC
M. Pitt and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
session Top Physics
Measurement of $t\bar{t}$bar and single top quark production in ATLAS experiment
M. Faraj and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Higher-order and off-shell effects in top-quark processes at high-energy colliders
G. Pelliccioli
Measurements of t$\bar{\text{t}}$ production and fermion associated t$\bar{\text{t}}$ production in CMS
F. Colombina and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
4top, ttW and top quark plus heavy flavor production in ATLAS
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J. Raine
Soft gluon resummation for the production of four top quarks at the LHC
M. van Beekveld, A. Kulesza and L. Moreno Valero
CMS measurements of top quark pair/single top production in association with an additional boson
K.W. Coldham and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Measurements of $t\bar{t}$ and single top quark production with bosons in ATLAS
C.D. Pardos and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Entanglement in ttbar
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C. Severi
Measurements of top quark mass and properties in CMS
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A.M. Parker
Impact of top mass on top differential distributions
T. Makela, A. Hoang, K. Lipka and S.O. Moch
Searches for BSM and FCNC with top quarks in ATLAS
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A. Salvador Salas
Searches Beyond the Standard Model and Flavour Changing Neutral Currents with top quarks in CMS
N.P. Chanon and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Non-factorisable contribution to t-channel single-top production
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C. Brønnum-Hansen
Measurements of top quark mass and properties in ATLAS
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J. Howarth
session QCD Physics
Jet measurements in pp collisions from ATLAS
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O. Zaplatilek
Jet measurements in proton-proton collisions from CMS
D. Savoiu and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Jet measurements in pp collisions from ALICE
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A. Schmier
Jet measurements in pp collisions from LHCb
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D. Zuliani
Precision QCD calculations
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F. Buccioni
Multi-parton interactions and the underlying event
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J.R. Gaunt
Associated production of quarkonium pairs at LHC
Y. Wei and  On behalf of the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb collaborations
Diffraction and elastic scattering at the LHC
A. Feherkuti and  On behalf of the ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Collaborations
Recent results on PDF extractions
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J.M. Cruz Martinez
Recent experimental results with implications for PDFs
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B. Malaescu
V+HF and intrinsic charm
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S. Leontsinis
SND@LHC neutrino results
S.I. Ilieva and  on behalf of the SND@LHC Collaboration
FASER neutrino results
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T. Boeckh
The Lund jet plane: a tool for precision and discovery at the LHC
G. Stagnitto
Flavoured jet algorithms
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G. Stagnitto
session Performance and Tools
Anomaly detection
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K.M. Fraser
New developments on MC generation
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M. Zaro
ML for statistics (unfolding, uncertainties, parameter estimation)
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P. Vischia
Re-interpretation tools
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C. Lange
Quantum computing
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A. Delgado
Photon and Leptons performance
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A. Kapoor
Jet, Missing transverse Energy
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H. Kirschenmann
Flavor tagging and boosted objects
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T. Strebler
Tracking and Vertexing
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M. Faggin
Particle identification in ALICE and LHCb
C. Sonnabend and  on behalf of the ALICE and LHCb Collaborations
Run3 Performance of new hardware in ALICE
J. Liu and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Run3 Performance of new hardware in LHCb
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G. Cavallero
Run3 Performance of new hardware in ATLAS
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L. Guan
Run3 Performance of new hardware in CMS
D. Walter
Online reconstruction and Trigger
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M. Fontana
session Outreach, Diversity and Education
Leveraging the past to prepare the future of particle physics - A successful case of science communication
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A. Gerard
The LHC Early Career Mentoring Programme
K.W. Coldham and  on behalf of the LHC Early Career Scientists Fora
Experiences from Mental Health Workshops for LHC Scientists
P. Loncar and  On behalf of the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb collaborations
The Science Gateway Education Program
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A.K. Horvat
Updates on the IPPOG activities
R.M. Hadjiiska and  on behalf of the IPPOG Collaboration
Statistics on participation of emerging and developing countries in LHC and other experiments
C. David
Personal experiences of participating in LHC experiments
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E. Buthelezi
I'm A Scientist... Get Me Out of Here!
