The annual ISGC virtual conference will be held from 21 to 25 March of 2022. While the research data are becoming a real asset nowadays, it is an information and knowledge gained through thorough analysis that makes them so valuable. To process vast amounts of data collected, novel high performance data analytics methods and tools are needed, combining classical simulation oriented approaches, big data processing and advanced AI methods. Such a combination is not straightforward and needs novel insights at all levels of the computing environment – from the network and hardware fabrics through the operating systems and middleware to the platforms and software, not forgetting the security – to support data oriented research. Challenging use cases that apply difficult scientific problems are necessary to properly drive the evolution and also to validate such high performance data analytics environments.
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications Session |
Machine Learning inference using PYNQ environment in a AWS EC2 F1 Instance
Quantum Computing and Simulation Platform for HEP at IHEP
Exploiting INFN-Cloud to implement a Cloud solution to support the CYGNO computing model
Development of a Scout Job Framework for Improving Efficiency of Analysis Jobs in Belle II Distributed Computing System
Study for jet flavor tagging by using machine learning
Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications Session |
Downscaling of precipitation over the Taiwan region by a conditional Generative Adversarial Network
Data Management & Big Data Session |
Exploiting Big Data solutions for CMS computing operations analytics
Long-term Storage Achieves of IHEP: From CASTOR to EOSCTA
Open-source and cloud-native solutions for managing and analyzing heterogeneous and sensitive clinical Data
Virtual Research Environment (VRE) |
Data Analysis Integrated Software System in IHEP, design and implementation
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualizations Session |
Cloud native approach for Machine Learning as a Service for High Energy Physics
Implementation of CMSWEB Services Deployment Procedures using HELM
Running Fermi-LAT analysis on Cloud: the experience with DODAS with EGI-ACE Project
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations Session |
Caching for dataset-based workloads with heterogeneous file sizes
Supporting Multiple Concurrent Usage Patterns on the HTCondor-Based HTC Computing System at IHEP
Operation and maintenance analysis platform at IHEP
Malicious Traffic Detection with Class Imbalanced Data Based on Coarse-grained Labels
Converging High Performance Computing Infrastructures: Supercomputers, clouds, accelerators Session |
Large Scale ARM Computing Cluster and its Application in HEP
Artificial Intelligence Session |
Application of transfer learning to event classification in collider physics
Sparse-view CT reconstruction based on fusion learning in hybrid domain
Reinforce-lib: A Reinforcement Learning Library for Scientific Research
Software defect prediction: A study on software metrics using statistical and machine learning methods
A Weakly-supervised Method for Encrypted Malicious Traffic Detection