3-10 September 2022 and 12–21 February 2023
Belgrade, Serbia and Pałac Wojanów (Jelenia Góra), Poland
published January 22, 2025
Entries on ADS

Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Approach (QG-MM, https://qg-mm.unizar.es/) is an initiative with a goal to investigate possible signatures predicted by quantum gravity models in the observation of different cosmic messengers, such as gamma rays, neutrinos, cosmic rays and gravitational waves. The success of such endeavor requires a close collaboration of scientists from very different backgrounds, ranging from experimentalists specialized in data collection and analyses for specific cosmic messengers, to theorists working on different quantum gravity models.

A fundamental ingredient to make such cooperation effective is to share a common language and be familiar with the tools used by the different communities. This is where the role of the schools comes in as fundamental: their goal is to start training a generation of young scientists in the interdisciplinary expertise on quantum gravity theories and models and on experimental and theoretical approaches to multi-messenger astroparticle physics.

As such, the different editions of the Training School offer lectures from experts on different facets of the scientific gear the students will acquire, including data analysis and interpretation for individual sources, the creation and analysis of joint datasets of different cosmic messengers, the interplay between quantum gravity theory modeling and phenomenological predictions.  

These were the second and third in a series of Training Schools organized by QG-MM. The third school was held jointly with the 59th edition of the Winter School of Theoretical Physics.
The lecture notes from the first Training School have been published in https://pos.sissa.it/406/#session-4469.
The schools are aimed at Master and PhD students, as well as early-career postdocs.

This publication is based upon work from COST Action CA18108 "Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Approach", supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). COST (https://www.cost.eu/) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. COST Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

Editorial Board

  • Jose Manuel Carmona
    U. de Saragoza
  • Armando di Matteo
    INFN, Sezione di Torino
  • Marija Dimitrijević Ćirić
    University of Belgrade (Serbia)
  • Goran S. Djordjević
    Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Serbia
  • Remigiusz Durka
    University of Wrocław (Poland)
  • Rodrigo Gracia Ruiz
    IPHC, Strasbourg (France)
  • Giulia Gubitosi
    University of Naples Federico II
  • Nikola Konjik
    Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade
  • Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman
    Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw, Poland; National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland
  • Milan Milošević
    Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Serbia
  • Carlos Pérez de los Heros
    Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, SE-75120 Uppsala, Sweden
  • Christian Pfeifer
    University of Bremen, ZARM
  • Giacomo Rosati
    IFT Wroclaw University
  • Tomislav Terzić
    University of Rijeka, Department of Physics
  • Tomasz Trześniewski
    University of Wrocław (Poland)
conference main image
Second Training School
Third Training School
Second Training School
Effective field theories and the Standard Model extensions
O. Antipin and J. Bersini
The physics of gravitational waves
E. Barausse and N. Coauthors
Gamma-ray data collection, calibration and analysis for Lorentz invariance violation studies
J. Bolmont, A. Campoy-Ordaz and J. Strišković
Black holes in the classical and quantum world
R. Emparan, E. Barakovic, R. Dekhil and F. Rescic
Detection and phenomenology of cosmic neutrinos
A. Kouchner, A.A. Vigliano and M. Lamoureux
Observational cosmology
file missing
M. Simonović
Introduction to noncommutative field and gauge theory
P. Vitale, M. Adamo, R. Dekhil and D. Fernández-Silvestre
Third Training School
Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of multi-messenger astronomy
file missing
G. Amelino-Camelia
Search for Lorentz Invariance Violation with time-lag on gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope data : From the data to the time lag constraints
A. Campoy-Ordaz, U. Pensec, C. Plard, A.A. Vigliano and S. Caroff
Cornering quantum gravity
L. Ciambelli, A. D'Alise, V. D'Esposito, D. Đorđevic, D. Fernández-Silvestre and L. Varrin
Astrophysical black holes: theory and observations
M. Adamo and A. Maselli
Modified gravity theories
file missing
E. Saridakis
Cosmology: observations
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B. Wandelt