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S. McCracken
session Flavour Physics
CP violation and mixing in b and c decays (TH)
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M.L. Piscopo
Time dependent CP violation in b decays (LHCb)
Time integrated CP violation in b decays (LHCb)
J. Daniel and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Status and outlook for B-mixing parameters on the lattice (TH)
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J.T. Tsang
Measurement of the CP-violating phase $\phi_s$ in the $B^0_s \rightarrow J/\psi \phi$ decay with the ATLAS detector
M. Biros and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
CP violation and mixing in c decays (LHCb)
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D. Friday
B hadron decays and spectroscopy results from the CMS Collaboration
M. Sergeev,  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration and S. Polikarpov
Hadronic B decay rate measurements at LHCb
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A. Villa
B-meson semileptonic form-factors on the lattice
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A. Juttner
Measurement of scattering parameters governing the residual strong interaction between charm and light hadrons (ALICE)
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D. Battistini
B decays and resonances in ATLAS
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R.W. Jones
CP violation and lifetimes in CMS
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S. Tosi
session Joint (BSM1+Flavour)
Lepton Flavour Universality tests in $ 𝒃 \rightarrow 𝒄𝒍𝝂$ decays at LHCb
R. Mohammed and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Lepton Flavour Universality studies and related rare decays in CMS + ATLAS
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K. Ulmer
Theory lessons from flavour data
J.M. Lizana
Searches for rare and forbidden decays in LHCb
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L. Greeven
Leptoquarks (focus on high-pT)
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N. Košnik
session Joint (HeavyIons+Flav)
Quarkonia production
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P.B. Gossiaux
Production, diffusion and energy loss of heavy quarks in the early stage of high energy nuclear collisions
M. Ruggieri
Charmonium modification in the quark gluon plasma
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C. Hadjidakis
Open heavy-flavour production in collider mode
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M. Csanad
Heavy-flavour production in fixed-target mode
Ó.B. García
session Joint (Higgs+BSM1)
Extended scalar sectors at the LHC
R. Santos
Extended scalar sectors and electroweak phase transition
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J.M. No
Exotic production and decays of the 125 GeV Higgs - ATLAS
R.B. Garg
Exotic production and decays of the 125 GeV Higgs in the CMS experiment
P. Das and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Searches for BSM scalars - ATLAS
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N. Kyriacou
Searches for BSM scalars - CMS
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R.K. Sharma
session Joint (Higgs+Top)
Higgs boson production in association with top quark at ATLAS
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V. Vecchio
Higgs boson production in association with top quark at CMS
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C. Ramon Alvarez
Higgs probes of top contact interactions and their interplay with Higgs self-coupling
S. Di Noi and R. Gröber
Measurement of ttW and ttbb from ATLAS and CMS
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S. Kazakos
ttH at NNLO
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J. Mazzitelli
session Joint (QCD+Flavour)
Charm and beauty production cross sections and fractions
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F. Catalano
Quarkonium production cross section and polarisation
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A. Rakotozafindrabe
Investigating the strong interaction between hadrons and light nuclei with femtoscopy and hypernuclei measurements (ALICE)
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R. Del Grande
Theoretical models for exotic heavy-flavour hadrons
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F.K. Guo
Rare or exotic light and heavy four-muon resonances at CMS
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S. Polikarpov
Hadron spectroscopy at LHCb
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L. Capriotti
Jet measurements in proton-proton collisions from ATLAS
O. Zaplatilek and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
session Joint (QCD+HeavyIons)
Studying the (pre)equilibrium stage using high- $p_\perp$ partons
B. Karmakar
Jet quenching and parton showers: the latest theoretical developments in heavy-ion collisions
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K. Kutak
Parton showers in pp/vacuum
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F. Herren
Pile-up and background correction techniques from pp to AA
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P. Berta
Jet measurements in small systems relevant for in medium modifications
A.J. Radl and  on behalf of the ALICE , ATLAS , and CMS Collaborations
Jet substructure measurements in heavy-ion collisions
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R. Vertesi
Inclusive jets and dijet suppression in heavy ion collisions
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M. Spousta
session Joint (Upgrade+Perf/Tools)
