The XV Hadron Physics online workshop took place during September 13 to 17, 2021. The event was hosted by Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), which is part of Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial (DCTA) in the city of São José dos Campos, São Paulo State.
The series Hadron Physics, in activity since 1988, has the format of an advanced summer school format, consisting of thematic lectures and plenary talks, on frontier topics in the physics of strong interactions, as well as poster presentation. It is characterized by the active participation of graduate students and postdocs, as well as young researchers newly hired in educational institutions. It also promotes collaboration between groups in Latin America and groups of excellence distributed around the world.
All the lectures and seminars were recorded, as well as the posters, which can be accessed through the webpage: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/19502/
The topics of the workshop covered:
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
Hadronic and quark matter - applications in astrophysics
Hadronic structure - reactions, production, and decays
Lattice QCD - methods and results
Relativistic heavy-ion reactions - new data, analyses, and models
Strong and electroweak interactions in the standard model
Sessions |
Section Lectures |
Section Seminars |
Section Flash Talks |
Section Posters |
Section Lectures |
Neutron stars: The journey from birth to death.
Section Seminars |
Exotic heavy hadrons with a three-body nature
Light meson-quark couplings and radii: ratios from one loop calculation
Exotic hadrons in heavy ion collisions
Chiral symmetry breaking in Curci-Ferrari model
Final State Interactions in 3-body decay: challenges and future
Photon induced processes from semi-central to ultraperipheral heavy-ion collisions
Section Flash Talks |
Exclusive heavy vector meson photoproduction with momentum transfer squared dependence in UPCs
Electrically charged strange stars with an interacting quark matter equation of state
Cosmological implications of the QCD phase transition in the Early Universe
Section Posters |
A comparative analysis for the form factors and coupling constant of the $D_s DK^*$ meson vertex
Kaon, Nucleon and $\Delta^*$ Resonances with Hidden Charm
Relativistic Mean Field Model constrained by Astrophysical Measurements
QCD phase diagram constructed with effective models
Production of charmed mesons, baryons and tetraquarks in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC
Renormalization group improved QCD thermodynamics
Neutrino process for nuclei involved in r-process nucleosynthesis: cross section to nuclei with A<30
Exclusive vector meson production in electron – ion collisions at the future colliders
System size dependence of the K∗/K ratio at LHC energies
The tension between radius and deformability in quark stars
Thermodynamics of the three flavor PNJL0 model
Spin in two-dimensional fermion motion with circular symmetry
The Green function of the NJL--SU(2) model lagrangian with the AMM effect
Approaching small- and large-box regimes in field theory
Production of QED bound states in photon induced processes
Absorptive corrections in leading neutron production
A Simple Approach to the Charmonium Spectrum
Low-$Q^2$ parametrizations of the $\gamma^\ast N \to N^\ast$ transition amplitudes
Study of prompt photon production at the CERN LHC energies
Unsupervised machine learning correlations in EoS of neutron stars
Multiplicity moments at the LHC: how bad is the negative binomial distribution ?
Deconfinement phase transition in a thermodynamically consistent quark matter model
Self-consistent Modelling of Nuclear Processes in Solar Flares using FLUKA
Magnetic transitions in ultraperipheral collisions
Relativistic Landau levels via Feynman-Gell-Mann formulation
Improvements in the treatment of peripheral heavy ion collisions
Nucleon Electromagnetic and Axial Form Factors with a Light-front Constituent Quark Model
Asymptotic solutions to the full next-to-leading order Balitsky-Kovchegov equation
Isolated photon production in the color dipole picture