HL-LHC and Beyond Computing Challenges
E. Kourlitis
CMS Level-1 Trigger Upgrade
J.E. Palencia Cortezon and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Future Timing Detectors in LHCb and Beyond
M. Bartolini and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Hetergenous Architectures
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W. Redjeb
Fast Interfaces
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T. Aarrestad
session Joint EFT (Higgs+EWK+Top)
Status of SMEFT Fits and Unbinned Likelihoods
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M. Madigan
Higgs/Top/EWK and Global EFT results at ATLAS
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E. Rossi
Higgs/Top/EWK and Global EFT results at CMS
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D. Valsecchi
SMEFT in 4 top production
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H. El Faham
Experimental aspects from Heavy Flavour in EFT
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P.H. Owen
Simultaneous determination of SMEFT and PDFs
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L. Mantani
Probing Top-quark Operators with Precision Electroweak Measurements
session Heavy Ion Physics
Anisotropic flow in large and small systems
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V.E. Ambrus
Flow and correlations measurements in small and large systems
L.A. Tarasovicova and  on behalf of the ALICE , ATLAS , and CMS Collaborations
Event-by-event fluctuations
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T. Nayak
Two-particle femtoscopic correlation measurements
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M. Csanad
How can LHC data contribute to cosmic rays studies?
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M. Korsmeier
Fixed-target measurements contributing to cosmic ray studies
G. Graziani and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
(Anti)nuclei production at colliders relavant for astroparticle physics
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P. Larionov
Hadronisation in event generators from small to large systems
Y. Kanakubo, Y. Tachibana and T. Hirano
Theoretical overview of heavy-flavor hadronization
V. Minissale, S. Plumari and V. Greco
Modification of heavy-quark hadronisation as a function of multiplicity
Light (anti)nuclei production in small systems
R. Rath and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Strangeness production in jets and out of jets in small systems
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C. De Martin
Light-by-light scattering and high mass dilepton production in UPC
K. Cieśla and  on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
Probing gluons in nuclei using UPC
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J.G. Contreras Nuno
session Electroweak Physics
Recent measurements of electroweak boson pair production of massive boson plus a photon and two jets from the CMS and ATLAS experiments
Y. An and  on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
VBS/VBF theory developments
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R. Ruiz
VBS/VBF measurements (without photons) at ATLAS
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C. Mwewa
VBS/VBF measurements (without photons) at CMS
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G. Boldrini
Theory predictions and event generation for polarisation measurements
G. Pelliccioli
Recent diboson and polarization measurements at ATLAS
J. Pretel and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Recent diboson and polarization measurements at CMS
S. Bhattacharya and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Higher-order corrections in multiboson production
S. Zanoli
Triboson measurements at ATLAS and CMS
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A. Ambler
Vector boson modeling for precision physics
T. Neumann
Recent EWK precision measurements in CMS
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V. Cherepanov
Recent EWK precision measurements in ATLAS
Recent WZ precision measurements in LHCb
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J. Deng
Redefining Higgs interactions at the TeV scale
R.G. Ambrosio, R.L. Delgado, J. Martínez-Martín, A. Salas-Bernárdez and J. Sanz-Cillero
session Beyond SM 1 (TeV-Scale)
Vector like quarks and/ or leptoquarks
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B. Stefanek
VLQ searches and hadronic final states - ATLAS
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V. Ellajosyula
VLQ searches and hadronic final states at CMS experiment
A. Cagnotta and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Leptoquarks and other leptonic final states - ATLAS
G. Padovano and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Leptoquarks and other leptonic final states - CMS
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H. Saka
High mass resonances - extra gauge bosons and other exotics
E. Accomando
Supersymmetry - ATLAS
X. Lou and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Recent Searches for Supersymmetry in CMS
S. Sekmen and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Supersymmetry - Theory
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M.D. Goodsell
Search for new physics using unsupervised machine learning for anomaly detection with ATLAS
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R. Zhang
CMS highlights on searches for new physics in final states with jets
E. Vourliotis and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
session Beyond SM 2 (Feebly Interacting Particles)
Overview of searches, prospects, what are we missing?
V.M. Lozano
LLP overview: theory perspective
G. Cottin
HNL overview: theory perspective
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J. Klaric
HNL experimental results from the LHC
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R. Tramontano
LLP results from CMS
A. Li and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Installation of proANUBIS – a proof-of-concept demonstrator for the ANUBIS experiment
A. Shah and  on behalf of the ANUBIS collaboration
Overview for Axions/ALPs: theory perspective
M. Schnubel
Axion results from the LHC including future prospects
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D. Zuliani
MilliQan and MoEDAL-MAPP status and prospects
FASER status and prospects
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N. Tarannum
Overview of New physics searches at the Forward Physics Facility
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R.M. Abraham
Semi-visible jets, a.k.a. Dark showers: theory perspective
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S. Kulkarni
Semi-visible jets, a.k.a. Dark showers: experimental status
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S. Sinha
Prompt signature searches in ATLAS
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A. Lopez Solis
Prompt signature searches in CMS
X. Yan and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Search for Dark Matter at NA62 and NA64 experiments
V. Duk, M. Kirsanov,  on behalf of the NA62 Collaboration and  on behalf of the NA64 collaboration
LLP results from ATLAS
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M. Naseri
session Higgs Physics
Higgs boson couplings at ATLAS
L. Fiorini and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Higgs boson couplings at CMS
F. Monti and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Higgs boson fiducial differential cross section measurements at CMS
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V. Milosevic
Higgs boson fiducial differential cross section measurements at ATLAS
R. Di Nardo and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Probes of CP-violating Higgs couplings and their impact on baryogenesis
M. Menen, H. Bahl, E. Fuchs, M. Hannig, S. Heinemeyer, J. Katzy, K. Peters, M. Saimpert and G.R. Weiglein
Higgs boson rare production and decay at ATLAS and CMS
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T. Orimoto
Theory overview of Offshell Taskforce
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E. Vryonidou
Higgs boson mass, width, CP and anomalous couplings measurements at CMS
Higgs boson mass, width, CP and anomalous couplings measurements at ATLAS
Higgs couplings at a muon collider
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P. Meade
Non-resonant HH production and Higgs self-coupling at ATLAS
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R.J. Hyneman
Non-resonant HH production and Higgs self-coupling at CMS
S. Nandan and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Precise SMEFT predictions for di-Higgs production
session Closing session
Experimental highlights from LHCP 2023
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R. Hawkings
“Theory perspective” talk at LHCp 2023
session Opening session
Overall CERN view, status and plans
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J.J. Mnich
Status of the LHC
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R. Jones
ALICE status and overview
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I. Altsybeev
LHCb status and overview
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C. Gobel
ATLAS status and overview
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S. Demers
CMS status and overview
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L. Silverstris
Diversity, inclusion and outreach report
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G.M. Pietrzyk
Report from the LHC experiments' young scientist forums
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O. Gudnadottir
session Plenary session
Current issues in flavor physics
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A. Dery
CKM and CPV measurements in the beauty and charm sector
L. Hao and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Rare heavy flavor decays and LFV
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R.W. Jones
Quark-gluon plasma properties from LHC data
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A.R. Timmins
Recent improvements in QCD predictions.
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G. Zanderighi
Hadron spectroscopy and hadron-hadron interactions
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V. Mantovani Sarti
QCD measurements in pp collisions: from the underlying event to jets
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A. Bermudez Martinez
Recent Developments in Heavy-Ion Theory: Soft and Hard Probes
The limits of QGP-like effects towards smaller systems: from Pb-Pb down to pp and fixed-target collisions
N. Jacazio and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Flavour anomalies in $𝒃\rightarrow 𝒔ℓ^+ℓ^−$ and $𝒃 \rightarrow 𝒄ℓ𝝂_ℓ$ transitions
F. Reiss and  on behalf of LHCb, ATLAS and CMS collaborations
BSM theory perspectives for Run 3
Testing BSM with the Higgs
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G. Durieux
Heavy resonance searches
Investigating interactions in the quark-gluon plasma with high pT probes
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L.C. Mendez
Non-resonant searches at TeV scale
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K.H. Martin Kwok
Searches with displaced particles
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L. Shchutska
Prompt searches for feebly interacting particles
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E. Reynolds
Precision Higgs Physics
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R. Harlander
FIMP Dark Matter at the LHC
S. Westhoff
Machine learning for LHC physics
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R. Winterhalder
ALICE upgrades
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R. Münzer
LHCb upgrades
F. Ferrari and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
CMS upgrades
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J. Alimena
ATLAS upgrades
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M. Kocian
Measurement of Higgs boson production and properties
C. Arcangeletti and  on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
Search for rare/BSM Higgs boson decays and BSM Higgs sector
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M. Chertok
EFTs, models, and matching: a few examples
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S. Banerjee
Top properties, including top mass
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T.J. Stevenson
Precision top quark physics
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M. Grazzini
Top cross-section measurements and rare $t\overline{t}X$ processes
M. Quinnan and  on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
Multiboson measurements
W/Z precision and differential measurements
F. Balli and  On behalf of the ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Collaborations
Importance of LQCD to precision physics
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A.X. El-Khadra
EW precision predictions and QCD-EW interplay for the LHC
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J. Lindert
session Poster session
LUXE: A new experiment to study non-perturbative QED and search for new particles in electron-laser and photon-laser collisions
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F. Meloni
Analyses together strong: Optimal combination of LHC new physics searches.
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H.A. Reyes Gonzalez
Influence of the nonextensivity on the transport properties of a magnetized hot QCD medium
S. Rath and S. Dash
Searching for Scalar Leptoquarks at the LHC/FCC and a Muon Collider
S. Parashar, P. Bandyopadhyay, A. Karan, R. Mandal, A. Avnish and K. Ghosh
Development of tracking software and detector design studies for the proposed FASER-2 experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
O. Salin, A. Barr and  on behalf of FASER 2 collaboration
The decay $A^{0}\rightarrow hZ^{*}$ in the inverted hierarchy and the production for $A^{0}$ at the LHC in normal hierarchy in 2HDM
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S. Alanazi
ATLAS ITk Pixel Detector Overview
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A.R. Petri
Construction of the ATLAS ITk strip detector for the HL-LHC era
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D. Zhang
ATLAS Forward Proton Time-of-Flight detectors: status, performance and new physics results
V. Sothilingam and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Overview of ATLAS forward proton detectors: status, performance and new physics results
T. Mlinarevic and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Overview of the ATLAS High-Granularity Timing Detector: project status and results
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Y. El Ghazali
ATLAS LAr Calorimeter Commissioning for LHC Run-3
M. Lyukova and  on the behalf of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter group
ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Frontend electronics Phase-2 upgrade
E. Mazzeo and  on the behalf of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter group
Luminosity determination for the measurement of the total proton-proton cross section and the $\rho$ -parameter at 13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
E. Sanzani and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition Upgrades for the High Luminosity LHC
N. Dos Santos Fernandes and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Performance and calibration of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
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A. Aikot
The ATLAS Trigger System
R. Barrué and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
ATLAS Full Run 2 Search for Direct Stau Production using Machine Learning
D. Jones
EFT interpretation of off-shell Higgs boson to $ZZ \rightarrow 4\ell$ and $ZZ \rightarrow 2\ell2\nu$ decay channels at ATLAS
Y. Wei and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Rejecting $g\rightarrow b\bar{b}$ jets in the ATLAS b-jet triggers
Exclusive pion pair production at$ \sqrt(s) = 7 TeV$
M. Trzebinski and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Measurement of Cross Sections of Electroweak and Total Production of $Z\gamma jj$ at 13 TeV with ATLAS
G. Poddar and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Comparison of two approaches to jet reconstruction in proton-lead collisions in ATLAS
P.A. Potepa and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Gradient Boosting MUST taggers for highly-boosted jets
R.M. Sandá Seoane and J.F. Seabra
Resummation effects in HECO pair production at the LHC: UFO implementation
E. Musumeci
Measuring mass and width of the W-boson with the ATLAS detector
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P. Konig
Measurement of the Total Cross Section and $\rho$-parameter from Elastic Scattering at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV
S.J. Arbiol Val and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
First measurement of the t-channel single top production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 5.02$ TeV with the ATLAS experiment
L. Pintucci and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Optimization of light-by-light triggers from 2022 pilot lead-lead run in ATLAS
K. Domijan and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Event-by-event fluctuations of mean transverse momentum in Pb--Pb and Xe--Xe collisions with ALICE
T. Tripathy and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Electromagnetic interaction of colliding Q-Gaussian beams
M. Abed, A. Babaev and L. Sukhikh
The new ALICE Fast Interaction Trigger in LHC Run 3
A. Molander and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Understanding the rescattering effect on $\Lambda$(1520) resonance production in different systems and collision energies with ALICE at LHC
S. Padhan and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
News from the International Particle Physics Outreach Group
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R.M. Hadjiiska
Scaling properties of light and heavy-flavor jets in high-energy proton-proton collisions
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R. Vertesi
Performance of Phase-2 CMS Inner Tracker CROC-V1 modules in a serial power chain
F. Stager and  on behalf of the CMS Tracker Group
Radiation Tolerance Tests for SFP+ Transceivers
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Y. Ohsumi
The role of the underlying event in the heavy-flavor baryon enhancement
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R. Vertesi
Design and commissioning with first Run 3 data of new triggers to search for the CLFV $\tau \rightarrow 3\mu$ decay at the CMS experiment
C. Aruta and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Machine Learning Techniques for JetMET Data Certification of the CMS Detector
Search for the Z boson decay to τ τ μ μ in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
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S. Leontsinis
Search for the Higgs boson decay into a charm quark-antiquark pair at the CMS experiment and future developments
A. Zaza and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Monitoring the CMS endcap muon cathode strip chambers for aging
N. Rawal
Higgs mass measurement in $H\rightarrow ZZ^{*} \rightarrow 4\ell$
D. Troiano and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
All-Hadronic four-top production at 13 TeV with the CMS experiment
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M. Quinnan
Towards the first observation of four top quark production in multilepton final states with the CMS experiment
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N. Van Den Bossche
Luminosity Calibration at the CMS Experiment
A.J. Radl and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
AutoEncoders for per-lumisection data quality monitoring at CMS
A. Papanastassiou, V. Gori and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Vertical Integration System Testing of the CMS HGCAL Electronics
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M. Vojinovic
Accelerating Full and Fast Simulation of the CMS Experiment
N. Krammer and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Search for EFT in top quark production with additional leptons
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A. Trapote Fernandez
Longevity studies and search for eco-friendly gas mixture for CMS Cathode Strip Chambers
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A. Madhu
Performance of muon identification and isolation with multivariate techniques at the CMS experiment in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
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C. Ramon Alvarez
Luminosity determination using Z boson production at the CMS experiment
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D. Walter
The CMS tracker upgrade for the High Luminosity LHC
F. Luongo and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
The CMS tracker performance in Run3
T. Bevilacqua and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
New results on beauty baryon decays from CMS
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M. Sergeev
Engaging Classrooms: ATLAS Visits, Virtual Visits, Cheat Sheets, and More
E.M. Le Boulicaut Ennis and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Evolution of Regional, Age and Gender Demographics in the ATLAS Collaboration
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R.J. Hyneman
Engaging the Public at Festivals and Conferences
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R.W. Jones
Engaging Universities and Beyond – Open Data for Education and Research
L. Toffolin and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Engaging Youth: Education and outreach for ages 0-12 with the ATLAS Experiment
E.M. Le Boulicaut Ennis, A.L. Solis and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Probing 95 GeV Higgs in the 2HDM Type-III
S. Semlali, A. Belyaev, R. Benbrik, M. Boukidi, M. Chakraborti and S. Moretti
Search for exotic decay of the Higgs boson H->Za->llgg
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Z. Wang